Jerry Rice Flying Coach

Looks like he at least sprang for the seat next to him.
Looks like Southwest, so no first class. I think this is awesome :)

yep...Heard it is quite common to see celebs on Southwest flights from LA to Vegas...Just convenience since Southwest has one going out like every hour
Ya that is southwest so there is no first class. guessing he boarded early though because he went emergency exit row for the extra leg room
Southwest, didn't know they had no first class.

They are one of my favorite companies. While their prices have gone up making them more comparable with other airlines, they are almost never late, the service is good and the flights are generally smooth. I fly weekly and I am sad every single time I have to fly into an airport that Southwest does not fly into.
He flys out of San Jose alot. I've seen him use southwest. I actually bought him a smoothie while we were waiting for our flights. He'll be in tahoe July 21st for the celebrity golf tournament. He watches Barkley by rounds for us. Never pitches in a penny