JB's NBA Hoops


Pretty much a regular
Newly created profile, been viewing the site and lurking from a distance for quite awhile now. Great collection of basketball insight so I decided to start posting my plays here. Fade material or what not it will help keep me honest. I use 3 levels of bets, 1 2 and 5 units. 5s are pretty rare.

In my experience when a new poster first starts posting picks he's either on fire are cold as ice. Here's to getting off to a good start.

2 Units:

San Antonio +6.5
Gl JBs on it at +5 will probably add a little later..
Thanks guys. I hopped on it early this morning. Hoping Parker being out is overblown. Spurs are 4-0 without him this year. Best road team in the league and Nets have been cold lately. Weird line though so we'll see.