Jamaria MOON To win Slam Dunk Contest

Sammy Meatballs

Sammy Meatballs? Never Heard of Her
Having seen MOON play quite a bit, my friend who is a raptors die hard was always telling me that Moon is not a good offensive player, but can jump through the roof. He said he is not good on O and is there for his D, even though he is raw.

My friend then told me MOON can jump 12 foot 7 inches high. I believe this because they showed him doing 2 dunks in a preview one in which he did a windmill and looked like he was in the air forever.

A second dunk they showed him jump about 1 foot and a half before the free throw line and then the noise of a dunk. My friend said they never actually showed him dunk the ball so it may be a trick, but he said he thinks Moon can dunk from that point. My friend said either MOON or Yag will win the contest.

This is true because the Gerald Green guy won it last year, and he will not have any new dunks and was not that good anyway.

Howard has no chance because he is too tall. Imagine a guy 6 feet trying to win a dunk contest on a rim 8 feet high. He cannot hang in the air and do any elusive moves.

I have never seen Yag dunk, but doubt it he can dunk as well as MOON.

IF moon can execute that AIr jordan dunk from 1 and half feet farther than Jordan did I can't see him losing. HIs windmill dunk made DOminques dunks look like amateur dunks.

When you can jump 12 feet 7 inches high I think you have a good chance at winning the contest.

Also they are looking for someone new every year to win this contest, and it is the guy who wows the crowd, and just like VInce won it his year I think MOON will have better dunks that Vince and more hops and more hang time in the air.
I have no horse in the event, as I don't see any real value in betting an event with so many variables; I'd much rather bet on the 3-point contest when it's in the player's hands.

But, with that said, I think Moon probably has the best value. His name alone gives him quite a few points, imo (no, i'm not kidding).

The lack of recognition is always valuable when considering the number you're getting, and no one knows who he is, so that should be a plus as well.

Though I wouldn't place a bet purely on the speculation that he can reach 12'7". That seems kind of silly. The main reason being that there's no proof that he's ever really done that, ya know? Good luck with it.

Agree that Howard probably has no chance, but not just because he's a Center.

Disagree that Green won't win because he won last year and is short on ideas. See Jason Richardson.

Oh, and I can attest that Rudy Yag can dunk, as I thought he was the most athletic leaper from his draft class by far; especially for 6'9".
I can't wait, I think its a 3 man race. Yag/Moon/Green.. dont sleep on Yag he's the real deal.

But, if Moon hits that Jordan dunk that might end it. GL
cant believe everyone is counting out howard especially how this yr its voted by the fans... howard will be a serious threat
cant believe everyone is counting out howard especially how this yr its voted by the fans... howard will be a serious threat

Actually, my only possible action on this event might be on Howard to lose, as I believe that's probably the surest bet. I love the guy, but this contest is just not designed for him and he's just not competing on a level playing field. I think the fan voting only decreases his chance of winning, imo.
If someone can post that vid of his dunks please do! I seen it once. He does one dunk where he takes off from BEYOND the foul line.

It's unreal....He is the favorite...No doubt
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Top 10 dunks from games as well:

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In regards to dunk contest strategy, I don't think there's anything worse than the high bounce/lob to yourself. It's incredibly difficult to execute under pressure and the pay off is very very small, imo. It just doesn't look spectacular. I just don't think it adds enough considering the difficulty it adds.
Are the contestants to tall these days? Seems like back in the day there were more SGs doing it, in the 6-4 to 6'8" range, Howard/Yag/Moon are so tall any lanky, I don't know if its a positive or negative to what degree of dunks they can do. Seems like the 'smaller' players, are able to contort and do more things midair. But I do like Moon, I slept on him early in the season, but he's nice with it, definitely the dunker I'm most excited to see tonight. BOL Tonight:cheers: