It's ok, you can say it. I won't think any less of you.

3rd & Long

Tom Brady is a douchebag
Anybody else here just a little bit giddy that Tom Brady got injured today?

Screw all that sportsmanship nonsense, I'm a gambler and a fan and I'll be happy to see the Patriots struggle the rest of the season if that's the case. Plus I made a nice sized bet on under 12.5 Patriot regular season wins. I used to feel bad for the people of Boston, in particular Red Sox fans, but now that their teams have some championships they have become just like the arrogant Yankee fans they despise so much. This might be the only thing that could make me happier than the 18-1 flop last season. Well, unless Matt Cassel ends up being the 2nd coming and Brady can't get back into the starting lineup, that would be the ultimate in karma (remember Drew Bledsoe and his near death internal injuries?)
Either way I'll admit it, I'm happy this smug, millionaire, supermodel banging, cheating douchebag bastard got hurt today.

I have randy moss on one of my fantasy teams and wes welker on another. so im hoping its nothing serious.
as much as i would never wish injury upon someone- i fucking hate that punk

only thing that coulda been better if belicheat got hit by a shanked kick or soemthing and got a concussion
had brady and welker last year, dont have any pats this year...sad to see a michigan man go down but its very good for my in fantasy i picked up cassel in my big league
Favre reveals Brady's injury?

By Greg A. Bedard

Sunday, Sep 7 2008, 05:20 PM

Miami Gardens, Fla. - Brett Favre has always been known to divulge a private conversation or two (James Campen, Mike McCathy, Ted Thompson, Laveranues Coles, etc.). Now he's leaking major injury news.

When asked after the Jets' 20-14 victory over the Dolphins about the knee injury suffered by New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady -- which happened while Favre was playing at Dolphins Stadium -- Favre might have let some inside information slip.
"I just found out about that," Favre said. "That's terrible. I guess it's an ACL or something. They've always overcome injuries and things like that, but that's pretty difficult."
Either Favre got a revealing text message from Brady within 30 minutes of the end of the game, or Favre was repeating the information the Jets are hearing out of Foxboro.
Karma catching up to him always being on the injury report with a bum shoulder ever fucking week. The lesson...don't mess with karma.
I hate that fucker. Don't wish injuries on anybody but I am tired of the Pats.

Lets all point and laugh at the chargers.HAHAHAHAHHA
I look at it purely from a betting perspective, and wow, it sure changes a whole bunch of games I had planned to go against the Pats on..
i agree teedub, as a fan i kind of smirked because i hate their pompous swagger, but then my smirk turned into a cringe when i realized all the value sucked out of the other side...
The man ONLY 31 years old -He's on his peak of his life !

I wished he 'll Okay

God bless him ...
Couldn't be happier and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Injuries are part of the game and they will happen. Since that's the reality I'm glad it happened to a player and team that I truly consider to be a force for evil. Since the Patriots have never showed class or sportsmanship, I see no reason to give them the same respect.No sympathy for the Patriots. As far as I'm concerned Kraft, Belichick and all the hateable players on their team deserve the season they're about to get.
Hate the guy, kill me when I go against him, screw me when I bet on him but wouldn't mind be in his shoe though, injured with millions in my account and a supermodel girlfriend, what more can you ask for?
and Randy Moss goes out and called it a "Dirty" play. He then goes on to say he has never been a "Dirty" player. Give me a break, what difference is the between a "dirty" player and "cheater"? None
bunch of haters. good for some bets, bad for others. just like any other injury, hate to see it happen but its the game they play. he's the best QB in the nfl. for pure football entertainment, i don't see how you could want him out for an entire year.
Karma catching up to him always being on the injury report with a bum shoulder ever fucking week. The lesson...don't mess with karma.

Spot on.

Ive got Moss in 2 fantasy leagues so that sucks, and I always liked Brady being a Michigan man and all, but Belichek is the biggest cocksucker in the NFL, reminds me of Bud Kilmer from Varsity Blues.

I can see him at halftime reaming whoever didnt finish the block on Pollard, I think it was Maroney ......"God damnit son! You cost me my perfect season!!!!!"
3rd & Long....I got two responses for you.

1 - Fuck Tom Brady. He plays football for millions of dollars.
He's not the first to get hurt and won't be the last.
Just because he's Tom Fucking Brady don't mean shit.
Make some fucking room for the next guy, who cares.

2 - Man, I love your avatar.

Brady needs DPed with Mossweed and Cheatichek, that's all I'm going to say against my least favorite team. I will now have to rethink my plan of fading the Pats the entire season as value w/o Tom Terrific is lessened.
Cracks me up:

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i hate the pats and am glad boston fans are suffering, but it sucks cuz brady is a lot of fun to watch at qb.
Anybody else here just a little bit giddy that Tom Brady got injured today?

Screw all that sportsmanship nonsense, I'm a gambler and a fan and I'll be happy to see the Patriots struggle the rest of the season if that's the case. Plus I made a nice sized bet on under 12.5 Patriot regular season wins. I used to feel bad for the people of Boston, in particular Red Sox fans, but now that their teams have some championships they have become just like the arrogant Yankee fans they despise so much. This might be the only thing that could make me happier than the 18-1 flop last season. Well, unless Matt Cassel ends up being the 2nd coming and Brady can't get back into the starting lineup, that would be the ultimate in karma (remember Drew Bledsoe and his near death internal injuries?)
Either way I'll admit it, I'm happy this smug, millionaire, supermodel banging, cheating douchebag bastard got hurt today.


Kinda would like to see you blowout your ACL