It started in 2010.... And in 2019 I vow to you....


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Until the league reforms the officiating I will NEVER watch another regular season game. I will track box scores for possible halftime bets but that is it. I just wasted 3.5 hours watching a game that was pre-determined before it even started. Fondy is correct, this is fucking wrestling. It makes David Stern NBA seem tame. I know this happens everywhere in the league but dammit if two games in a row the refs have done this (much worse tonight obviously). The only thing keeping me in check is that at least Booger called it out. Too many times these TV people are too scared to.

Okay, I am sure I have missed some but lets go through them...
There is plenty more.

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This happens to many teams... but no one has been jail sexed like Detroit over the years.

The flag happy, too scared of hits NFL just isn't fun.

I'll watch the playoffs because generally (relax Twinkie) there are less agendas in the postseason but also the crappy officials are less prevalent.

Anyways, adios NFL regular season!

Leave on this note to understand the true impact...

Also, I can't find the still shot but that Lazard TD he wasn't in the EZ. He was short. Well short...


That is story and I am sticking too it. The only satisfaction tonight is the NFL is getting absolutely grilled right now.

The funny thing is people are complaining that GB was a bad beat due to kneeling at the 1. Yes, a bad beat....a game they had no business winning and certainly were never even leading in.

Also, I can't find the still shot but that Lazard TD he wasn't in the EZ. He was short. Well short...


That is story and I am sticking too it. The only satisfaction tonight is the NFL is getting absolutely grilled right now.

The funny thing is people are complaining that GB was a bad beat due to kneeling at the 1. Yes, a bad beat....a game they had no business winning and certainly were never even leading in.


Shaker thought the same thing about him being short. While his knee was down, he didn't have possession of the ball (he was bobbling). He got full possession and was over the line at that time. So his late catch "saved" the TD.
The last two full football games I’ve watched, the refs have clearly tried without a reasonable doubt to determine the outcome. As a Lions fan, I can say this objectively as I was rooting for Iowa Sat night with a fairly large wager and lost, but they tried to screw PSU repeatedly. Tonight was just disgusting.

I’ll never by fact there aren’t instructions given to refs about which why game should go by higher powers. You want your Packers and Rodgers in the playoffs. You want to button it up for OSU if PSU loses. Follow the $, you have your answers.

But I’ll still watch and bet here or there. Ironically, because it’s my only escape from the real world, besides exercise. But man, criminal charges could probably be pressed in both games I just watched this weekend.
Yea... I was unsure about the Lions TD early, but you guys definitely got screwed on both illegal hands to the face
So I am guessing. Using my cap the capper strategy, that there was a missed call or more in the NFL game tonight?
Disregard Fondy...kinda... When you have this much uproar from game commentary... Media after...players...former players... Yeah...
Clete Blakeman refused to admit fault. He basically just decided to make shit up during his interview after.
Also, I can't find the still shot but that Lazard TD he wasn't in the EZ. He was short. Well short...


That is story and I am sticking too it. The only satisfaction tonight is the NFL is getting absolutely grilled right now.

The funny thing is people are complaining that GB was a bad beat due to kneeling at the 1. Yes, a bad beat....a game they had no business winning and certainly were never even leading in.


Instead of enforcing the rules they make them.

League doesn’t care though, only way to stop the bullshit is to turn off the TV and stop going to games. Never gonna happen unfortunately.

These guys make David Stern look like an angel.
It was truly abysmal. I get missing a call or 2, but the 2nd hands to the face is the straw.
That's the thing. It wasn't 1-2 calls... It was 4 hours or more in less than a half. All were critical too. I haven't seen that many bad calls against one team in pro or college since November of 2016. Disgusting.
The last two full football games I’ve watched, the refs have clearly tried without a reasonable doubt to determine the outcome. As a Lions fan, I can say this objectively as I was rooting for Iowa Sat night with a fairly large wager and lost, but they tried to screw PSU repeatedly. Tonight was just disgusting.

I’ll never by fact there aren’t instructions given to refs about which why game should go by higher powers. You want your Packers and Rodgers in the playoffs. You want to button it up for OSU if PSU loses. Follow the $, you have your answers.

But I’ll still watch and bet here or there. Ironically, because it’s my only escape from the real world, besides exercise. But man, criminal charges could probably be pressed in both games I just watched this weekend.

The problem with all of this fixing games BS talk is that nobody feels the league has the same agenda. For instance, after week 3 we heard that the Eagles game was fixed and that’s the league wanted to keep parity in the division and make it where everyone still had a shot to win the division. Now, it’s that GB is the darling? Using the previous logic, a Det win last night would have given the division the most parity. Basically, anyone can fit this “game fixing” BS into their narrative.

And wasn’t everyone saying the game was being fixed for Detroit in the first half? Good fucking grief can we stop with this game fixing bull shit? The NFL officials just suck cock at their job and the NFL likes it that way. The end.
That's the thing. It wasn't 1-2 calls... It was 4 hours or more in less than a half. All were critical too. I haven't seen that many bad calls against one team in pro or college since November of 2016. Disgusting.
I feel like it happens weekly. 1H seemed relatively clean. It was just the 2 and a half obvious ones to where if only 2... Lions win.

1. Hands to face leading to TD
2. I’m counting as a half but the PI. Why a half, challenge it.
3. Second hands to face
I feel like it happens weekly. 1H seemed relatively clean. It was just the 2 and a half obvious ones to where if only 2... Lions win.

1. Hands to face leading to TD
2. I’m counting as a half but the PI. Why a half, challenge it.
3. Second hands to face

First half was relitively clean, except for that play on the goal line where the Lions scored...and everyone seemed to be bitching that the game was being fixed against GB. Literally that happened in the in-game on here. 2 hours later and somehow the fix was in for GB all along? Lololololol
I think we can agree on this: the NFL needs a serious referee reform. Until it fixes this problem, the on-field product lacks the required integrity to make it a watchable, enjoyable, respectable product.

It is not fun to watch a sport in which games are decided by referees. We all like the competitive aspect and want these world-class athletes to earn their victories.
I think we can agree on this: the NFL needs a serious referee reform. Until it fixes this problem, the on-field product lacks the required integrity to make it a watchable, enjoyable, respectable product.

It is not fun to watch a sport in which games are decided by referees. We all like the competitive aspect and want these world-class athletes to earn their victories.

We’ve agreed on this for years and years though. Again, the NFL doesn’t actually care and wants the officials being exactly what they currently are. If they wanted to fix the problem, there is one easy solution (a few, but one glaring solution that goes hand in hand with any others).

As I said last night, the NFL is like the WWE without the scripting. They don’t need to script it when the officials are what they are. The NFL is always talked about because of the “controversial” calls and keeps them in the forefront of most sports fans’ minds. Meanwhile, they print money and nobody is actually going to stop watching the games. They’ve got the sports world by the balls, and they know it.
We’ve agreed on this for years and years though. Again, the NFL doesn’t actually care and wants the officials being exactly what they currently are. If they wanted to fix the problem, there is one easy solution (a few, but one glaring solution that goes hand in hand with any others).

As I said last night, the NFL is like the WWE without the scripting. They don’t need to script it when the officials are what they are. The NFL is always talked about because of the “controversial” calls and keeps them in the forefront of most sports fans’ minds. Meanwhile, they print money and nobody is actually going to stop watching the games. They’ve got the sports world by the balls, and they know it.
Spot on. They usually only have a play or two tops in a game that is controversial. Last night, as I stated, was so many in the 2h it was out of hand. The thing is, none were debatable. They were outright blown calls right in front of officials. There was no grey area. The examples of this decade of fuckery for the Lions were simply one huge call in a game. Last night it started in the 3rd quarter and kept piling on. It was surreal.
I had this experience in the Virginia-Notre Dame game. The referee analyst guy even said outright on the broadcast that Virginia was getting hosed. I had never seen such a penalty blitz in favor of a team and it literally gave the Irish two first-half touchdowns.
The problem with all of this fixing games BS talk is that nobody feels the league has the same agenda. For instance, after week 3 we heard that the Eagles game was fixed and that’s the league wanted to keep parity in the division and make it where everyone still had a shot to win the division. Now, it’s that GB is the darling? Using the previous logic, a Det win last night would have given the division the most parity. Basically, anyone can fit this “game fixing” BS into their narrative.

And wasn’t everyone saying the game was being fixed for Detroit in the first half? Good fucking grief can we stop with this game fixing bull shit? The NFL officials just suck cock at their job and the NFL likes it that way. The end.
I was referencing two games. So perhaps you missed the game Saturday. If you don’t think there are influencers at the top and refs given certain instructions at times, that’s your right. I can’t be so naive. Winning games is big $$ for too many. There are many reasons why things happen in this regard, some of which is utter incompetence. But I won’t ever believe commissioners of college football conferences or the NFL don’t dip their pen in the zebra ink. Believing there is no way they do is exactly what allows them to get away with this.

The more money, the more corruption.
Honestly, I didn't think there was PI on the deep ball to Marvin. Yes the DB started with an arm draped across the upper chest, but it didn't look like he was forcefully pushing Marvin down. If he was Marvin would have never been able to get his arms above his head to try to make the catch, and by the time the ball arrived the DB also had his same arm off Marvin's chest and between his hands and actually knocked the ball away. So I don't see PI because Marvin had a reasonable chance to make the catch and the defensive play was the ball being knocked away and not Marvin being thrown off balance.

The hands to face calls were both poor but the LT sold it very well and the ref isn't in a position to know the difference between hand on shoulder vs hand on facemask. I'm not sure why hand to the face is even a penalty to be honest, especially in the trenches. I don't see a significant safety benefit or any advantage gained by the D.

And that still isn't PI on Hitchens in the playoff game.....he didn't initiate contact when the ball arrived. Tell Stafford to put some air under it and stop under throwing guys. ;)
It is undeniable that the refs in this league are trash. And the facts posted in this thread show that teams like the Packers have benefitted from this while teams like the Lions have gotten the shaft. But why? Just to see Rodgers get the W in prime time? Nah, not in a reg season game. In fact, the NFL would probably have done better if the Packers lost and Detroit won, you never want a team running away with the division in October, you want more interesting/meaningful games later in the year.

So if you think the refs are cheating for GB or against Detroit, I guess my question is why? And I say that with full understanding of how you feel, I often feel like the Eagles get called for PI every time they breathe near a WR whereas our guys get mugged and theres never anything.

I think that the better explanation is that overall, refs just suck ass at their job, and it just so happens that the packers have been beneficiaries of this. It is a problem but the thing is the NFL isn't going to do shit because they don't have to bc its not actually losing them any money
Mitch on VSIN this morning brought up a great point. A team could have 3rd & 95 on their own 5 but if there's a defensive holding or hands to the face it's an auto 1st down. That's pretty fucked up when you think about it.

I didn't watch any football this past Sunday (mostly cause the Pats weren't playing) for the first time in a long time. I listened to Sirius on my phone to catch updates, burned brush in the back yard, drank beer & played with the dog. Gotta say, I didn't miss it too much & was productive.
Yeah, it is outdated how they assess penalties but that helps offenses... promotes scoring. Bingo.
I was referencing two games. So perhaps you missed the game Saturday. If you don’t think there are influencers at the top and refs given certain instructions at times, that’s your right. I can’t be so naive. Winning games is big $$ for too many. There are many reasons why things happen in this regard, some of which is utter incompetence. But I won’t ever believe commissioners of college football conferences or the NFL don’t dip their pen in the zebra ink. Believing there is no way they do is exactly what allows them to get away with this.

The more money, the more corruption.

My only question would be why in the world either college football commissioners or anyone in the NFL front office would possibly risk the literal cash cow they have going to fix a few games.

Again, the NFL makes money hand over fist, regardless of who is playing, who is good/bad, etc. They don’t need to fix games in the first place, but if you just keep incompetent officials on your payroll you’ll still get all of the drama and controversy that they crave so much.
It is undeniable that the refs in this league are trash. And the facts posted in this thread show that teams like the Packers have benefitted from this while teams like the Lions have gotten the shaft. But why? Just to see Rodgers get the W in prime time? Nah, not in a reg season game. In fact, the NFL would probably have done better if the Packers lost and Detroit won, you never want a team running away with the division in October, you want more interesting/meaningful games later in the year.

So if you think the refs are cheating for GB or against Detroit, I guess my question is why? And I say that with full understanding of how you feel, I often feel like the Eagles get called for PI every time they breathe near a WR whereas our guys get mugged and theres never anything.

I think that the better explanation is that overall, refs just suck ass at their job, and it just so happens that the packers have been beneficiaries of this. It is a problem but the thing is the NFL isn't going to do shit because they don't have to bc its not actually losing them any money

Right, that’s exactly what I said and has been my position for years. The NFL literally prints money and succeed in spite of itself. They don’t care to fix the official problem that they have because it would take away from all of the controversy they want. Controversial calls means that everyone is talking about the NFL the next day, and the day after that, etc.