Islanders @ Ducks

I’m seeing it get more expensive for the Isles at some delis.

Anyone have a strong opinion on the 5.5 total? I like the under but I know that can get out of control really quickly.
until proven other ways the NHL is an over league; analytics has paved the way for pulling goalies with 3 minutes left when they are down 2 goals and the amount of backdoor overs/pushes in this league is phenomenal. Going into the third a 2-1,2-2,1-1 the over would normally be dead but not anymore. I am surprised when games are lined 5.5 gone are the 5 and 5.5 days :(
Yeah, I believe this year (so far) with mark the 5th or 6th straight year where goals per game has trended upwards
I think we’ve got the ducks right where we want them. Sitting on the pond, loving life, not seeing the big shot gun aiming at them from the tall grass.

Foie gras anyone?
“God have mercy on the man
Who doubts what he's sure of”
- Bruce Springsteen

I’m going to take a look at the man in the mirror tomorrow and be honest with myself. This is unacceptable. No excuses.
It is always easiest after the fact. Speaking with my buddy, I told him the Isles was just a bad play on my part. They lost the game before and the tension of their long streak may have finally subsided.

I did not look at the SOG or how the Isles played .. I do realize my reason for betting was poor. Anaheims first game back from a roadie. It did not work.

anyway. Happy Thanksgiving.
It was a sucker play and the line indicated it to be such and I was stop stubborn to make an adjustment because I hyped the Isles so much.
I still liked the spot they were in. I’d like to say I’d fade the travel the Ducks endured majority of the time.

I also feel that maybe the NYI style of play worked to the Ducks favor. That slow-grind down pace didn’t get Ducks on their heels at all.