Is there a line on the Cleveland/TB game yet?

Haven't yet seen one, Wire. Salazar-Cobb, what do you think, a pick? I hear Salazar won't be on a pitch count.

First sell-out since opening day. Players won't recognize the joint. Worst attendance in the AL visiting the second worst.
I was typing this when Detroit answered. I agree. My guess is Cleveland -110 and a total of 7 1/2. GL
I have to lean to TB with Cobb on the mound and Salazar going for us. As you know, I don't like the way they handled him with that pitch count. Now if they say go long he has to worry about pacing himself. But if they say go hard as long as you can and we'll come get you I like it better for him as he becomes the pitching machine he should be but that Cleveland pen scares shit out of me and I have to lean TB for that reason alone. Even despite playing at home.

I would run from the total of 7 1/2. If 7 I go over and if 8 I go under but the unplayable total is 7 1/2 in my opinion. GL
With Perez out of the picture, Cleveland's pen is pretty good. No defined closer doesn't bother me. Perez bothered me. Masterson's a weapon too, he can pitch the second half of the game if needed.
Tip, I agree about Masterson. I think he is great. If he can come in in the 7th and finish I would not worry too much but the old guard doesn't ever seem to let that happen. I don't worry about the closer either. I guess my biggest concern is that with Cleveland not scoring pitching becomes a bigger aspect of winning. Not that it doesn't normally but it really puts pressure on when you don't score. Good news is that TB and Oakland for that matter don't score much either. GL

Thanks Blood. Right where we figured it would be but I was hoping for a number other than 7 1/2 so I could go that way and just root for Cleveland. 7 1/2 makes the total very tough so you have to pick a side. I am afraid if I post the side I am leaning toward there are some in here that will come hunting me. (TIP) Not that just because if I pick them they always win but it is no fun to have someone tell you your team may not win. GL :)

[TABLE="class: league"]
<tbody class="date">[TR]
[TD="class: bdt, colspan: 27"]Wednesday, Oct 02, 2013 - MLB Baseball Game[/TD]
</tbody><tbody class="event">[TR="class: h2hSeq firstline"]
[TD="class: col_time bdevtt"]08:05 PM[/TD]
[TD="class: col_rotno bdevtt"]903[/TD]
[TD="class: col_teamname bdevtt"]Tampa Bay Rays
A. Cobb -R[/TD]
[TD="class: info bdevtt"]Tampa Bay Rays Cleveland Indians American League - Wild Card Game
[TD="class: checkboxes bdevtt2"]<input class="oddsselection" type="checkbox" value="G|Baseball|MLB|0|POSTUP|.|245911457|S|SHW|Tampa Bay Rays" jQuery1380655021032="3267" cfg="{'type':'h2h','selId':'G|Baseball|MLB|0|POSTUP|.|245911457|S|SHW|Tampa Bay Rays','selObj':{'gt':'G','str':'POSTUP','prf':'.','mkt':'S','selTyp':'SHW','tmId':'Tampa Bay Rays'},'a':155,'d':2.55,'h':-1.5,'dh':'-1½','aorg':155,'dorg':2.55,'horg':-1.5,'dhorg':'-1½','av':0,'dv':0,'rno':903}"> [/TD]
[TD="class: hdcp bdevtt"]-1½[/TD]
[TD="class: odds bdevtt displayOdds"]+155[/TD]
[TD="class: info bdevtt"]o [/TD]
[TD="class: checkboxes bdevtt2"]<input class="oddsselection" type="checkbox" value="G|Baseball|MLB|0|POSTUP|.|245911457|M|MLHW|Tampa Bay Rays" jQuery1380655021032="3268" cfg="{'type':'h2h','selId':'G|Baseball|MLB|0|POSTUP|.|245911457|M|MLHW|Tampa Bay Rays','selObj':{'gt':'G','str':'POSTUP','prf':'.','mkt':'M','selTyp':'MLHW','tmId':'Tampa Bay Rays'},'a':-107,'d':1.934,'h':0,'dh':'','aorg':-107,'dorg':1.934,'horg':0,'dhorg':'','av':0,'dv':0,'rno':903}"> [/TD]
[TD="class: odds bdevtt moneylineodds displayOdds"]-107[/TD]
[TD="class: info bdevtt"]o [/TD]
[TD="class: checkboxes bdevtt2"]<input class="oddsselection" type="checkbox" value="G|Baseball|MLB|0|POSTUP|.|245911457|L|TTOV|" jQuery1380655021032="3269" cfg="{'type':'h2h','selId':'G|Baseball|MLB|0|POSTUP|.|245911457|L|TTOV|','selObj':{'gt':'G','str':'POSTUP','prf':'.','mkt':'L','selTyp':'TTOV','tmId':''},'a':-120,'d':1.833,'h':7,'dh':'7','aorg':-120,'dorg':1.833,'horg':7,'dhorg':'7','av':0,'dv':0,'rno':904}"> [/TD]
[TD="class: mktdesc bdevtt"]Ov[/TD]
[TD="class: hdcp bdevtt"]7[/TD]
[TD="class: odds bdevtt displayOdds"]-120[/TD]
[TD="class: info bdevtt"]o [/TD]
[TD="class: checkboxes bdevtt2"][/TD]
[TD="class: mktdesc bdevtt"][/TD]
[TD="class: smlhdcp bdevtt"][/TD]
[TD="class: odds bdevtt"][/TD]
[TD="class: checkboxes bdevtt2"][/TD]
[TD="class: mktdesc bdevtt"][/TD]
[TD="class: smlhdcp bdevtt"][/TD]
[TD="class: odds bdevtt"][/TD]
[TD="class: info bdevtt"][/TD]
[TD="class: addMktIcn bdevtt"][/TD]
[TR="class: otherline"]
[TD="class: col_rotno bdevtt"]904[/TD]
[TD="class: col_teamname bdevtt"]Cleveland Indians
D. Salazar -R[/TD]
[TD="class: info bdevtt"][/TD]
[TD="class: checkboxes bdevtt2"]<input class="oddsselection" type="checkbox" value="G|Baseball|MLB|0|POSTUP|.|245911457|S|SAW|Cleveland Indians" jQuery1380655021032="3270" cfg="{'type':'h2h','selId':'G|Baseball|MLB|0|POSTUP|.|245911457|S|SAW|Cleveland Indians','selObj':{'gt':'G','str':'POSTUP','prf':'.','mkt':'S','selTyp':'SAW','tmId':'Cleveland Indians'},'a':-175,'d':1.571,'h':1.5,'dh':'+1½','aorg':-175,'dorg':1.571,'horg':1.5,'dhorg':'+1½','av':0,'dv':0,'rno':904}"> [/TD]
[TD="class: hdcp bdevtt"]+1½[/TD]
[TD="class: odds bdevtt displayOdds"]-175[/TD]
[TD="class: info bdevtt"]o [/TD]
[TD="class: checkboxes bdevtt2"]<input class="oddsselection" type="checkbox" value="G|Baseball|MLB|0|POSTUP|.|245911457|M|MLAW|Cleveland Indians" jQuery1380655021032="3271" cfg="{'type':'h2h','selId':'G|Baseball|MLB|0|POSTUP|.|245911457|M|MLAW|Cleveland Indians','selObj':{'gt':'G','str':'POSTUP','prf':'.','mkt':'M','selTyp':'MLAW','tmId':'Cleveland Indians'},'a':-103,'d':1.97,'h':0,'dh':'','aorg':-103,'dorg':1.97,'horg':0,'dhorg':'','av':0,'dv':0,'rno':904}"> [/TD]
[TD="class: odds bdevtt moneylineodds displayOdds"]-103[/TD]
[TD="class: info bdevtt"]o [/TD]
[TD="class: checkboxes bdevtt2"]<input class="oddsselection" type="checkbox" value="G|Baseball|MLB|0|POSTUP|.|245911457|L|TTUN|" jQuery1380655021032="3272" cfg="{'type':'h2h','selId':'G|Baseball|MLB|0|POSTUP|.|245911457|L|TTUN|','selObj':{'gt':'G','str':'POSTUP','prf':'.','mkt':'L','selTyp':'TTUN','tmId':''},'a':100,'d':2,'h':7,'dh':'7','aorg':100,'dorg':2,'horg':7,'dhorg':'7','av':0,'dv':0,'rno':904}"> [/TD]
[TD="class: mktdesc bdevtt"]Un[/TD]
[TD="class: hdcp bdevtt"]7[/TD]
[TD="class: odds bdevtt displayOdds"]+100[/TD]
[TD="class: info bdevtt"]o [/TD]