Is the NBA really going to let the Bulls be the #2 seed?


Leader of the Van Buren Boys
And force either LeBron or Wade to the sidelines after just 1 round? That would be a bigger mistake than last year's Mavs-Spurs 2nd round battle! Is the NBA really going to let their new seeding system turn out a worse result than last year? No offense to the Bulls, but I'm sure a clear path to the conference finals while the Cavs, Heat and Pistons beat on each other is not what the league office had in mind.

The Bulls look like they're going to be favored in both of their remaining games, both on the road. You have to think they're going down in one of those two. Looks to me like a play on the Wiz tomorrow and a chase on the Nets if needed.

BOL all!
I think the Nets can beat them in the final game if the Nets play all their players. For some reason, it says they might be sitting out tomorrow?????

Nets can still catch Washington for #6 if Washington loses out. And Nets are only 1 game up from Orlando for #8 and a spot that will have them facing Detroit in round 1. I have NO idea why NJ would rest players.
And force either LeBron or Wade to the sidelines after just 1 round? That would be a bigger mistake than last year's Mavs-Spurs 2nd round battle! Is the NBA really going to let their new seeding system turn out a worse result than last year? No offense to the Bulls, but I'm sure a clear path to the conference finals while the Cavs, Heat and Pistons beat on each other is not what the league office had in mind.

The Bulls look like they're going to be favored in both of their remaining games, both on the road. You have to think they're going down in one of those two. Looks to me like a play on the Wiz tomorrow and a chase on the Nets if needed.

BOL all!

Is this a serious complaint ?
My biggest fear is that a 4/5 matchup of Miami/Cleveland guarantees Pistons fans bitching after Round 2. Miami/Detroit in Round 2 would be a crime.
Yeah, this game is fixed. They're not going to let the Bulls win. The NBA is a conspiracy. They made Nowitzki miss those free throws last year in the NBA finals so Miami could win game 3.

This has to be one of the dumbest ideas being passed around.

The Bulls are on the road. They have a lousy record on the road. Six points is a big number.
actually the bulls have the 9th best record on the road in the nba. if thats bad then i dont want to know what bottom 10 is.
The team which is going to go far is the Cleveland Cavaliers. Just watch no one is expecting this. The NBA is all about teams taking the next step and I believe it's the Cavs year to take the next leap. I know everyone is giving them no chance vs. the Heat but I don't believe that for one second. Cleveland has home court and based on what I've seen Wade looks like a shell of himself. The Heat peaked weeks ago and I think they're going to struggle in this series because they don't have home court. I know they won in Cleveland last week but this Cavs team can beat Miami in a series. I believe that. The Cavs also have been playing the Pistons tough and I think they will beat them too. Detroit peaked too early and clearly the hottest team in the East is the Bulls. Perhaps it is their year but we shall see as this is a franchise which hasn't won a playoff series since the Jordan days. It's very rare that an NBA team just jumps onto the scene and starts winning round after round in the post season. It's usually a progression.

Let me make this clear I need the Heat to win the East as I bought an early season futures ticket on them before Shaq went down at 3:1. I just don't like the way they've been playing.
The team which is going to go far is the Cleveland Cavaliers. Just watch no one is expecting this. The NBA is all about teams taking the next step and I believe it's the Cavs year to take the next leap. I know everyone is giving them no chance vs. the Heat but I don't believe that for one second. Cleveland has home court and based on what I've seen Wade looks like a shell of himself. The Heat peaked weeks ago and I think they're going to struggle in this series because they don't have home court. I know they won in Cleveland last week but this Cavs team can beat Miami in a series. I believe that. The Cavs also have been playing the Pistons tough and I think they will beat them too. Detroit peaked too early and clearly the hottest team in the East is the Bulls. Perhaps it is their year but we shall see as this is a franchise which hasn't won a playoff series since the Jordan days. It's very rare that an NBA team just jumps onto the scene and starts winning round after round in the post season. It's usually a progression.

Let me make this clear I need the Heat to win the East as I bought an early season futures ticket on them before Shaq went down at 3:1. I just don't like the way they've been playing.

your a little late to jump on teh bandwagon but there are a couple seats left. please enjoy the ride.
If the playoffs were NOT rigged. Both the Cavs and Heat would have no chance at going anywhere... and the Pistons or Bulls would come out as they are CLEARLY the best 2 teams in the conference.

James simply barrels his way over everyone... even more so in the playoffs. He knows he has the ugliest jumpshot in the league... Wade is much better than him... but he too will get all the calls... only thing is his injury which will limit contact... he probably will be forced to the perimeter more than he normally would.

However, I'm sick of watching playoff basketball favor these guys who have not proven themselves yet long enough to warrant such pathetic foul calling. Wade got it last year and they HANDED them the trophy.. the Heat were beaten 4-1 in that series if you ask me.

Lebron... the same thing... only they stopped in game 7.

Everyone keeps hating on the Bulls... sure they don't have Stern's magic wand of support which is ultimately all you need apparently... but they are the 2nd best team in the East, if not the best.
that is an excellent post inspekdah. only problem i have is teh king's jumper is not nearly as bad as you write it out to be.
Chhicago has a population of almost 3 million. The Chicago metropolitan area has a population of 9.4 million. I think Chicago will be treated fairly.
one problem tho tuck we have no nationwide superstar the average joe knows of.
The a few years when they can get a great postr player and get rid of Ben somehow will be the best team in conference..with a dynamo offensive backcourt and the best young SF in the game..

These playoffs..although they most likely will have an easy road to EC Finals now..will show what a mistake the signing of Ben was come conference finals no matter who they play.
BAR, I have to disagree... they signed him for a reason.... to help battle the bigs of the East... Chandler simply cannot defend 1 on 1 and not get in foul trouble... Wallace can. He sure hurts them on O... but he gives them the ability to limit the other team's biggz... and IMO he's still the best post defender in the league
Spek...I love Ben and he is a great player but with the team he was with DET...not enough creativity offensively to mask him on offense. You'll see come EC Finals(assuming they win last game) and play either of the other 3...its gonna be tough...they pointed in right direction though
tyson chandler is a bitch.

eddy curry doesnt jump for rebounds. reason one of many he is no longer with us.