Is it inappropriate to make wagers against your home country?


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<blockquoteclass="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><blockquoteclass="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"> <script asyncsrc="//" charset="utf-8"></script> <script asyncsrc="//" charset="utf-8">http://<blockquoteclass="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en">When making Olympic wagers, is it inappropriate to bet against your home country?#Rio2016
&mdash; (@CappingTheGame) August 5, 2016</blockquote> <script asyncsrc="//" charset="utf-8"</script></blockquoteclass="twitter-tweet"></blockquoteclass="twitter-tweet"><blockquoteclass="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"></blockquoteclass="twitter-tweet"><blockquoteclass="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">When making Olympic wagers, is it inappropriate to bet against your home country?<a href="">#Rio2016</a></p>&mdash; (@CappingTheGame) <a href="">August 5, 2016</a></blockquote> <script asyncsrc="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
This is how you drive content? What a stupid thread. Everyone,if given a perceived edge, will bet on what they think is the winning side. Good fuck
This is how you drive content? What a stupid thread. Everyone,if given a perceived edge, will bet on what they think is the winning side. Good fuck

First, if you look at the poll not everyone agrees with you. Second, :mooned:I thought it was a good discussion.
hah. Maybe an unpatriotic whore like Becky Hammon but not a traitor. Now, if I voted for her ....

I made a wager against men's and women's basketball teams earlier tonight and your thread about her had me and Shaker discussing it if was "unpatriotic"
Being a dual citizen I have zero guilt about betting against 2 countries. It just means sometimes you get a better price
I'm actually reminded of the horrific movie "Wimbledon"...with the brother of the tennis star betting against him in his early matches. I'd bet against anything if I think it'll show me 1% ROI over my lifetime. Gambling is gambling. There's really nothing moral about gambling anyways so if you're gonna do it. Commit lol