Is Duncan in or out..?

their scoring threats are better in transition with him sittun
that comment ranks right up there with
<hr style="color: rgb(209, 209, 225);" size="1"> <!-- / icon and title --><!-- message --> We are going to see a regress of the Pats, I really think this team has packed it in for the year. They got out hot, thought they were invisible, all the hype, media, their superbowl was when they beat the Colts earlier this year.

Age is showing now, as Grandfathers Seau, Bruschi, cannot tackle, and are slow as hell.

Any Decent D can hold these guys down, they are not unbeatable, they are the HAWAII of college football all they do is run the score up and people think they are amazing. They are average in my opinion
Bowen and Bonner are better in transition? They seem to me like they are spot up shooters who rely solely on doubles to get open shots..
How Is Bowen And Bonner The Best Scorers. The Scorers Are Ginobli And Parker
How Is Bowen And Bonner The Best Scorers. The Scorers Are Ginobli And Parker

i don't think abcs is saying that. he's just referring to the whole transition statement. Yes Manu and Parker are the go to guys but when you have Bowen and Bonner in transition, that could be a problem, because they don't posses the legs required for the up tempo game.
Parker and Ginobli would get thrashed on the defensive end if they didnt have duncan in the lane to help them. The whole argument is flawed. Duncan has won titles with sean elliot, with all kind of 2 guards.. Sure manu will score more without him doesnt mean the team is better.