Is Conor an auto fade against Khabib?


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This loosely reminds me of the Floyd fight, except MMA. Hude circus, everyone on Conor. Random lucky punch versus endurance. Conor comes out strong, fades and loses.

I don‘t follow this sport but it seems from what i‘ve watched that Khabib is much better and is going to make Conor stfu?
Auto fade? Strong terminology... Fade, maybe. But auto-fades are things like the Jets finding to way to suck. I wouldn't call Conor an autofade against anybody.
I know he likes to talk trash (altho he seemed to take it to a new level at the press?) I was referring to the huge marketing effort. Lots of betting action on this one
No. Conor's an excellent striker. When he hits you, you feel it. And Khabib can be touched. Just watch the beginning of the fight with Michael Johnson and Johnson tagged him a few times before Khabib took him down and was his dominant self.

Both guys want to control their style of fighting. Who will do it?
Go to the 3:00-3:50 mark of this vid. Johnson was rocking him. And he's no where near the striker Conor is. Khabib's best bet is to take his time. Shoot at the right time and obviously bring the fight to the ground. But he needs to avoid that left by Conor.

Go to the 3:00-3:50 mark of this vid. Johnson was rocking him. And he's no where near the striker Conor is. Khabib's best bet is to take his time. Shoot at the right time and obviously bring the fight to the ground. But he needs to avoid that left by Conor.

Wow Johnson connected on some lefts there