Is college football getting tougher to cap than the NFL?


Active Member
Just needing an opportunity to vent. I have not posted in a couple of weeks. Still check this site 20 times per day like I have over the last 5 years. I tried posting to start the year but the fear that my plays could make others change their mind was too much to handle. Especially when your 50% or less. I have never had a year as bad as this and based on what I'm seeing, there are many others feeling the same way. My question is this: Are you seeing a change in the market that this will this continue or has this happened many times over the last 40 years and it will right itself back? If this is a stupid question I apologize. Maybe I just don't know how to word it right. It's getting like the NFL, where if I do the opposite, I would be more successful than doing all this work and research.

I have always made my own selections and used the forums and newsletters to point me in the right direction. Speaking of newsletters, they are no better than toilet paper this year, all of them. No consistency at ALL. Thank god they are all free. Luckily, I have stuck to a strict $ management plan or I would be done. I have enough to go till the end but this isn't what I was expecting.

I read a post by Bull last night and I totally respect what he said. I don't think he and I are the only ones. Thanks for all the input that happens here and I'll keep grinding. But, this isn't as fun as it has been over the last 15 years.
Good luck to all and thanks to all that post here. It is appreciated by more than you think. :tiphat:
How do you usually bet? Ats? O/u? What's your style?

Maybe change how you bet if it's not working?
IMO, it is a continual adjustment.

Different factors..

-Style of play
-NCAA changing clock rules/targeting etc. The game was a lot better 10 years ago
-This isn't BCS anymore either, you gotta impress a collection of dumbasses starting pretty soon once they meet up.
-Coaching has gotten bad, or perhaps it is that in today's day and age we get more coverage. Every dumb move is scrutinized.
One thing is that there are just too many FBS teams now. 20 years ago there were maybe 80 teams on the board. You don't *have* to cap every game, but it's hard to categorically elimnate teams or conferences from your capping landscape.
The game (due to rule changes and offensive philosophies) is just extremely volatile now. You're never safe. No deficit can't be made up, no lead can't be given back. Its just a different sport these days.
NFL, along with the EPL, are the most efficient markets in the world. Nothing is tougher.

All sports and their markets are dynamic, you need to constantly adapt. Any edge/angle/style you have you can be sure there are thousands doing the same thing.

Coaches are getting more risk averse
Underdogs are demolishing lately in CFB....

NFL too.

Seems like there are like 5 teams in NCAA and 5 teams in the NFL that if you just bet them weekly you are going to come out ahead. And instead we all outthink ourselves and look for sharp sides, live dogs, etc. seriously, in nfl, just bet the pats, cowboys, vikings, saints home overs and laugh your way to the bank
The inability to get within 10 yds of a rcvr with getting flagged or thrown out of the game , along with the failure to teach tackling has made no lead safe.
It's trickle down from the NFL , if you ask me.
Kids will always be more susceptible to situational letdowns / gear-ups than adults. Also, there will always be more of an edge to find on a board of 50 games than 14 games, things can much more easily slip through the cracks.

NFL is more or less the flip of a coin, there is no such thing as a skilled NFL bettor. That's my two cents, at least.
The answer is no. Many reasons. One reason is that in nfl even your moron bettor has some idea whois good and who isn't
The inability to get within 10 yds of a rcvr with getting flagged or thrown out of the game , along with the failure to teach tackling has made no lead safe.
It's trickle down from the NFL , if you ask me.

this needs to be fixed. Twice the Panther throw the ball in the EZ and get PI's to put the ball on the inch line......

I think PI needs to either be reviewable or do it like they do in college
The game (due to rule changes and offensive philosophies) is just extremely volatile now. You're never safe. No deficit can't be made up, no lead can't be given back. Its just a different sport these days.

^^^ This ^^^

The proliferation of the HUNH offense has made the game so much more volatile, and so much more difficult to predict.