
SEC is dominant.. Powerful South Carolina offense should have their way..:popcorn:
everybody and their al is on it.....why? bigten vs sec:hang:

Big Ten SEC argument cracks me up. Some Big10 teams dominate SEC. Others such as tUOS get dominated. SEC was pretty bad this year in comparison to their normal god-like supremacy.
some sensitivity here, TX ;)

i mean i like iowa...just like the under better. why? cuz scary has problems on offense. if those problems (much of which is at qb) weren't so prevalant, then scary would be the side.

but they're there...the problems, i mean...and iowa's a very good cant see scary lighting up any scoreboards.
on the other side...can't see iowa doing all that much either, providing scary shows up to play defensively.

look at how the beavs handled mccoy, and disrupted the statue/stull. a focused defense isn't given many problems by a one-dimensional offense...unless of course it's a total mismatch in the trenches, which this game won't be. anyways, brought up basically the same thing fading michigan st a few times this that u stop 1 thing, u ruin that offense.

so the bottom line is this...if scary's front is focused...they will contain SG, and keep the iowa offense in check.
that said...iowa will also be keeping scary's offense in check...and considering scary...iowa could be working with some short fields, which would obviously be a tremendous advantage.
anyhow...jsut see a tight, low scoring affair. part of me wants to add iowa...but part of me isn't allowing that. but a nice 13-6 win would make everyone that's what i'm pulling for.

but lastly...the big unknown factor in this game, remember, is if scary will even show up.
you'd like to think so...but it's a legitimate question the way they ended the season...and the way their HC was rumored to go elsewhere.
big we can safely assume iowa will be motivated.
some sensitivity here, TX ;)

i mean i like iowa...just like the under better. why? cuz scary has problems on offense. if those problems (much of which is at qb) weren't so prevalant, then scary would be the side.

but they're there...the problems, i mean...and iowa's a very good cant see scary lighting up any scoreboards.
on the other side...can't see iowa doing all that much either, providing scary shows up to play defensively.

look at how the beavs handled mccoy, and disrupted the statue/stull. a focused defense isn't given many problems by a one-dimensional offense...unless of course it's a total mismatch in the trenches, which this game won't be. anyways, brought up basically the same thing fading michigan st a few times this that u stop 1 thing, u ruin that offense.

so the bottom line is this...if scary's front is focused...they will contain SG, and keep the iowa offense in check.
that said...iowa will also be keeping scary's offense in check...and considering scary...iowa could be working with some short fields, which would obviously be a tremendous advantage.
anyhow...jsut see a tight, low scoring affair. part of me wants to add iowa...but part of me isn't allowing that. but a nice 13-6 win would make everyone that's what i'm pulling for.

but lastly...the big unknown factor in this game, remember, is if scary will even show up.
you'd like to think so...but it's a legitimate question the way they ended the season...and the way their HC was rumored to go elsewhere.
big we can safely assume iowa will be motivated.

Very good write-up Yanks.. I could see the 13-6 scenario but thinking more 20-12 ish..

TexTennis-- didn't mean to be disrespectful in my post above.. Pretty fired up about this game.. Check a few pro-Iowa threads (BAR, VegasKyle, Tee*dub's) before going all in on Scary..:shake: