Investment Time: $$

Sammy Meatballs

Sammy Meatballs? Never Heard of Her
This is the best time and now I will lay the $ to make the $.

I have 2 that I am looking for so far--

Pittsburgh to win game 4 at Ottawa- Expecting -165 to -175

Sens have got swept both times when they were down 3-0 in series. Quite simply this team has not answered when down all year long. This is just the end of the inevitable. They will lose, they will not win the series and the Pens are dominating them, and will knock them out in game 4 of this series. There is no way that the Sens will mount any comeback in this series. They do not have the team to do that.

TO do that you would need a great Goalie-
Great Defense
SOme players with heart on the team
Confident team
Be trailing 3-0 because the other team got lucky

Sens have none of this going for them

This is a good one, Pens will shut them down next game, time to shake hands as this one is over--

2nd one- Looking at MINNY to win Series over Colorado--

This one is absolutely priceless- Minny is the much better team, Col has the name players who all are great, but not in the playoffs- Minny has a huge size edge on D-

Minny O is way too fast and skilled for the Avs D.

Why will this win- THe AVS D is not good and Theodore is not a good goalie, he is very shaky, all of Minny's 8 goals have been in the 3rd period and OTime.

Avs D is old and Theodore are not a good mix. They are basically one of the worst defensive units in the playoffs- They are content with losing, because they are basically losers. Sakic and Forsberg are making bettors feel that this team is like the old Avs team with Patrick ROy.

Reality- The AVS team has a bunch of guys like STASNY??? Who is he? what has he done? Nothing. WHat has Ryan SMITH done? nothing--

Forsberg will be a non factor tomorrow and he looks slow and old. Adam FOOTE cannot stop GABORIK.

Every series winners has a shutdown Defenseman that shuts the other teams best players down- COL has no one to stop Gaborik, FOote is too old and Slow.

Quenville cannot outcoach LEMAIRE.

Huge goaltending edge with Backstrom vs Theodore.

It is amazing becaues I believe if MINNY starts out fast they can beat this Avs team by 3 goals easy.

COl is a classic team, they really are a bad team- they do nothing well except stick handle with the puck and skate fast and take bad shots. Their play behind the net was horrible in this game, THey cannot cycle the puck.

Did anyone see the clinic Minny put on in the COl zone in OT and late in the 3rd, it was obvious that they were able to dominate the AVS when they wanted to.

This series is 2-1 but really could be 3-0.

Col does not play defense- Their goalie does not stop shots in 3rd and OT.
Their forwards are over rated and are all name.

This is a great opportunity here, because really Minny is not losing to this team- they are younger faster better, and can beat this Avs team because they are better no doubts about that.
In the Pitts series its a big big mismatch as was shown by the fact that Pitts can just take control in the 3rd period and score and win the game. They expect to win, and that means I will win also $$.

Minny is used to playing close games- The difference is that Col has bad offensive planning, they can only try the cross ice one timer to score. They sometimes get the puck behind the net and try to put it in front.

Minny had way more 2 on 1's vs Colorado- They are much much better on D- their D can shut down every Col player- Minny forwards are dangerous and in the 3rd they dominate--

How can you win a series when you cannot stop the other team from scoring in the 3rd period and OTIME?? IT is simple you will not win the series if you don't win the 3rd periods in the series.

Reason-- Avs are a mirage, they are soft on D, and are a public favorite everyone including myself thought they are getting the old AVS offensive team and explosive offense-

Defense beats offense and that is what is happening in this series- It will only get worse for the AVS as now MINNY knows all the players and is getting used to them-- Minny looks like they can just do whatever they want in the 3rd and OTIME- This suggests to me a mismatch here.
I'm so upset. I thought Minny was the better team coming in, then after the first two games I was convinced I was wrong.

Now I don't know what the hell to believe and I lost on the Avs tonight.

The Boston series- Philly series- San Jose series, anything can happen, but in this series I think another way to pick winners is to find the weakest teams that will lose and bet vs them.

Dallas Anaheim-- Well if you bet dallas u are betting vs the old champs Anaheim- they are good but they are getting outplayed- Expect Anaheim to come out with a better effort here- Tough to say if they lay down or try and win one on the road tomorrow and take it. Dallas is playing well.

Philly-wash- Would lean Philly- shut down Ovehckin and u have Philly the better team.

Mont-Boston- Series 2-1 but Boston can play, last game they did well and played well.

The 2 worst teams that will not win is Ottawa and Colorado- they both have many similarities-

Both have average goalies that are not clutch in 3rd peroiods-
Both Defenses have a couple of tools like Redden on Ottawa and that Finger idiot on Col that didnt get that icing call and lost the game.
Both D's are slow and are prone to not clearing the puck out of their zone.
Both D's give up 2 on 1's all game long

Both of these teams would win an all star ballot voting contest, but have no grit players-- They are basically finesse players and no heart players-

Ottawa and Colorado are mirror images of each other--

Stats- Ottawa 0 wins vs Pitts 3 wins

COlorado 1 win vs Minny 2 wins in OT- but COl blowing lead going in 3rd in each game already-

So we have 1 win combined vs 5 wins??

The 1 win was in OT, so no regulation wins with both teams.

Minny has scored 2 goals in each 3rd period vs the AVS which suggests they tire as the game goes on. This is not good on a back to back and a series price.

Goaltending wins in playoffs-- Fleury will not lose to Gerber

Also Backstrom will beat Theodore, I know THEODORE is a big head case, the pressure will be on him tomorrow night and he will choke again when it matters- he is shit in the clutch.

The Crosby's Malkins Hossa, will beat the Spezza and alfy's and heatley

The gaborik Rolston will beat the Sakic Forsberg, stasny, smith,

The Avs team plays teams close but will lose, that is the way Minny wins, they win a game 3-2 its no different than another team winning 4-1 or 5-2
I'm so upset. I thought Minny was the better team coming in, then after the first two games I was convinced I was wrong.

Now I don't know what the hell to believe and I lost on the Avs tonight.


Read this trust me, Avs are crap, they will lose to this team? Is there anyting you disagree with what I wrote here? Avs are a mirage, they truly do suck pretty bad
minny has a good chance to win this one in 5 games, huge edge for Minny tomorrow

Forsberg has not played back to back this year- Theodore will be crying now and say what u want about him playing well,. someone is not cause Minny is scoring 6 goals 2 in each game in the 3rd period--

Teams go like 50 or 60 games in a season without blowing a 3rd period lead and these idiots did it 3 games in a row. That is the series and shows us where the value is, and it was not luck by Minny, they are much better than them
Minny will beat the little boys of Colorado up, they use their size and just keep them on the edge, watch the power play of the Avs there is no one in the middle of the ice, every player is on the perimeter passing the puck back and forth to each other doing nothing
I didn't see the Minny/Colo game. What bothers me is that I really like Minny before the series started, then after the first two games I looked at how the Avs were holding them in shots and stopped believing. Tonight, I saw only the first period of the game but felt OK when they were up 1-0.

In fact, they could have easily been up 2-0.

Now they're actually down in games.

I don't know what to think there.

I can tell you, I have zero faith in Boston, Ottawa, Anaheim, and San Jose the rest of the way.
Have to jump all over the Minny tonight at +150- No rest Avs are old and Minny's young legs are able to dominate in 3rd periods and OT easily.

With no rest I expect the early parts of this game to be like a 3rd period and OTIME and Minny to dominate and win this one. THeodore is rattled big time now, 2 losses in OT, and 2 blown 3 period leads in a row where he loses in OT. Minny has them now, Col is thier bitches.

Lemair knows win tonight and series is over- Lemaire will employ same strategy and Gaborik will dominate the shitty avs D. Avs are playing much better on D than they really are. The true team is their 3rd period D.

Remember teams always revert back to who they are? IN this case the Avs are reverting back to their true self, as they cannot hold a lead and get smoked in OT.
Tuesdays PLAYS:


In all games we have the team with the Momentum. Montreal owns Boston and should play a better game and get the job done.

Philly as Bet Crimes pointed out is better team and should win.

Minny- read other post Col is done overrated and old and slow

Calgary- San Jose has 11 players over 220 lbs, too slow for CGY
I think I have the better team in all of these games so far--

MOntreal owns Boston this year
Cgy owns San Jose also
Minny owns Col also
NOt sure about Philly but a play against a team with 1 superstar
sammy im with ya on philly as they are the much more complete team and minny tonight as your reasons above, but i differ on the other two. i dont understand how montreal can have the momentum. boston's coming off their first win over the habs all year, and have outplayed the habs these last two games. montreal may have bouillion back tonight, but still boston has the momentum. as for san jose. they're players weight is a non factor in my eyes. if they are to slow for calgary how have they carried the play in this series so far. they dominated the first two games, being very unlucky in game 1 with two very questionable goals for calgary. i believe they outshot them 2-1 in both contests. and in game 3, yeah the sharks blew it. they were up 3-0 and essentially gave the game away, but i dont think we see that happening again anytime soon. only way the flames take the series is if kipper (cujo? lol) absolutely steals them two wins, which he is capable of. but tonight we will see san jose playing like their season is on the line and will come out a pepper calgary with shots, but tonight they dont let up. san jose's weight has had nothing to do with the first two losses.
Montreal owns them and I think will show why tonight. They can dominate the Bruins and have all the skill players and Boston is not as fast. Montreal did not play well and still took them to OT last game.

San jose is the slowest team in the NHL- No coincidence they are winless vs a Non Playoff team in Edmonton who is a fast skating team. They are ridiculously slow and in the playoffs they lost to Edmonton the same way a few years back.

Big players used to be good, when there were no penalities being called, but now the playoff game is more skating and more wide open.

Also I think Calgary is more hungry than San Jose, Hockey means everyting to Calgary, San Jose has other things in their city.
San Jose plays dump and chase and from what I saw was very very slow and cannot generate any scoring chances. If not for the quick 3 goals, they score 0 and generate no offense. THeir defense is also slow and the only reason they are in games is their goalie.

San JOse has not won anything and will not win anything, and I figure now is a good as time to get eliminated from playoffs, and CGY is the team to do it also.
ya sammy i agree montreal is more skilled all around, but they dont have momentum is all i was saying. montreal hasnt looked good the last two games because boston has dictated the play. the game went to overtime cuz thats how the bruins win. they're a defensive minded club with not many scoring threats. so if they do win games they're gonna win 2-1, 3-1 type games. montreal wins by drawing bogus penalties and capitalizing on their pp. but bostons pk has been superb thus far. and if reich acted like he got shot when he was high sticked to the face (like montreal always does vs. the b's, then we would've had the pp in ot, but not 10 seconds later the habs get teh bullshit call and win on the ensueing pp.

you can say san jose is the slowest team in the nhl, but the fact remains that they have carried play so far this series, except for when the relaxed in game 3. yah hockey does mean alot more in calgary than in san jose, but that doesnt mean all that much to the players. i think ottawa cares more about hockey than anaheim. i will say this, i certainly expect the sharks to win this series but if kipper stands on his head these next few games and calgary advances, they will be the team to beat.
We agree on all except Minny/Colorado Sammy...Read all your thoughts on them... I have no opinion on the games, just gonna let my series bet ride out,besides all these OT games are bad for my nerves. They are so tight, they have the same 5 on 5 goals, the same powerplay goals, the only difference so far is Minny has a shorthanded goal GL
First one comes through with Pitts as they knock Ottawa out.

Looking at possibly taking Minny over COlorado at home, think they are the better team , and in a close game can beat Colorado