Instead of betting on the New England Patriots...

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Instead of betting on the New England Patirots...

Buy stock in Kraft.

Gambeling is so stupid. Even the very best people will only hit 62% over the long haul, and they really won't make THAT much money, considering the risk, the time, the energy, the emotional highs and lows.

Why focus your efforts on something that your designed to lose at? Sure, you could be one of the few that makes money... if your incredibly good or lucky, but even then, how much money are you really going to make?

I haven't heard of anybody that got rich betting on football/basketball/baseball, but I sure as shit have heard of Casino owners that got rich. The State runs a lottery because it makes them money... They only pay out half of what they collect etc.

I have heard of numerous Billionare Investors. Warren Buffet is the second richest person in the world with an estimated fortune of around 70 Billion dollars. The guy owns huge chunks worth hundreds of millions dollars of Corporations.

Why not focus your energies on an activity where the odds are in your favor? The S&P 500 index could average between 7 to 11 percent returns for decades. If you compound your money for long enough, you can generate an enormous fortune.

Don't waste your money betting on the New England Patriots, or any other team for that matter. Put your money into an area where it has a great chance to appreciate.

Sail with the wind at your back. If you invest, you have the best and brightest minds in the world, working for YOU. That is what businesses do, they try and create value for shareholders. Your company might profit from creating the hottest new Ipods, Delivering packages faster than anyone else, or finding a cure for cancer.

Don't say that you don't have enough money. If you have enough money to waste betting 50 bucks on a game, you have enough money to invest. You can buy stock for as low as 7 dollars per trade. You can open up an IRA Account for as low as 250 bucks. If you don't have 250 dollars to your name, then you shouldn't be gambeling at all.

If you don't understand investing, then learn about it. There are huge sections of librarys and book stores dedicated to the stock market. The internet has a wealth of information as well.

Don't say that you don't have enough time either. You don't have to play day trader to invest. You could simply turn your money over to a large low cost mutual fund and have a professional pick your stocks for you.

There are no excuses. Put down that bookies phone number, and start investing.
What does the other voice in your head say? ;)

I don't hear voices, but if I did...

they would tell me that gambeling is a horrible way to try and make money. Horrible.

I understand that most people don't gambel for money... but if you want that " thrill", the stock market can provide all of those thrills and more.

You want risk, the market can give you risk. Where there is risk, there is reward. Goldman Sachs made 120 million dollars last week on a deal.

I can honestly tell you guys, that I think it is not a good idea to bet on pro football games.... preseason, regular season, playoffs, anything. Shut down that account.
Is this your season previews???

Is this your season previews???


don't worry, I will tell your readers who to bet on...

but gambeling is NOT a smart thing to do. Even for johhny 62% cappers like you and I.

If we took our skill and applied it to investing, we could be really good at that. I don't think you neccesarily need to be so smart to be a good investor/capper, to be good.

I have been an outstanding football capper the past few years, but I've made a heck of a lot more money investing.
As long as your still giving me advice on NFL I'll be happy.

Not a problem at all.
I just hope your not betting your paycheck on it or anything.
My Picks are just a novelty

This reminds me of the old Fake ID store in Georgetown that was a "video store". There were some videos at the front of the store, then if you asked the clerck, he would take you out back and they took your picture and made you your ID card.

On the back of the ID it said " this id is a novelty".

Suuuuuure. I was there 30 minutues with my buddies and nobody came in to return videos or look at videos, but 3 other parties of highschool looking kids came in and bought your 30 dollar fake IDs.
I do both invest in 401 k and Roth IRA and trade options, stocks. I lost more money in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 than I made/lost in gambling depending on yr.

Investing is not for everyone. Alot of people don't understand the difference between what makes a good stock/bad stock. It took me about 4-5 years to learn the mkt and it took a hell of alot more time than gambling.

I enjoy gambling and will continue to do whether I win/lose.

Your MSFT has done shit in years and has done very little too creat shareholder value.

SBUX- Has stunk up the joint lately, getting killed on coffee margins and growth slowing.

AAPL- Big winner

WMT- Stock has done nothing in 7 years.

KO- Doing well, good defensive play.

Don't push stocks on people, most will lose more in stocks than games- trust me on this.
Gambeling is so stupid.
so are people who can't spell gambling.

Even the very best people will only hit 62% over the long haul, and they really won't make THAT much money
yes. because 62% is the limit on your success and because when you bet thousands of dollars and you do it for living then it's not "that much" money.

I haven't heard of anybody that got rich betting on football/basketball/baseball
go outside more. and i mean actually into the real world, not out to your doorstep to get the latest news articles on michael vick so you can run back to this forum and make yet another thread about him.

but I sure as shit have heard of Casino owners that got rich. The State runs a lottery because it makes them money... They only pay out half of what they collect etc.
thank you for the lessons in economics 101. yes. casinos make money. i am now enlightened.

I have heard of numerous Billionare Investors. Warren Buffet is the second richest person in the world with an estimated fortune of around 70 Billion dollars. The guy owns huge chunks worth hundreds of millions dollars of Corporations.

Why not focus your energies on an activity where the odds are in your favor? The S&P 500 index could average between 7 to 11 percent returns for decades.
if you're betting spreads or o/us, your odds are 50/50. please tell me the "odds" on your stock hitting it big. i want an actual number, please.

There are no excuses. Put down that bookies phone number, and start investing.
there are obviously excuses. tell that to people who lost their life savings and do so EVERY SINGLE DAY in the stock market, idiot. it's no different than gambling.

You want risk, the market can give you risk. Where there is risk, there is reward.
and gambling doesn't have rewards?

Goldman Sachs made 120 million dollars last week on a deal.
way to throw in another random figure that means nothing. "oh bill gates got another $3 million dollars today. stop gambling and put your money in the stock market." zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I agree this guy C-GOLDS comments are pathetic and will send someone right into the shitter losing money in stocks.

Funny how this guy is pushing stocks on people after they have gone up for 4.5 years now and DD earnings growth is coming to an end. S&P 500 just hit the all time high about 3 weeks ago.

What a dummy
Is this the same Joe Bren sports that was a great fade at pretty much any bet he ever made?

If you look at the chart on those stocks for a year or so, sure they might not be great, but pull up a long term chart on those guys.

Sjsjsj- Show me a guy that made Billions betting on football games?

- I am not trying to sell anything
- Investing is a better bet than Football games
- There is a short/Long term way to invest
- The odds might be 50/50 ats, but not the payout
looks like new england was the correct play tonight. too bad u didn't bet them....
looks like new england was the correct play tonight. too bad u didn't bet them....

Yeah, maybe I should have bet them. 10,000 dollars?

Nahh, I should have bet everything I own.

It would have been smart.

I'd be a rich Billionare and I would never have to work ever again.

If you think it is easier to be a stock invester, think again. You won't get rich just investing on those bluechips for long term. And the amount of capital that you need to own those bluechips are not small either.
Btw Buffet's wealth is not just from picking stocks. It is from acquisition of businesses thru Berkshire.
And if you know anything about Buffet he is the luckiest MF ever. It wasn't thru picking stocks, it was done with the insurance business.
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Look at the number of hedge funds that are going down. How about BSC, GS.

The fed is bailing out big banks. Don't come on here telling everyone stocks is the way to go.

For most people betting games is a small hobby and helps them get thru the day and makes them happy.

Get a life buddy
Please respect each other guys. I'm kind of scratching my head at how things are going in this thread. I"ll admit i'm wondering what cgold has smoked or drank tonight (cus i want some), but Cgold is still in my mind one of the better people to discuss NFL games with, regardless of how much you agree/disagree with his stance on other issues.

Now no more cheap shots on each other... although I guess I'm open for some shots now.
Joebrensports calling Warren Buffet lucky is hilarious.

This is the same guy that posted a lock of the century, each week and lost.

Teach me how Buffet made his money Joe. Please. I want to be rich too. Apparently I am a pretty lucky guy at picking football, so maybe I will also be lucky enough to have 70 Billion dollars land on my lap one day.

Hedge Funds has nothing to do with what I am talking about. I am not telling people to do some of the fancier things with investing. Open up an IRA. Buy some stock... expand your horizen. You don't need to start with 10,000 dollars either. You can start with as little as 250 bucks. I am not telling everyone to turn into a day trader, or options trader, just don't expect to become rich from picking games.
if you're betting spreads or o/us, your odds are 50/50. please tell me the "odds" on your stock hitting it big. i want an actual number, please.

please answer this question and i will ask no more of you.
if you're betting spreads or o/us, your odds are 50/50. please tell me the "odds" on your stock hitting it big. i want an actual number, please.

please answer this question and i will ask no more of you.

I am not telling everybody to go trade penny stocks...

What are the odds that an S&P 500 low cost index fund will appreciate in an IRA Account? Many of the posters on this site are males between the ages of what, 20-45?

If you are 20 years old and you put down a few thousand dollars into an IRA, it wouldn't be far fetched to turn that few thousand dollars into a large chunk of change in 30 years.
Please respect each other guys. I'm kind of scratching my head at how things are going in this thread. I"ll admit i'm wondering what cgold has smoked or drank tonight (cus i want some), but Cgold is still in my mind one of the better people to discuss NFL games with, regardless of how much you agree/disagree with his stance on other issues.

Now no more cheap shots on each other... although I guess I'm open for some shots now.

agree with you bg.....

not sure if c-gold putting $ on nfl games in the past years but his winning % has been one of the best comparing to many highly respected cappers at covers & ctg.

this same topic was a hot debate on covers at one point. c-gold has a very good point about investing in stocks, mutual funds, ect...history indicated that mutual funds generally give investors a good avg of 8-10%.

keep in mind that this is a gambling board we are all addicted gamblers, so telling us to quit gambling is like telling a crack user to put away his pipe, not an easy task.

c-gold, keeping those picks coming.

football is just around the corner guys, stop wasting your energy fighting...:pillow:
If you are 20 years old and you put down a few thousand dollars into an IRA, it wouldn't be far fetched to turn that few thousand dollars into a large chunk of change in 30 years.

with this whole post and everything u are telling people to do it just sounds like u are trying to take over as the oracle of omaha. people on this site come here for sports and gambling info. and discussion, not for people telling them to put their money elsewhere and that they shouldn't be gambling.

i wont disagree with you that putting as much money away as possible when we are all young (early 20s) is the smartest thing anybody can do b/c of the compound interest on the money. the earlier you start the more you'll have in the end. also i'm pretty sure most people on this site are well aware that there is a stock market out there that it can make you money, wait for it, over a long time.

but what do we do then wise one? we've invested our money somewhere with low risk, yeah done that. great awesome. yippie for me! i've got a few hundred or thousand bucks in an IRA or MM. so what do we do now?

well i will tell u what i'm going to do. i'm going to put some money in a sportsbook account and bet a small portion on some football games, maybe some basketball games for fun. if i win well hey great for me, if not well then there is always tomorrow. i don't need somebody telling me what i should and shouldn't do with my money.

so until this site sets up an investment section where u can go and spout all the words of wisdom you want about investing in the stock market, or invest in these blue chip stocks or this IRA blah blah blah, i think i'll just leave whatever i've already put into an IRA or MM and have fun with the rest of my money!

you can't spend and have fun with you money when you're dead. why not do it while you're alive. money;
well Indiancowboy's home boy BRANDON LANG seems to be doing fine with sports gambling. He has a bomb ass house and a bomb ass chick with big titties. He is my idol.
well Indiancowboy's home boy BRANDON LANG seems to be doing fine with sports gambling. He has a bomb ass house and a bomb ass chick with big titties. He is my idol.

Brandon Lang probably makes more money from selling his picks rather than betting them.
well Indiancowboy's home boy BRANDON LANG seems to be doing fine with sports gambling. He has a bomb ass house and a bomb ass chick with big titties. He is my idol.

exactly how ainokea put it...

Lang gets his cash from touting and selling his picks... considering how he was a great fade last NFL season, I'd have to say he came out way ahead anyway with the picks he sold...

I'm not saying the guys sucks at making picks... I'm saying his house and his girl, etc. came from the picks he sells, not bets... I wouldn't even be surprised if he doesn't bet any of his picks at all because that way he's guaranteed money without ever worrying about losing any.
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i left because of this BS

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Brandon Lang probably makes more money from selling his picks rather than betting them.


Look, I am not trying to boss anybody around, or tell you what to do with your hard earned money...

All I am saying is that gambeling really isn't a very good idea. The odds are stacked against you. You should have that IRA open before you start potentially pissing your money away on a game that you might or might not understand.

This is coming from a guy that does make money gambeling, and does put time and effort into my picks. I still don't think it's a good idea.
i'm just asking how the odds are stacked against you.
its 50/50
flipping a coin
its a yes or a no
i'm just asking how the odds are stacked against you.
its 50/50
flipping a coin
its a yes or a no

it's a yes or a no... but with juice to pay... ;)

your odds of being correct against the spread are 50/50... but being correct 50% of the time is money lost.
I don't hear voices, but if I did...

they would tell me that gambeling is a horrible way to try and make money. Horrible.

I understand that most people don't gambel for money... but if you want that " thrill", the stock market can provide all of those thrills and more.

You want risk, the market can give you risk. Where there is risk, there is reward. Goldman Sachs made 120 million dollars last week on a deal.

I can honestly tell you guys, that I think it is not a good idea to bet on pro football games.... preseason, regular season, playoffs, anything. Shut down that account.

Go get a job selling stock to white shirt stupid investors that have no clue even what the company name is that they bought into.

Losing at gambling is always a reality, but winning for your own effort is the greatest reward of all. See- you dont have to bitch about the payscale... youre never underpaid. The reward is knowing who to tail if you stink at it yourself.

You have paramaters that factor your chances for the risk. Someone to trust - as in yourself. No one to con you. And you decide what you want to bet. Your money doesnt sit there in a rollercoaster stock that tortures you until its all gone. Gambling lasts just as long as the game is played. After that you can INVEST AGAIN!

Speaking of stocks C-Gold, please show me one that we can track for a hundred bucks and cash out in 3 -4 hours with our money doubled?

We all have our reasons for gambling. But winning solves everything.

By the way. A 62% winning percentage is over a 400% return on ALL your money in only 4 months. Where are your stocks hitting like that in that short a time?

PS enjoy the season. looking forward to some of your plays as well.


G-Man- I guess your right, gambeling is smart, easy and the way to go.

Brandon Lang... I wonder how much he made gambeling? Not even close to a Billion dollars.
Well, for people who don't know anything about the market, they'll probably lose money in the beginning as well.
Essentially, buying stocks is just as much of a gamble as betting on sports.
I really do not see much of a difference.
When you are investing in a company or a team, you are trading 'certainty'. If you don't know the outcome and you're trying to predict it, that's the gambling.
When you buy stocks, you are EXPECTING them to go up, similar to betting on a team to cover the spread. In both cases, shit can happen and your stocks go down, company goes bankrupt....etc..etc.. or your team doesn't cover.
Bottom line: you lose money.

I think that in both stocks and sports betting, if done right, you put in the time and research, and grind it can win. Profit is profit.

I guess, if you are saying that stocks can yield a higher % of return...maybe you are right..but that does not mean you cannot do it betting on sports. This guy on another forum started with 100 bucks and got it up to 3k in 4 months with proper money management and discipline.
Now, even at 11% annual return on funds/stocks, and he put in his 100 bucks, how many years would that take him to earn even $1000? About 23 years...compounded.

Even if you gave it to professional stock brokers to make your picks, they don't win money in all their stock picks either.
And really, whats the difference between a professional stock broker and someone who knows their sports/teams/players ???
G-Man- I guess your right, gambeling is smart, easy and the way to go.

Brandon Lang... I wonder how much he made gambeling? Not even close to a Billion dollars.

C, Brandon lang is never going to make a billion dollars. Hell, he probably isnt making much at all. I dont follow him so I dont know. He probably is a tout that has 30 different plays gong on 30 different websites. How rediculous is that to compare. There is NO Casino that would take enough action from a guy(billion) to win it even if it could be won.

BUT Go ahead and ask the billionaire what it took for him to gain the money.

Also I never said this was easy.

Smart, maybe - if you have a clue about what it takes and do your money management effectively.

Im not argueing with you, but if you like stocks, so be it. But why rag a little on all the players here at CTG.

Put a 1000 in an account somewhere and follow a poster here that you like. Even if you hit 58% your money will more than double, and who knows, maybe you'll be happy with the outcome.


Instead of betting on the New England Patirots...

Buy stock in Kraft.

Gambeling is so stupid. Even the very best people will only hit 62% over the long haul, and they really won't make THAT much money, considering the risk, the time, the energy, the emotional highs and lows.

Why focus your efforts on something that your designed to lose at? Sure, you could be one of the few that makes money... if your incredibly good or lucky, but even then, how much money are you really going to make?

I haven't heard of anybody that got rich betting on football/basketball/baseball, but I sure as shit have heard of Casino owners that got rich. The State runs a lottery because it makes them money... They only pay out half of what they collect etc.

I have heard of numerous Billionare Investors. Warren Buffet is the second richest person in the world with an estimated fortune of around 70 Billion dollars. The guy owns huge chunks worth hundreds of millions dollars of Corporations.

Why not focus your energies on an activity where the odds are in your favor? The S&P 500 index could average between 7 to 11 percent returns for decades. If you compound your money for long enough, you can generate an enormous fortune.

Don't waste your money betting on the New England Patriots, or any other team for that matter. Put your money into an area where it has a great chance to appreciate.

Sail with the wind at your back. If you invest, you have the best and brightest minds in the world, working for YOU. That is what businesses do, they try and create value for shareholders. Your company might profit from creating the hottest new Ipods, Delivering packages faster than anyone else, or finding a cure for cancer.

Don't say that you don't have enough money. If you have enough money to waste betting 50 bucks on a game, you have enough money to invest. You can buy stock for as low as 7 dollars per trade. You can open up an IRA Account for as low as 250 bucks. If you don't have 250 dollars to your name, then you shouldn't be gambeling at all.

If you don't understand investing, then learn about it. There are huge sections of librarys and book stores dedicated to the stock market. The internet has a wealth of information as well.

Don't say that you don't have enough time either. You don't have to play day trader to invest. You could simply turn your money over to a large low cost mutual fund and have a professional pick your stocks for you.

There are no excuses. Put down that bookies phone number, and start investing.

I've been here posting in the MLB forum since 07.23.07 (a little over a month ago) and have made $13,786 (for the season I'm up $49,152). No offense but that's pretty damned good if I do say so myself. Can you tell me, how the stock did during the last month and couple days & since the MLB season started? However you earn/make your money, I wish you well.
Turning 100 bucks into a few grand is great, or turning making 13K is great too...

that is over the short term and difficult to do. Pacman you even said yourself that your doing pretty good... and you are.

to keep those results up, month after month, year after year is very difficult. If you could do that year after year, I would say that you have a lot of talent. Not many people could do that...

but your going against the grain and beating the odds. why not take that talent you have onto wall street where you have wind at the back of your sail?
Odds on a game ats...
Team A 50% chance of winning
Team B 50% chance of winning

You win, you get juiced 5-15%
you lose, you lose 100 percent of what you put down...

The odds of hitting a stock " big" as you speak of are unlikely, but then again the odds of losing everything with a large cap stock are also unlikely.

However, the AVERAGE market returns would be 7-12 percent on the S&P 500 index funds...

the AVERAGE handicapper losses money. By definition an average gambler would hit 50% of his plays, and slowly widdle away the 5-10% juice on his winnings.

Now, not everybody is an average capper, but that doesn't necesarily mean being above average will give you a return on your money. You have to hit what, 57% of your picks just to make money?

Hitting 60% or greater long term is difficult. I am not talking long term as in one season, but longer term as in multiple seasons or even decades.

I'd also like to point out that the people that ARE good cappers, aren't just cappers because they know their sport so well, but also because they have that emotional stature that allows them to cap well. Not everybody can go lay down hard earned money on some team that got dogged the previous week. Not everybody has the balls to bet on some 10 point dog that looks like they will get crapped on. Not everybody has the balls to bet after they lost their previous 4 bets.

Being a good capper takes discipline, knowledge, skill etc.

So does the stock market, which is why I suggest top cappers to consider the market, because if you can consistantly make money on a losing proposition, imagine what you can do when you have sails at your back.
Turning 100 bucks into a few grand is great, or turning making 13K is great too...

that is over the short term and difficult to do. Pacman you even said yourself that your doing pretty good... and you are.

to keep those results up, month after month, year after year is very difficult. If you could do that year after year, I would say that you have a lot of talent. Not many people could do that...

but your going against the grain and beating the odds. why not take that talent you have onto wall street where you have wind at the back of your sail?

Thank you but I read your post as you saying nobody/few were able to make any money wagering baseball.

I fully understand what you're driving at in terms of length/proven track record. Short-term to me, is not that important as making certain the the steps are correct. One can not predict the outcome on every event as there are many variables that merit consideration - be it with stocks/bonds or wagering. If one has the set-up, the results will be favorable. Doc says I should be around for a while so you and others here will be able to see a full season of action (bases). What I need to find out is how old a person has to be to post here and make certain my children will be able to continue to provide selections for everyone long after I'm gone. Baseball is by far best sport to make money doing it how it is. Once MLB is done, is time for BREAK - need to unwind from the daily grind.

I've spent much time forming reliable and trustworthy contacts in various cities to toss it all away and start over attempting stock market. Appreciate the offer, but will stay with what is known better.

BOL earning money however you do!