Input on Seattle at KC


Not all those who wander are lost
The first 4 times KC faced lefties this year they scored 6 runs.
Since then they have faced some very bad lefties
and looked very good. Seems to me the jury is still out here
its a good day of the week for KC
Bannister lifetime has a 4.81 day era
this season he has 10 walks and 7 strikeouts
He is 0-3 lifetime against Seattle
he is coming off a junk start and is 3-7 last 10 at home.
Washburn is 3-2 team record this year. he is 2=0 as a stopper. Griffey a character building team leader just got back for Seattle. seattle has lost a season high 3 games. On the road in second game of a road series Seattle is
at KC Washburn is 5-3 with 7 high quality starts and 1 bad one.
Seattle in day games is 6-4 while KC is 4=6. With Wright out see pens tiny to Seattle. Days of the week is strong for KC. Going first half small for Seattle today.
Can't argue with you here. Bannister has the tendency to start off the year on fire then begin to lose control and confidence as the year progresses.
Hard to argue any of those numbers.
Also hard to ignore the 69 runs the Royals have put on the board in L 10.
KC TT at 4.5
Hard to not look at the 8 out of last 10 being over that mark.
SEA has given up more than the 4.5 in 7 of last 10.
Hard to take pitching stats out, but when they're putting the
wood to the ball like that, it's worth at least a look.

KC TT looking good.
Just posted Seattle first half. actually have a very small bet on them for the game as well.
Colorado rl and over much higher equity but not as interesting.
Careful tuck, i may be agaisnt you, as much as I hate being against you. But Marquis is not nearly as good as his numbers show.

do like the over though
Regarding the team total---maybe. So far this season they average less than 4 runs a game in day games.
Look I wish all the best but it does not matter if you bet with or against me, it matters if you stay sane. If you study the Colorado game even a little betting on Cain and Frisco should make you run out of the room screaming. If you do not know why this is true you need to study more or stop gambling.
dont like being against you all day but got KC ML and SF ML. Cain just had a bad last start and gave up 3hr-5r. In 2 starts in Colo in 2007 he went 13ip-1er. He didnt pitch in Colo in 2008. Other starts this yr were 1er-2er-2er-1er. He has been unlucky in his career cause the Giants rarely support him but I think seeing Marquis 2x in a week should benefit them and I dont expect the same kind of outting he had in SF. I actually like the Royals game a lot, hopefully we will line up on the later plays
dont like being against you all day but got KC ML and SF ML. Cain just had a bad last start and gave up 3hr-5r. In 2 starts in Colo in 2007 he went 13ip-1er. He didnt pitch in Colo in 2008. Other starts this yr were 1er-2er-2er-1er. He has been unlucky in his career cause the Giants rarely support him but I think seeing Marquis 2x in a week should benefit them and I dont expect the same kind of outting he had in SF. I actually like the Royals game a lot, hopefully we will line up on the later plays

The Kansas City bullpen is in good shape and well rested ideally here off of Sidney Ponson’s Wednesday showing, and Brian Bannister can build a bridge to that pen. Bannister does not throw the ball past hitters, but he does have good command of the strike zone, and his 2-0/1.96 opening has him at the right confidence level. When facing a weak offense it is all about making them put the ball in play to beat you, and the Mariners are #13 in the A.L. in batting average, #12 in runs, #12 in home runs and tied for 14th in walks.I like the Royals in a B2B play for me...:tiphat:
another 2 unit play for me here...
Thats true and in one of those starts he won and the other he lost by 2. That was then. I am not going to talk more about this game, People have to learn to think and acquire information or else there is really no hope.
At least a reasonable argument. i see Pens as very close. Wright is out for KC which hurts them. I would not be betting small on this game if i were sure about it. I think i gave reasons for corncern but you are betting on a hot team against a cold one and that is never a terrible idea:cheers:
dude, are u not being a dick, but you're being very condescending telling us to do more research or quit gambling.....its called an opinion dude, and seriously, your "research" led you to be shocked by a line last nite when ur team ended up losing when ppl disagree respectfully, i think it would be very much apprecaited if you are just as respectful

People have to learn to think and acquire information or else there is really no hope.

sorry man, i forgot your the king of baseball handicapping
I am a human being and humans make mistakes. i am also always polite. I think however I am going to take some time off.
dude, ur picks have always been solid as a rock and the great thinga bout this site is if u make mistakes people dont jump down your throat like "other" places. nobodys giving u shit about ur picks at all, just the way ur acting like ur a god and everyone else doesnt know anything and "people need to do research or quit" it was just condescending, thats all. i thought you enjoyed it enough here to not wanna leave, but good luck w/e u do.
i slammed KC last night but i have a good chunk of change on seattle +110 today. think bannister gets hit pretty decent.

If you don't like Tuck's style of posting, just ignore his posts. Who cares if he can be a little brusque at times. He always provides plenty of information to think about.

Sorry to interject Tuck. Just appreciate the thoughts and info you bring to the table each day.
Sf @ col : i'll probably leave this alone but if i had to bet i would be on the over. sf can't score or even hit right now. however, cain is 10x the pitcher marquis ever was. marquis is the biggest piece of shit. he got crushed every time i bet on him when he was on the cubs. he's a better pitcher on the road. cain has been walking too many and giving up homers which is a major problem at coors field. certainly wouldn't feel safe laying this much wood on marquis against cain and the boys. GL man.