INFORMATION-MATT HUGHES training at REC CENTRE with noTRaining Partners

Sammy Meatballs

Sammy Meatballs? Never Heard of Her
I was researching this fight and will post this link, it says HUGHES has been blacklisted by the split from the MILLITICH camp and is training in a local rec centre with 2 guys Tommy Speer and some guy from the Ultimate Fighter show. Meanwhile GSP is training with Canadian Wrestling team, Pro boxers, and MUAY THAI fighters and some special Cardio team.

If you read the many posts it seems that HUGHES has no camp and thinks that he can just outmuscle GSP. I was already on GSP but this training is mickey mouse and he will get crushed by a razor sharp GSP.
Hughes may know how to train; but anyone who thinks that his camp for this fight is comparable to the resources he had at MFS is just plain wrong.

It's obvious that Hughes was geared up for a Serra fight and that this change was made with fighting Serra in mind. Hughes is still noticeably disappointed at not being able to fight Serra at this time.

I'm not a Hughes hater, and consider myself a moderate fan, but it is what it is: GSP is pumped up for the fight and has the best training available to ANYONE in MMA. Hughes, with all due respect to him, is acting flustered and frustrated, and currently has no experienced training partners (Lawler was injured weeks ago).

It LOOKS like a bad situation for Hughes, whether you like him or not. Keep it real

copied from some guy who posted this
I want to give him the benefit of the doubt though. Maybe he has total faith in his ability and he wants to spend 100% of his energy on training to be in the craziest shape of his life. That could actually work well if he manages to neutralize GSP's strength. And you don't really need many partners for this.

Then again I saw a video on the these forums where he was playing water basketball and it was a recent training vid. They were borderline frolicking.<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

Hughes made a 3 pointer in that basketball game...i wonder if that's gonna help
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If you go to Hughes's website, they list his training partners as Jacob Hey, Tommy Speer, and Robbie Lawler, with coaches being Marc Fiore and Matt Peña. Lawler is now injured. There's little point in speculating about all this. Hughes appears to have a substandard training camp. Can he find a way to win? Maybe. But all the indications are troubling for anyone other than the most rabid Hughes nuthuggers

really hope Matt is working on his striking defense. He got toyed with last time, and that may very well happen again. No WAY is he getting a takedown unless he can set it up with strikes or at least by blocking and dodging some strikes while working his way in.

"Rocky trained in a barn for Drago"
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Anyone who also cares GSP was one of the top 25 Chess players in QUEBEC during his teen years.

Also GSP said he fears a well rounded fighter, that could mean he has the confidence to kill HUGHES because he is not well rounded, and if we look at the first match he abused an OLDER HUGHES. HUGHES reminds me of the Denver BRONCOS, still have a good reputation but are on the way down bigtime, and can be exploited big time vs the wrong opponent just like the Broncos can.
Not going to discredit what they guy said over on sherdog or the Countdown he watched. But Hughes' goal prefight is to get into his opponents head. This may be what he is doing, to get GSP to think that Hughes is just not into the fight. I am going to read the rest of the threrad to see if someone says anything differently.
I mean it was on countdown. Not sure what benefit he gets training with Speers dude has no skills. Hughes will be ready for the fight.. obviously he doesnt carry the skills that gsp does though
MUTOSFAN and ABCS I agree, and HUGHES is a cocky fighter, but you will never see a fighter talk like he is going to lose a fight.

GSP beats people with his mutli dimensional game. He lost to Hughes earlier but was only 23 and was physced out and beaten before the match started. The second match was a different story.

GSP lost to Serra for different reasons. He was 25 years old won the TITLE and all the girls were after him. He is a nice guy and I believe one of those UFC sluts screwed him up. The type of girls that were going after GSP are not what GSP stands for. So I believe he was deeply hurt after the UFC girl started playing games with him. He was underweight, did not train, showed up sick, and was partying in EUROPE before the Serra fight.
GSP had reached the top of the sport and there was no where higher for him to go, then he lost and hit rock bottom. If GSP was seeing a nice simple decent girl it would have no effect on him, but you can bet since he was seeing the UFC ring girl, what kind of shananaghans were going on. GSP is a nice guy, those girls want a bad boy baller type, GSP exudes class, UFC ring girls exudes no class.

A single GSP without any women is a deadly one. Imagine all the girls from Vegas, Montreal that were after him after he won. It does not take a genius to figure out why he lost to SErra.

Then the next match he beats KOS, but completely beat him at his own game wrestling, which tells me something, HUGHES cannot take him down, no chance, and if he does, GSP will get up.
so how sure are you guys GSP wins?

Will be my biggest bet! He walks throw Hughes.

Hughes "strategy" for choosing GSP to replace Serra was that GSP was sitting on the coach eating chips until he heard he was going to fight again. But GSP was actually training for the upcoming Olympics for, believe it or not, wrestling!! Is it mma training? No. But he was already working on technique.

Hughes also pushed for a 5 round fight and got it, again, thinking that he would be able to push this into the 4th-5th round and wear GSP down and then his own cardio and strength would prevail. Not happening here.

Hughes has not improved enough in his standup to be able to do any effective striking. GSP however has improved in his wrestling and will be able to hold his own in a wrestling match as he did out wrestle Kos bu a huge margin.

Hughes has an ego the size of a small state. He calculated this move to fight GSP, though he DOES NOT want htis fight, and thought this would be his best shot a pulling out a win. He will not be winning this one.
If matt was smart he would have told dana he wants to wait until sera gets healthy.Would have been a lot easier.
one of you UFC guys, give me the assurance that this is as good of a bet as mayweather over hatton and i'm riding along for -230 on sat night
one of you UFC guys, give me the assurance that this is as good of a bet as mayweather over hatton and i'm riding along for -230 on sat night

Well I guess you could say that considering some knowledgable cappers had money on Hatton and felt good about it.

NOTHING let me repeat NOTHING is a sure thing in the UFC.

The baddest mofo with 140 wins by knockout could lose to a 3-50 fighter on any given night. I'm not saying this in a sense of the Dolphins could have beat the Pats on Sunday. I'm saying much more so than boxing, the UFC is the most unpredictable sport that I watch.

Lets see Serra dropped GSP like a sack of potatoes. NO ONE (and I was a huge Serra fan back into the late 90s) that liked money was laying down cash for Serra to beat GSP. It happened and I was in complete shock.

I'm not saying either side is the right or wrong side here but Hughes got dropped by GSP (i didnt expect it but wasnt shocked) and then GSP turns around and gets dropped by a guy much shorter and with arms seemingly half the length of St. Pierre.

What I am saying is the last two title shots involving this weight class the guy I didnt see winning especially by knockout crushed the guy that I saw as the clear cut favorite.

Both of these guys have alot to prove and will give everything they have.
I wouldn't count Hughes out based on information about training partners.
Only two men will be going at it when this fight begins.
Yup GSP losing as like an 11/1 favorite. I didnt even think Serra deserved a shot at the belt.. then he wins. Go Figure
one of you UFC guys, give me the assurance that this is as good of a bet as mayweather over hatton and i'm riding along for -230 on sat night

ETG this line should be a lot higher more like -350.

HUGHES has the name being a former champion, and is on the decline of his career. HUGHES is a wrestler he wins and does a lot of damage on the ground vs opponents through ground and pound.
Watch their first match on YOUTUBE and you tell me was than not a clinic. There was no point that HUGHES even had a chance to get within 2 feet of GSP, he was scared, lethargic, got his ass beaten down good,. GSP ran a clinic on him, he even kicked one of his legs out with a leg sweep in the 2nd round, where HUGHES was just in shock from the beating. Then he connected with a left head kick that send HUGHES flying and then beat him into submission. HUGHES should have actually got knocked out in the 1st round but was saved by the bell. GSP connected with a SUPERMAN punch and sent Hughes into fairyland and then connected with a left right combo.

THis is a matchup problem, you have a wrestler basically fighting a superior standup fighter who is probably a better wrestler now anyway. HUGHES has no punches, no kicks, GSP is a little like VAN DAMN used to be in Lionheart and Kickboxer, pretty much an amazing athlete.

HUGHES does not have the game to beat GSP, he knows it, GSP knows it, everyone knows it, GSP will keep him away, and just tee off with punches and kicks and I think he can literally grab HUGHES and wrestle him on the ground, I think he either knocks him out cold or submits him with a rear naked choke as HUGHES will not be able to answer his speed.
Anything in mma can happen, but normally the favorite does win. We went on a spell of huge dogs pulling off huge upsets, but that is not the norm. The -200 on up favorites useally are the winners (now I have no historical data to back my claim up, just knowledge of watching thefights for years).

Serra beating GSP was a definite shocker, but he possesses something Hughes does not...KO power. Serra does have heavy hands, something Hughes does not. Hughes was completely baffled in the cage last fight. He could get nowhere close to a TD, could get nowhere close to land any strikes, and had no defense to GSP's repertoire. Probably the most overmatched, biggest beating, lopsided title fight that I have seen (that I can think of off the top of my head. Maybe Franklin/Silva I).

I am not big believer that Hughes is the greatest champion of all time. He is/was a stud, dont get me wrong, but I count out of his last 15 fights, he has 2 losses and 4 other fights he could/should have lost. That is what make(s)(ed) him a stud...he found a way to win.

Losses: Penn and GSP

The other 4:

Frank Trigg 2x - had his back in both fights w/ a rear naked choke sunk in!! Hughes got out both times and proceeded to win.
Penn - beat the hell out of him for 2 rounds, at the end of the 2nd went for and arm bar or knee bar and popped his last rib out of socket. Got pummeled in the 3rd and lost.
Carlos Newton - Had him in a triangle and Hughes picked him up, slammed him HARD, KO'ed Newton and himself. Ref saw Newton out before Hughes and gave the win to Hughes.

Like Sammy said, after the last fight, the line should be much higher, but I will guess it is because you put someone with Hughes' resume at +270 or more than the books will have huge money coming in on Hughes' side.
10-4 on that MUTOSFAN, also GSP ran a clinic on Hughes the last time. What is Hughes going to change from last fight??

THese fights are decided before they step into the ring, Franklin knew Silva would kick his ass much like Hughes knows GSP will do to him
You are writing off Hughes like he has zero chance. The guy might be the greatest of all time at that weight class. Id be careful
ABCS he may be the greatest, but is basically overrated bigtime. He won in an era where all the fighters were wrestlers with not much striking. He beat everyone with superior wrestling and strength. He beat NEWTON as they both got knocked out unconscious at the same time. HE should have lost to PENN until PENN broke his rib and could not fight. He lost to GSP bigtime in decisive fashion. Anyone has a chance in any fight for sure, but what is happening is many fighters are becoming very one dimensional. Hughes is a one dimensional fighter, he lacks KO power, so vs ST pierre he is in trouble because he will not win a wrestling match anyways with George. ABCS I ask you a question who is stronger HUGHES or ST PIERRE? Hughes is supposedly strong, but GSP is more explosive, the last attempt he tried to take GSP down and he just throws HUGHES off, there is not much a difference strenght wise between these 2 guys. In fact GSP has much more explosive power than HUGHES who uses bouncer strength to grab and wrestle and just ground and pound.

GSP cannot be taken down, he wrestles with the Canadian Wrestling Team, said he faces wrestlers 10 times better than HUGHES. HE outwrestled KOS. HUGHES has already bought a gym Hughes INtensive Training and is planning to retire if he loses soon. The last match GSP was in no danger of losing in fact the only way he lost would be if he tripped and broke his ankle. Hughes may try to take GSP down, but he will not, and he will get smoked if he tries, in a standup war, HUGHES has some of the worst standup in the division. HUGHES is just a bear, but fighting vs GSP who walks around 185 lbs training, he is strong as hell also. I know that GSP lost before and anything is certainly possible, but GSP is not like -500 or -1000 here, he will win this match his training team is great, he is confident, he knows he can beat him which is key, a cocky GSP is what we need, not the one that fought SERRA.
ABCS the fact that the DOGS hit a few months ago was true, but lets look at who they were.
Rampage beat LIDDEL, but I Knew RAMPAGE was always better than Liddel
Serra beat GSP= BIggest upset ever in UFC
Gonzaga beat CRO COP- BIg Upset, but Pride guys struggle in UFC
FOrrest beats SHOGUN- Upset but pride guy again loses
Jardine beats LIddell- Upset but Liddell on the way down

If you match up all the fighters in this division, GSP would pick HUGHES to fight I bet, because he poses the least threat to GSP. GSP said he fears a well rounded fighter, HUGHES is not one. All GSP will do is prepare for takedown defense with his wrestling team, and then work on standup, in fact ABCS I have a feeling GSP will take HUGHES down and beat him at his own game much like he did to KOS. You know how good of a wrestler you have to be to outwrestle KOS, the guy was undefeated in college, a sick wrestler is KOS and powerfull as an OX, and GSP just toyed with his takedown attempts.

I think ABCS we know we will get a focussed GSP which will translate into an awesome GSP. Confident GSP= Winning GSp