Indy 500

Been doing one for quite a few years now. Typically pretty good results but I do remember one shit can year. The condensed version is Dixon or Rossi will win this year. I did throw some peanuts on Palou at +5850. I love this kid as he reminds me of Munoz and has taken to this track well. He was only one of two that has gone into turn one screaming at 240, but his weight jacker froze up on him and screwed up his qualifying effort.

While it’s true that the Penske cars couldn’t find their qualifying trim, their race trim is ok. It’s a long damn race and they will find their way to the front. It should be mentioned that the general consensus is that passing will not be easy and Sato (who has a damn good car btw) has said you better be in the top 6 on the last stint if you want a shot at the checkers.
While it’s true that Marco has a rocket himself, he was almost 4mph of pace on carb day (last shake down of the cars). This fact, combined with the Andretti curse, does not bode well for him. He does have one of the best in his ear, Bryan Herta, but he gets rattled easy and will more than likely shit the bed (it’s what he does best) One could argue taking any plus money matchup against him is a good wager. And I get the fact that not everyone goes balls out on carb day, but his comments let you know something was askew.
First year in forever that Hildebrand is in a dog of a car and he’s not in a single matchup. Wtf ever man
Hope to add a few more. As always, I just want them to stay safe and stay on the ground. Enjoy the greatest spectacle and GLTA.
Ed +135 Helio- has the better car and Helio just isn’t the same as he once was. Tends to make mental errors and no warm up on the road course this year. That’s it for me. Cheers
Pleased to see this thread, Capt. Years ago I bet the Indy every year with (against) a couple of friends, but people do die and that competition ended a few years back.
wife spent time in Indy and has friends there. One of them worked at the track . He shoots me a little poop on the race each year
So he also selects Dixon.
im joining you and a little on Rossi, too. And a couple of fades of Helio in the head to heads. Let’s enjoy.
I like the Indy-have been many times- hope you guys win your bets-
Just watched Daly and Askew pile it up-
Not sure their speeds, but higher than freeway regulations-
For their interviews, they are wearing masks....
Seems kinda silly IMO.....