INDY +5- Please VICK will not cover this

Sammy Meatballs

Sammy Meatballs? Never Heard of Her
I am liking INDY, but just have to ensure that the starters are playing at least the first half. Not sure if I play the game or the first half but I am feeling very good about INDY.

Tennesee controls their own destiny tomorrow, vs Indy in primetime, but INDY is playing starters for the first half. SORGI is good, and Harrison is back, I think we have MANNING for the first half for sure.

Tennesse is in a must win game tomorrow, easy just win and you are in, but they have one really really bad thing going for them tomorrow. His name is Vincent VICK.

Why am I so sour on this guy? Well let me tell you something, I have QB's like VICK pegged to a tee. I know exactly how his year will go before it starts. At the start of the year VICK is FRESH and FAST and healthy and can really Run and keep defenses off balance. Teams are behind on film study as they dont know what VICK has learned.
Teams quickly figure out what VICK is doing and they take away the run and force him to throw more. THe real key is VICK takes hits, and cannot run anymore. HIT after HIT after HIT makes him slower and makes him want to throw the ball.

PROOF- First 2 games VICK wins at Jaxonsville 13-10 and New Orleans 31-14- VICK Looks all world cause he catches teams off guard and FISHER gameplans well with VICK.

PROOF- Then VICK scores 10 on the road In Tampa, Then 20 in Denver and then 6 in Cincy, then he scores 26 at Kansas City,

Home games VICK scores 10 vs Jets, 13 vs Oakland, 20 vs Atlanta, 17 vs SanDiego-

VICK is not a student of the game, he relies on others not being a student of the game and doing no film study- Even his buddy in prison was the same story, near the end of the year he was horrific, and got worse with time, same thing here with VICK.

VICK struggles to score plain and simple, so what is their mindset tomorrow?

Jeff Fisher is sleeping right now and thinking we are okay this is a must win game, VICK is going to throw for 300 yards and 3 td's? I think not I think FISHER is having nightmares and thinking shit what if VICK throws 2 int's and cannot throw again, what am I gonna do? Fisher is worried what if we are down by 14 at half, I hope they pull MANNING. FISHER is not thinking man VICK is going to get the job done no probs. FISHER is thinking maybe i should run the ball get manning out of the game and then win vs the SUBS?

When i saw this line i thought the game was in TENNESSE? This line is a joke, because all the pressure is on VICK, the only question is whether it is INDY first half or MONEYLINE on the game.

As long as DUNGY does not empty the bench too early and wants to win as he is big on the INTEGRITY of the league, INDY will win or for sure cover this game.

Fisher already knows this much, he knows their IDENTITY is to win late in the 4th qtr, this is how they win, this does not give them much margin for error or chance at the Cover.

I think the Tennessee Pass D is terrible in my opinion, Manning should ligh them up, Denver earlier this year smoked them badly.

This line would be Indy -8 probably, and now is +5. The difference here is not worth 13 points and I can tell you why.

Look at what I posted above, VICK does not even score 13 points in many games this year. Now they have adjusted this line 13 points.

Colts please, I love going against VICK


I AM NOT PLAYING INDY +5, I may play INDY MLINE for game instead, but taking 1st half and then will reconsider at half once the result is in at half, hopefully a good result.

IN any football I will take MANNING over VICK in Madden XBOX, In touch football, Flag football, playground football, MANNING beats VICK plain and Simple at a PICK at home in 1st half.
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This line in my opinion should be Indy -1, they missed it by a TD, TENN cannot create any big leads with their team, game may be close then they are not covering anyway?
vick gives better numbers and got to a NFC CHampionship. we may have to talk again over our assessment of Vince, Sammy.
Young is not Vick

HE is a second coming of VICK, same story it just took the league and the D coordinators a little longer to figure the bigger VICK out, same defensive strategies to beat these guys- Its like coles notes, same basic stories just different brands.

Coles 101- How to effectively stop VICK

Coles 202- How to make VICK throw

Coles 303- How to contain VICK in the pocket

COle 404- How to confuse VICK in coverage

Brew we can talk about VINCE,

Made a play on this game FIRST HALF INDY PICK
If Young is Vick then he will go to the AFC championship this year....

He may go to the Championship, I never doubted VICK's and Tennese's chances in the playoffs, in fact they are a good bet because they will be getting probably +7 in a game in PItts or Chargers? Then the value is with them in a tight scoring affair.

However what I am talking about is tomorrow, where they are -5 and are pick at half vs MANNING. Tenn's biggest advantage will be in the 4th qtr because of backups in for INDY. I know that VICK will start out slow and MANNING will carve them up, trust me, MANNING carved up JAX, and they are playing really really good at this point in the season.

I may play on VICK in the playoffs, but not tomorrow, its all about the situation they are in tomorrow. The line is way off based on this MUST WIN ANGLE. Man if I had a bet for everytime a guy went to a bar and said this is a MUST PICK UP A CHICK NIGHT" I would be rich, cause you all know what happens when you are pressured.
Titans always play the colts hard and beat them b4 with all the starters.

Young likes playing against cover 2 defense's
VY shouldnt be compared to Vick, thats unfair. Vick is a POS human being, VY is not.

VY is looking to pass first, unlike Vick who was always a run first kinda QB. Especially is they take his first read away. VY is actually learning his playbook, and is a leader amongst his teammates. VY needs some more weapons on that offense. I'm not saying he is the only one with drops, but I have seen countless games where VY has put it on the money and his recievers have dropped the ball.

Tenny needs to win this game, it is a playoff game for them. The whole team should play well and get the victory. Now the spread i'm not so sure about.
I'm on the Colts, but it has to be said. After the fact that they're both black, this comparison falls apart pretty much completely.
Yeah as humans they are not the same, VICK is an idiot, but as players they are similar players in fact VY is what VICK was supposed to be when they drafted him, but he is also turning into the old VICK. I do agree with the drops though, but still the guy is not a passer.
They're actually not, though.

VY won in college, Vick didn't. VY actually works on his game, Vick did not. VY is a leader, Vick was not. VY is about his team, Vick was not. Vick was coddled by his team, VY hasn't been, not to this point.

I'm not even a big fan of the guy or anything, they're just not similar.

VY is too big to ever potentially translate his game to being an RB, not so with Vick. That's arguably why Vick never became a better passer, because he was small enough that he knew if he ever needed to pull it down he could. VY's only got a few years of that left. If you want to compare VY to anybody, compare him to Randall Cunningham or a taller Steve Young.

And then realize that if he doesn't get any coaching from this point on his career will follow the path of the former, if he does it will likely follow the latter.