Power Boat Enthusiast
Post in here if your rooting for cleveland, bet on cleveland, or just happy that the indians wooped that ass tonight:cheers:
That a way, i can't believe lebron james the image of cleveland sports was wearing a NY Yankees hat...unbelievable
Tonight's a different story with Pettite.
Michaels should get the nod over Lofton. Everyone else stays the same in the line up.
Mona better have a sinker or he'll get lit up like Wanger last night.
Go tribe!!!!!! What was with CC being an underdog?????? Pounded it like a $2 horror
Could not agree with you more, what an a$$. Serioulsy wtf is the point of that Lebron?
who cares? I am a huge bears fan and would wear a bears hat to browns stadium even if i played for the cavs
its 'ship
or 'ships
go chicago teams....proper terminology is key. bar and i know a lot about this subject. its new for you cleveland folk i hear.
all joking aside congrats on the win and gl rest of way.
hell of a game ....