In the Milwaukee game

Noticed this
CHACIN is 1-3 when starting against MIAMI with an ERA of 5.40 and a WHIP of 1.447.
His team's record is 2-3 (-2.0 units) in these starts. The UNDER is 3-2. (+0.7 units)
Off tangent will not be involved in the Yankee game but if forced I would play Toronto.
Gray has an interesting night ERA this season and 3-10 last13 at night
Other pitcher has multiple problems to and very inconsistent
Mostly interested in ump info
Washington at Dodgers?
Not an issue in a way. History laughs and points and points at Kershaw
BUT both teams much weaker this year. Not sure which has decayed more
Strong trends point to Nova losing so far watching
Some interest in Boston
Will have Money on Houston
Cashed Detroit in the morning
Never in doubt
Chacin hasn't been overly impressive through the first four starts of his Brewers career.
He held the Mets to just a run his last time out -- marking a season-low for runs allowed -- but only worked four innings and gave up five hits with three walks during that stretch, striking out four.
Chacin didn't face the Marlins last season but is 1-4 with a 5.22 ERA in seven career appearances against Miami, including five starts.
the miami team that anyone has played in the past is not the team that miami fields is a just barely above a good aaa team....imho.....good luck on your first five
Locked in Baltimore Bundy listed.
Essentially simple
Bauer lifetime at this park 0-3 15.1 innings ERA 7.63
His team has had 1 day off and is coming off a 16 inning game meanwhile Bundy is sharpest the first few months
the miami team that anyone has played in the past is not the team that miami fields is a just barely above a good aaa team....imho.....good luck on your first five
Might be right. Sort of a forced play for me.