I'm sick and tired of hearing that

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Russell Wilson is only good because he is on a great team with a great defense. He is totally legit and one of the better QBs in the league.

He's always been good, he was solid with NC State and Wisconsin. He is a great leader and simply a natural athlete. He plays like he is in slow motion, nothing rattles him.

If anything Wilson is underrated. He is a fantastic QB and would be anywhere he played.

I hear a lot of negative things being said about him.. Maybe it's just a coincedence.. But I hear it all the time.
I never hear anything too bad, especially this year, but you do hear that "great team, great defense, great fit" qualifier when he's compared to the other young quarterbacks. Or at least when he's compared to Luck.
Here's one guy who absolutely loves him.

Browns had a lot of picks in that draft, but selected T-Rich, Weeden, and Mitchell Schwartz ahead of him. Solid.
Put him on a team with a bad offensive line and a bad running game....and a defense that relies on him to win games even though this defense puts him in bad field position... Guys got talent no question but lets look at the situation he has been put in...
So hard to compare QB's because of this kind of thing. You hear stuff like this about Roethlisberger all the time. Brady too, although to a lesser extent. "They are the perfect guy for THEIR offense, but put them on another team, and they would be average."

Russell Wilson is certainly doing everything that is being asked of him on THIS team. I for one couldn't have been more wrong about him in the NFL. I didn't think he would amount to anything at all.
first off, i didnt realize wilson had a lot of haters.

second, kind of what scdoggy just said, basically the situation is part of how one is evaluated as a qb. you can't hold it agaisnt him, his job is to go out and win and hes doing it very well.

u can say a million what ifs? What if David Carr didnt go to a college caliber team with no offensive line? I think hed have been real good. What if Bledsoe never got hurt, the Pats extended him, and Brady was forever a backup? You can't say what if, all you can do is look at what the guy has done, and you cant argue with winning unless you are truly a hater
also, as good as his defense is, and his home field advantage, i dont think the WR's and TE's hes thrown to are anything special at all
Wait a minute, you guys talking about the basketball? Wilson washed off to sea, we never saw him again! HE"S ALIVE !!!!!!!
I dont hear the media like you guys,but any of them doubting Wilson are just wrong.I just watch the games,use my own eyes,the lad is a winner,great arm,great wheels,good brain..what more do you want ? the bad O line arguement doesnt wash,cause you wouldnt know.

Swap him and the ginger slinger and Im sure there would be different SB favourites.
scdogg….have watched all of brady's career and imho he would be very good on any team…great prep….reads defenses extremely well….as accurate as anyone…the best clock manager at the end of a game that i have ever witnessed….and once again imo has excelled with some questionable teams…like this years following the injuries…..flat out stud….did i also mention i am a homer...:wacky:
wilson needs some of brady's fire, other than that, he's pretty much perfect. well spoken, smart decisions, looks good to me.
scdogg….have watched all of brady's career and imho he would be very good on any team…great prep….reads defenses extremely well….as accurate as anyone…the best clock manager at the end of a game that i have ever witnessed….and once again imo has excelled with some questionable teams…like this years following the injuries…..flat out stud….did i also mention i am a homer...:wacky:

true, but he was a 6th round pick...if not for an injury he might not have even gotten a shot anywhere else. he really wasnt even all that great when he took over, but he grew into a monster. he may never have had that chance to grow if not for getting the shot due to injury
Wilson has no fashion sense, bad breath, his girlfriend is knock kneed, and he owes me money.
Put him on a team with a bad offensive line and a bad running game....and a defense that relies on him to win games even though this defense puts him in bad field position... Guys got talent no question but lets look at the situation he has been put in...

What QB would be good in this situation? Not even Brady would excel with this around him.
What QB would be good in this situation? Not even Brady would excel with this around him.

I believe at the time of my post in 2013...my point is/was.. he didnt have to make too many decisions.....take the running game away and lets see what he can do....
People still talking shit. . Unbelievable

Why unbelievable... Guy was put in a great situation.... not much adversity he has had to deal with....had a nice comeback vs green bay though i wouldn't give him too much credit for the comeback....
The ONLY thing I dont like about Wilson at the moment are the commercials. He looks the camera right in the eye and says buy this insurance, all earnest and what not. I love his calmness, ability and personality. I just hate the way he sold out in that particular commercial. I know money is money. I wonder what the deal with his slut ex wife, golden tate and he were really all about? Kinda weird. On the field, I appreciate his serene approach more than the fiery, wearing my intenseness on my sleeve Brady.