I'm attempting to set a new precedent in the posting world....


To the left, to the left, to the right to the righ
From now on, no more "trials" about plays after a game ends.

When a game ends, what many posters do is head to the forum to "defend" their play, like a fucking lawyer. Some do this more than others. I've been guilty of this, much more in the past than recently, but still from time to time. The poster will bring up missed foul shots, missed layups, or anything else to defend the play. A mindless debate ensues about who was "right" and "wrong" about the play. It's easy to get sucked into but I'm taking a stand and hopefully others follow. This goes for winning plays too, not just losers. When we win a close one, and are accused of being lucky, we also get our "lawyer" on and defend the play as being correct and not lucky. Post-game discussion is good, as is robust debate. But this mindless defending of plays is definitely outta control. And, once again, I never claimed innocence in this department. But it's all done with now.

When I lose a game in the last seconds, or by a point or two, I will simply say, "Tough beat. It's all good though."

When I lose a play by a significant amount, I will simply say, "Congrats to the other side. Good call."

When I win a play in the last seconds, or by a point or two, I will simply say, "Better to be lucky than good."

I hope to change the way posters think and operate, lol. I start immediately.

You make a good point killa. When someone loses a game like this, there is also someone who wins the same game this way. You will rarely hear that guy say "he got lucky". A win is not a win without.....well winning.
if it wasnt for luck id win every bet

Here here!

Hey at least this place isn't like ANOTHER site where all you see is "the NBA is f*cking fixed" from 50% of the posters ...
I love you bro...
But you are the most "kneejerk" reaction poster of all time.
I am laughing my ass off after reading what you just said when less than a week ago you were "done" for good after taking another horrid bad beat in a game.
It's all good buddy....
You are a good capper.
I love you bro...
But you are the most "kneejerk" reaction poster of all time.
I am laughing my ass off after reading what you just said when less than a week ago you were "done" for good after taking another horrid bad beat in a game.
It's all good buddy....
You are a good capper.

Actually, I never once said I was done for good. I said I'm not betting every day anymore because it was wearing me down. I'm taking today off. In the past, me taking an NBA Friday off was unheard of. And, I plainly said in this thread that I am not innocent in what I am ranting about. I just said I'm taking the lead by never doing it again. So, debunked on both points.

GL on your plays.
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I am with you Killa. Everybody knows a good gambler must try to stay humble. As easy it may come its just as easy to lose. :shake:
Actually, I never once said I was done for good. I said I'm not betting every day anymore because it was wearing me down. I'm taking today off. In the past, me taking an NBA Friday off was unheard of. And, I plainly said in this thread that I am not innocent in what I am ranting about. I just said I'm taking the lead by never doing it again. So, debunked on both points.

GL on your plays.

now your defending your new stance on defending plays...lol

...i must admit, you are the last person i'd ever think would make a thread like this

(but in killa's defense, he did say he was guilty of this too...and he is right about all this, soo it's prolly in our best interest to follow suit)
now your defending your new stance on defending plays...lol

...i must admit, you are the last person i'd ever think would make a thread like this

(but in killa's defense, he did say he was guilty of this too...and he is right about all this, soo it's prolly in our best interest to follow suit)

The whole thing is just so insecure. And one thing I will never project is insecurity. I see it with you because I live with you. When a game ends and you come on here and dig up the boxscore and play by play and write about how you had the right play and all. And I thought to myself that if I ever do that same thing, whether or not I even realize that I'm doing it, then I need to stop because I see how absurd it is when I watch you do it, lol. I don't even know these posters in real life. To defend plays to you people is seriously pathetic. So I'm taking the lead here. No more for Killa.
the difference being that when i talk about the box score or somthin else about a game that lost, i'm venting frustration...i dont feel the need for people to agree with the play...

when someone tells you you get lucky, or someone tells you that you were wrong, you end up arguing and eventually mildly insulting such posters...lol

insecurity?, i don't think anyone really falls under that category...anyone whos gotten the kind of attention of BAR or you or myself for any period of time on covers or here has to admit it feels good to have THAT many people praising your abillity in your chosen field. (was that a run on sentence?lol)
Nah I don't care about praise. A while ago I did. Not anymore. I don't even KNOW these people. I post on here because it's fucking fun to do in my free time. I don't give a fuck about praise from blank faces who have no impact on my life. If you can think of a way for me to prove it, try me. You want me to post under a new name that gets 50 views a day? You want me to post a losing record instead of a winning one? lol try me baby
I don't think discussing the game afterwards is a bad thing, what I don't like are people giving themselves a good ol' pat on the back when they win. I sometimes celebrate wins (mostly in other people's threads) by saying ":cheers:" or "well done", but what I hate the most are people coming afterwards saying "I was right and you were wrong".

For me once the game ends, it ends. We can discuss it perhaps, but bragging or underrating others just because you hit the right side is something that gets on my nerves highly.

However, I have nothing against Killa's idea either, good game or tough beat, and we move on. I'll still occasionally discuss games I find interesting to discuss after they finish, in threads of members that welcome that.

No doubt. Discussing the games after they end is good. Mindless defending of one's plays is silly and insecure. Hence I am done with it.
Nah I don't care about praise. A while ago I did. Not anymore. I don't even KNOW these people. I post on here because it's fucking fun to do in my free time. I don't give a fuck about praise from blank faces who have no impact on my life. If you can think of a way for me to prove it, try me. You want me to post under a new name that gets 50 views a day? You want me to post a losing record instead of a winning one? lol try me baby

Of course these guys have no direct impact on your life, but it's not like you haven't made some friends here. Of course, in terms of discussing games and having a few beers friends, that are connected by the area of interest, not real friends that are with you your whole life. Even though sometimes you get such situations as well.

I don't do it for the praise either. I like this way of interaction, people focusing on something, thinking it over, trying to beat the bookie, it's fun. Plus, I like the dedication and the fact that nobody here is a brainless t**t, but rather a bunch of good guys.
No doubt. What I'm saying is, being secure with yourself and not caring what other people think is one of the most important things in life. And the defending of plays that I'm talking about is all about obsessing over what others think. Much less, it's people who we don't even know in real life, LOL.
I'm not sure this thread has a relevant point...can we get to the Friday card plz

Nah I don't care about praise. A while ago I did. Not anymore. I don't even KNOW these people. I post on here because it's fucking fun to do in my free time. I don't give a fuck about praise from blank faces who have no impact on my life. If you can think of a way for me to prove it, try me. You want me to post under a new name that gets 50 views a day? You want me to post a losing record instead of a winning one? lol try me baby

by all means, get bodogkilla banned or simply leave covers...lol
I think the flawed mentality is starting with the losing side was correct. If the losing side was correct it wouldnt have lost. Evrey once in a blue moon it happens...like 1 in every 10,000 games. This isnt poker were you gambling on 1 card its sports played over 4 quarters or 9 innings. I know Killa was happy the Spurs were down one with 6 to play but youhave to calculate how it got to that point to figure out the how last 6 minutes play out. Like the Pats @ Colts last week. It must suck to have been on NE and cover the entire game and lose. I had Indy and lucked out but I dont think NE was the right play. You have to go well beyond your bet to understand right and wrong. Gambling is about beating a line and understanding perception versus situations.

Sports betting probably is closest to options trading. The value of options tends to trade and be priced on perception. Two things happened regardless of team play yesterday. The Suns were undervalued cause the perception they dont play defense and cant beat SA. Not in the line but in perception. The Spurs were overvalued due to perception based on past play. Not in the line but in perception/ viewpoint.

Saying my bet won and your bet lost is childless and useless. I disagreed with the Magic under the total the other nite. I had reasoning though. The only way I felt that game went under was in a blowout well it was a blowout. You cant think when ORL scores 56 in the 1st H the line was to high. Its just worked out the Bucks were worse then you expected and the Magic coasted. Thats what makes 2nd H unders so valuable in high scoring blowout games.

Now the line was a little fat and I said this (5.5 was correct) but it had precedent. I pointed out that when Suns had revenge @ Wash the line was jacked to -5 @ MCI . This after being only -10 at home and losing. I always say know where and a line should be and before you act on it ask yourself why the line might be off ? Either everyone was jumping off the SA wagon after the Utah loss or the books were trying to put you on SA.
The whole reason alot of us post isnt so I can have a following of tailers. Its so I can teach what I know. There is alot I dont know and learn everyday which helps me in the long term. By reading my fellow posters threads I am looking for insight not the winning pick.

The whole point of posting should be a pro / con discussion. So if you engage with someone before the game it shouldnt be a problem discussing it after tip or the final buzzer. Satyr and I wnet back and forth yesterday and basically both our points shined through. It's the guys who come in out of the blue and chime in that are useless.

The old MOOSE. Everyone feels them when your going rotten they come every which way. When your doing well you seem to b ethe guy avoiding the moose by a point. Just cause 1 half goes your way doesnt mean you had the right call when it barely losses. For instance college totals. I had a few 45 pt 1st H on unders that I lost thanks to explosive 2nd H...it happens...Look at the 1st H over yesterday it was 103.5 finished on 103. Do you say you got moosed on the over cause it finished on 103 or where you lucky to even have a shot after a 38 pt 1st q. Point is there is the whole picture that needs to be looked at when looking at a game.

Lastily you cant tout a play then expect nothing. Its not poster vs poster but its definetly opinion vs opinion.

Just handle everything with the proper attitude and motive . Forget the game last nite its now Friday it doesnt matter. Like Joe Public says what have we learned??? Thats the misson...

Good Luck all and enjoy. Killa and BAR are the elite people you will deal with and all of us veterans have our opinions and ideas. I can tell you guys how Tranyx disagreed with my Zona play last nite and he ws correct and I was wrong. It happens.This is what makes CTG a great atmosphere
Great post overall, I tend to agree on most of the things you mentioned, so I'll focus on the one I think needs to be elaborated.

Of course the right side of a lost bet doesn't exist. It would be a paradox, an oxymoron; a good lost bet. I mean wtf.

However, there are situations when I cap the game, analyze it, and I think "hey, this has a great potential of winning, cashing in" After the game, if it loses, there are different situations, sometimes you just know you were wrong. It doesn't even have to be a blowout every time for you to think "hey, I capped it, but it turned out to be a completely different situation out there".

What I expected out of last night's game was exactly that for the 43-44 minutes. However the game lasts 48 minutes and the Spurs lost, got blown away in the end even. But I still don't think it was a wrong angle, not only because they don't play D or have a poor h2h against SA. There was more to that. The line was HUGE. I mean ok, the books were possibly searching for even action, luring the bettors to think the "sharp money" is going on SA as a huge dog (after all, old or not we rarely get 3.60 on SA ML), and I think I went for the value.
Phoenix were the right choice, and immediately after the game I congratulated the ones who took the Suns, fair and square. A won bet is the right bet.

But there are situations where you capped the game right, and end up on the losing side. For example: Indiana ties the game in Detroit with 3 minutes to go, I have +7,5. They lose by 8. Now have I capped it wrongly? I don't think so. And again, it's not only because half a point screwed me over, it's because I watched the game and think I had a good read of what was going to happen.
But other times you just have to face the truth and admit (to yourself) that your approach was wrong. I did that with a couple of totals lately, my angle was screwed up, for instance Dallas over 115 bet. I thought hey, Memphis scores a bunch, Dallas will run with them. Guess what, they didn't. A poorly analyzed bet.

Actually, I never once said I was done for good. I said I'm not betting every day anymore because it was wearing me down. I'm taking today off. In the past, me taking an NBA Friday off was unheard of. And, I plainly said in this thread that I am not innocent in what I am ranting about. I just said I'm taking the lead by never doing it again. So, debunked on both points.

GL on your plays.

Originally Posted by Killa Exactly 1 WEEK AGO:

But that was what is known as the straw that broke the camel's back. I'm done. I'm tired of hearing that I had the right side after a moose. I'm tired of hearing that the breaks will even out for me. I'm tired of hearing that I should shake it off and come back tomorrow. I'm tired of laughing with you guys about the "Curse of Killa." When it gets to the point of two years of consistently horrific endings, it's hard to keep laughing about it. Dallas @ Miami on Sunday and this game tonight were the last ones I can handle. I just can't come back from being utterly robbed of those three units. Obviously there is more to it than two games, this is two years of consistent bullshit in the last minute of my games. I don't know why my breaks can't be 50/50, I don't know. I do know that it's been so bad that it's driven me away from something I love to do. In fact, what the mooses have done is take something that I loved to do, and made me not love it anymore. The fun has been taken away.

I'm not making some dramatic exit. I may change my mind in a month, who knows. What I do know is that I'll be gone for a while, and focusing on my school-work, as well as learning about things I always wanted to learn about but never did because I was busy handicapping games for two hours every night. I'll most definitely be around the forums to holla at you guys. You all know how to get in touch with me. GL with all your plays.

You are def a very intellectual kid and LOVE to argue. But you need to learn how to accept not always being right and feeling the need to have the LAST word 100% of the time.
Like I said before you are a very good capper and I always look up your stuff....
But don't claim I am "debunked" on both points when you, I, and everyone on here knows what you claimed above to only see you posting your plays again less than a week later.
You have "kneejerk" reactions after games are over and you let your emotions take over....
There is nothing wrong with that kid.
Good Luck in your games....

PS: Obama has about as good of chance of winning the election as JoeBren does winning the Hilton challenge.<!-- / message --><!-- edit note -->
from what ive read killa seems to be a knowitall, why would u say u debunked both of his points? im just really pist cuz im on a horrible nba streak right now and ive lost a lot of money in bodog and wsex, now i have nothing in either account and just some lousy prop bets on the super bowl and bears +7 pending- i lost my last 50 in a tournament where top 3 get paid and it was 4 people and i had 10's and this guy gets a 4 on turn and river to knock me out and i got goose eggs in all my accounts and no money in my checking account- the spurs have f*cked me for a couple hundred this year and i hate them. nba is so ridiculously hard to cap-how could u bet a lot of money on this crapshoot???? PEACE
Great post overall, I tend to agree on most of the things you mentioned, so I'll focus on the one I think needs to be elaborated.

Of course the right side of a lost bet doesn't exist. It would be a paradox, an oxymoron; a good lost bet. I mean wtf.

However, there are situations when I cap the game, analyze it, and I think "hey, this has a great potential of winning, cashing in" After the game, if it loses, there are different situations, sometimes you just know you were wrong. It doesn't even have to be a blowout every time for you to think "hey, I capped it, but it turned out to be a completely different situation out there".

What I expected out of last night's game was exactly that for the 43-44 minutes. However the game lasts 48 minutes and the Spurs lost, got blown away in the end even. But I still don't think it was a wrong angle, not only because they don't play D or have a poor h2h against SA. There was more to that. The line was HUGE. I mean ok, the books were possibly searching for even action, luring the bettors to think the "sharp money" is going on SA as a huge dog (after all, old or not we rarely get 3.60 on SA ML), and I think I went for the value.
Phoenix were the right choice, and immediately after the game I congratulated the ones who took the Suns, fair and square. A won bet is the right bet.

But there are situations where you capped the game right, and end up on the losing side. For example: Indiana ties the game in Detroit with 3 minutes to go, I have +7,5. They lose by 8. Now have I capped it wrongly? I don't think so. And again, it's not only because half a point screwed me over, it's because I watched the game and think I had a good read of what was going to happen.
But other times you just have to face the truth and admit (to yourself) that your approach was wrong. I did that with a couple of totals lately, my angle was screwed up, for instance Dallas over 115 bet. I thought hey, Memphis scores a bunch, Dallas will run with them. Guess what, they didn't. A poorly analyzed bet.


Again I very much agree. This is sort of my point though. When talking sports betting there is no right or wrong way to do things. Its a constant series of adjustments. I by no means think anyone who liked SA capped the game wrong. You had to read between the lines and see SA is slipping. The problem is there is more then just studying x and o's to handicapping. Sports wagering has evolved into a market and you need to understand market mentality to defeat it. Hence why I compared it to the Options markets. If a linesmaker is offering you value you must ask yourself why? thats a big pont I am trying to make

You do have to understand a linesmakers objective especially in key , public games. I am so sick and tired of hearing about sharp money. Its a wonderful thing but sharps lose to. Anyone can make themselve a sharp bettor. Sharp money exploits bad lines so understand lines and you wil be sharp. End of story....

Now funny you mention the Pacer / Piston game cause didnt I say that they were again begging one to take Indy? That line made no sense but someone saw something Indy the average eye didnt. The way a game plays out tends to be useless its more IMO about pregame decison making that leads you to a side. Was your handicapping bad in that game? No. You missed something though outside of handicapping and that was the objective of the linesmaker. I said ths before the game tipped so i am not backtracking. Not even saying I am right cause I have no clue what they saw and stayed off it.

Same with Dallas Over 115 team seemed easy. What did I respond though? On paper it looked easy as hell but for some reason the mavs were playing all UNDERS on abck to backs. Way under.....My points are as sound and rational as your capping was there was an equally sound opposing thought process..Basically alot of what is being said is Spurs lost but they were right cause there was no logically reasoning ofr taking Suns..to me thats BS..

Its not bad handicapping or wrong handicapping on these games. It still doesnt mean its the right play.

The one thing I dont get was Spurs backers is the failure to realize it was a close game for 44 minutes for 1 reason. The Spurs jumped out I believe 14-3 thanks to some easy misses by Pho. No one is saying SA is shit they are still a good team. Though no one seems willing to admit Pho was terrible last nite and still covered. So instead of PHO who typically punishes teams early forcing pace the Spurs did it. This caused PHO to play uphill. Other wise if that game starts 7-7 ithe Suns are up at half and cruise in the 2nd H. Everyones citing the late game part of the equation and not recoginizing the early part of the equation. They were down 11 quick you just dont make that up a good team in 5 minutes. They chipped it at and wore Pho down. The Suns do not tire. My perfect example is a Pat backer saying all I would ask for is them to be up in the final minutes of the 4th Q. On paper that stuff sounds good till its plays out in reality. Momentum is the deciding factor in close games. Whoever has it late wins out. Thats why I say the game is just how the story plays out not any an indication of anything. So Spurs seized control early and forced Suns to battle back. Cut the lead watch it widen , cut the lead watch it widen. Until the better team finally went on a big enough run. The Suns caught the lead early 3rd Q and within minutes had it up to 9 . Now you have SA playing catchup. They cut lead watch it widen, cut the lead watch it widen...seriously ask yourslef how many seconds SA lead that game in the 2nd H once PHO regained the lead? Then Just like that 20-3 run that bridged the 2nd Q and 3rd Q we saw Pho end on a strong run. To many people get caught up in expecting the game to go they way they thought it woud paper. Except they dont play on paper. Isnt everything in life hwo you finish and not how you start?? So Spurs on backend , playing game 3 on a tough trip , battling all nite to keep the game close are expected to be a good position in the final 6 minutes cause they are down 1? You can erase a 6 pt lead in 1 minute..or widen it by 6 in 1 minute....

It turns out that just about everything we spoke out we were both correct about. Manu played excellent didnt he and that was your point. It sucks losing a close game like the under @ MSG to Pho by 1 when they score 50 in th efinal 7 minutes but it happens. The line was exactly where I thought it should be. I gambled the game would go under and while it seemed correct it didnt end that way. I gambled and lost. My handicapping was sound for sure but still doesnt mean my play was correct. You have to take into context what occurs in the game. There NYK making a comeback fucked me plain and simple. Here Spurs in a tough spot extending all its energy to keep it close getting no help outside of three plyers folded...thats how it played out. Right and Wrong was decided IMO by the decisions you made leading up to the play.

Its really an important topic. Let me tell you if you learn from your losses they are not as costly. My feeling on SA was after home losses to medicore teams liek Hous and LAL when Ihad backed them....
Obama has no chance to win the democratic ticket.. He cant compete with hillarys financial background. He also has yet to take a stance on anything..
One thing you gusy have wrong is Killa. Forget capping he is a good guy. I have interacted with him for along time. He is simply frustated we all get there. His style of limited plays certainly makes tough defeats all that much more painful. If you bet a game a day and go 4-3 but lose two of them by a point....your gonna turn sour after awhile. From what I understand is Killa has had this happen to him for a good year or so now despite a high win %. It just eats at you. This is why they say its hard to gamble for the rent money and food money.

So he is venting and frustrated. It happend to everyone at some point. You guys are just looking for ways to chop him down I think. He probably meant to say I need a lil break and it came out the wrong way. I never got the impression he was looking to leave for good.

Cut these guys some slack as well most of you are college aged in your early 20's and succeeding at something that is taboo. It creates a rush for them. They mean well and are not attention whores...BOL all...
PooPooStinks (I can't believe I'm even having a dialogue with a man called PooPoo Stinks)-

Do I have to explain myself? This is a private thing. Yes, I am spending MUCH less time handicapping and MUCH more time reading and educating myself. Do you want to set up a camera in my room and make sure? I spent probably 20 minutes total the last 3 days on 3 plays, each one was a feel play. And I will be in and out. I'm no longer betting every day. Like I said, for me to take off an NBA Friday is unheard of. But I'm sorry that I vented that night, and I have not followed what I said to the literal word. I'll be more careful with my words from now on. I appreciate it.

jimbo- I'm not a know it all. Socrates is my idol, and he said that he didn't know anything. I agree with him.

Nut- Thanks man.
P.S. Obama will cruise.

As sad is it is to type...
It is just as true:

The U.S. will not have a black President in our lifetimes.
If Obama was to somehow get into office, I would imagine his probablity of being assassinated by some klan member or white supremicist would be very likely so we wouldn't have a black President for long.

It is a sad sad world.


I wasn't attacking you... as I said earlier you are a good capper....
I can't believe I am having this talk with someone named "Killa"!!!!
I hope you pick sports better than you pick politicians. LOL



Obama = The Truth

Killa, have you read The Audacity of Hope yet? Great book, I just started reading it (I'm probably late)

I notice we have some things in common lately

***wow that last statement sounded homo

Some thoughts:

1. Sportsnut: You need to write a book bro....lol....seriously, you are a good capper and your passionate about playing this game we play.

2. I decided a long time ago that for every bad beat I have, I'll remember the game I won and shouldn't have. We always seem to dwell on the negative, but forget the time we had under 37.5 and the game was 20-17 at the half....and ended that way.

3. If your on here to impress people, you got it twisted. I mean, I know everyone here is impressed with my 89-110-2 -18.33 unit NBA season I'm having. But, I don't give a fuck what my record is THIS YEAR. Because I'll be here next year, and the year after that (god willing), and I KNOW I make money on a regular basis.

God Bless America (save George Bush, who is a fucking moron).
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No doubt Captain. I'm ashamed to say that I have not read Audacity of Hope. Too busy with school. I've only skimmed through it.

Obama WILL win in 2008. Mark my words.
No doubt Captain. I'm ashamed to say that I have not read Audacity of Hope. Too busy with school. I've only skimmed through it.

Obama WILL win in 2008. Mark my words.

How about this......
If Obama Wins the Presidential Election in 2008 I will mail you a cashiers check for $1000

If Obama Doesn't Win the Presidential Election in 2008 you mail me a cashiers check for $500

Sound like a deal??????
VIA TheGreek

<table bgcolor="#003366" border="0" bordercolor="#000000" cellspacing="0" width="620"><tbody><tr><td align="center" width="580">Politics</td> <td width="20">EXIT</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" width="580">2008 Presidential Elections - .</td> <td width="20"> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> <table border="0" bordercolor="#000000" cellspacing="0" width="620"> <tbody><tr bgcolor="#003366"> <td valign="top" width="120">4/17/2007 8:00 PM</td> <td valign="top" width="500">Who will be Republican Nominee for 08 US Election</td> </tr> </tbody></table> <table border="0" bordercolor="#000000" cellspacing="0" width="620"> <tbody><tr> <td align="center" width="55">151</td> <td width="300">John McCain </td> <td width="65"> +135 </td> <td width="200"> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> <table border="0" bordercolor="#000000" cellspacing="0" width="620"> <tbody><tr> <td align="center" width="55">152</td> <td width="300">Mitt Romney </td> <td width="65"> +585 </td> <td width="200"> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> <table border="0" bordercolor="#000000" cellspacing="0" width="620"> <tbody><tr> <td align="center" width="55">153</td> <td width="300">Rudolph Guiliani </td> <td width="65"> +275 </td> <td width="200"> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> <table border="0" bordercolor="#000000" cellspacing="0" width="620"> <tbody><tr> <td align="center" width="55">154</td> <td width="300">Any Other </td> <td width="65"> +205 </td> <td width="200"> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> <table border="0" bordercolor="#000000" cellspacing="0" width="620"> <tbody><tr bgcolor="#003366"> <td valign="top" width="120">4/17/2007 8:00 PM</td> <td valign="top" width="500">Who will be Democrat Nominee for 08 US Election</td> </tr> </tbody></table> <table border="0" bordercolor="#000000" cellspacing="0" width="620"> <tbody><tr> <td align="center" width="55">161</td> <td width="300">Hiliary Clinton </td> <td width="65"> +125 </td> <td width="200"> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> <table border="0" bordercolor="#000000" cellspacing="0" width="620"> <tbody><tr> <td align="center" width="55">162</td> <td width="300">Barrack Obama </td> <td width="65"> +285 </td> <td width="200"> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> <table border="0" bordercolor="#000000" cellspacing="0" width="620"><tbody><tr><td align="center" width="55">163</td> <td width="300">Any Other </td> <td width="65"> +155 </td> <td width="200"> </td></tr></tbody></table>
3 words to sum up all 47 posts in this thread

blah, blah, blah
The most logical post on this thread. They are all a bunch of crooks. Osama, I mean Obama spends more time getting camera shots in New Orleans than representing Illinois. Fuck the Polititions. What ever happend to Statesmen:spank:
Some thoughts:

1. Sportsnut: You need to write a book bro....lol....seriously, you are a good capper and your passionate about playing this game we play.

2. I decided a long time ago that for every bad beat I have, I'll remember the game I won and shouldn't have. We always seem to dwell on the negative, but forget the time we had under 37.5 and the game was 20-17 at the half....and ended that way.

3. If your on here to impress people, you got it twisted. I mean, I know everyone here is impressed with my 89-110-2 -18.33 unit NBA season I'm having. But, I don't give a fuck what my record is THIS YEAR. Because I'll be here next year, and the year after that (god willing), and I KNOW I make money on a regular basis.

God Bless America (save George Bush, who is a fucking moron).

That was a Cardinals/Seahawks game in 2002....un fuckin real