If you don't suspend Bowen . . .

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
If you don't suspend Bowen for an obvious knee to the nuts, can you really suspend Amare S. for running up the sideline?

I'm just wondering.
Horry will be suspended. I think that is all. NBA is probably the most concerned about their fan base over any other sport. Stern won't suspend 2 key cogs in game 5 in the semi's.
Shaq said Life is Unfair.

Shaq's opinion has as much influence on this as yours or mine. Though life can be unfair, and he does have a bit of a point.

I just look at this and think, Bowen obviously sent a knee to the balls, and he plays. Amare runs up and runs back, and the NBA is going to suspend him?
I think Diaw and Stoudamire get suspended but think its complete Bullshit that Horry takes out Nash and Diaw and Stoudamire will get suspended...If Horry dosent decide to be an asshole nothing happens...Horry should definitely get 2 games
I like how the Suns are trying to use that Amare was "trying to check in" LOL...Amare played that off real well at the press conference
If you look at the replay, it really looks like Amare was running to check in. He chucked his towel to the bench and was looking at the scorer's table. I think the Suns can make a strong case.
Fundamental concept of law. You can not be allowed to benefit from a crime. They should be suspended but the suspensions should come into play in the next round or if they do not get to the next round possibly 2 game suspensions next season. Spurs can not be allowed to benefit by Horry's criminal action.
I dont think Amare gets a suspension here, you can't really suspend him. Yes he did leave the bench but supposedly he was going to sub in and was on his way already.

Big Shot Bob gets a game or two though.
I think Diaw and Stoudamire get suspended but think its complete Bullshit that Horry takes out Nash and Diaw and Stoudamire will get suspended...If Horry dosent decide to be an asshole nothing happens...Horry should definitely get 2 games

The suns need to put in Pat Burke to take out Tim Duncan and see if he retaliates. That's a fair trade right? Horry for Stoudemire and Diaw, and Burke for Duncan?
The Refs will give the Spurs the series if they suspend Amare. It would be extremely unfair. He should get a serious scolding by Mike D'A for risking his team's playoff life though.

Otherwise I see Suns going to the next round. They got Spurs number now, and the refs have too.
From espn:

First things first, since it's obviously what everyone wants to know about: The suspension question. By the letter of the law, Stoudemire and Boris Diaw have to be hit with one-game suspensions for leaving the bench after Horry cracked Nash. This is a virtually iron-clad NBA rule, except for the time back in 2002 that Doug Christie was attacked in the tunnel by Rick Fox in a Lakers-Kings exhibition game and several Kings players left the bench to assist him. The league ruled that time that no one, in the heat of the moment, knew exactly who Christie was tangling with, resulting in some unexpected pardons. In this case, Stoudemire clearly strayed into the court for a brief moment and even Suns coach Mike D'Antoni couldn't stifle a postgame laugh when Phoenix tried to suggest that Stoudemire was heading to the scorer's table to check in after the foul.

However . . .
Stoudemire and Diaw never made it near the scrum, as Suns assistant coaches scrambled them back to the bench. Nor did Monday's incident ever become an actual brawl, with referees Joe DeRosa and Javie getting between Nash and Horry before it could escalate. There is also a growing perception, most of all, that Bowen was shown a good deal of leniency by the league office after being accused of intentionally kicking a dunking Stoudemire in Game 2 and kneeing Nash in Game 3 . . . and going unpunished in both cases. Doesn't the league have to balance that against the notion of "staying consistent" on leaving-the-bench suspensions?
"That would be terrible if that silly play at the end of a game, when the game is really over, if that causes a detriment to the rest of the series," Nash said afterward. "That would be ridiculous." He then tacked on a pretty shrewd argument about literal interpretations when he pointed out that cheering subs technically leave the bench when they stray onto the court to celebrate big plays.
It would be ridiculous if he gets suspended on such a technicality

However this is the NBA and nothing would really suprise me
I think it's ridiculous in the context of what happened here..

But I also think that all three will be suspended..

Big Shot Bob, Amare, and Diaw...
whatever happens, I am chasing suspensions here. Give me the team who is hurt the most by this and I will ride them in game 5. line will overadjust in a major way in the playoffs.
Well if it's the Suns minus both bigs, that seems like a pretty big issue...w/ Suns having homecourt, would be tough to make em a dog...

We'll see.
tuck - why would they suspend them for the next series - that's never been done in previous situations