If you don't like the Redskins

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If I see any of those fuckers in public, I am going to spat in their face.

I saw Marcus Washington at the bar, and he's one of the few I do respect. I saw Derek Dockery ( last year) and Mike Sellers, but if I see that Gigantic Homo Jason Campbell....
Yeah, but if you were to spit in one of their faces they would be totally with in their rights to kick the s**t out of you, and given their size and natural (and perhaps enhanced strength) they could honestly end a regular person's existence without trying all that hard.
You heard it Joe....he is not a regular person. Dockery would destroy you. Not many men can take on an offensive lineman monster.
Man, save your money guys.

I know its trendy to shit on the skins and has been for years, but they are going to win at least 8 games this year...esp. given that they've already got one under their belt...

And HMMMMMM I can't imagine why C-Gold doesn't like Jason Campbell..
You heard it Joe....he is not a regular person. Dockery would destroy you. Not many men can take on an offensive lineman monster.

I wouldn't take on that long horn Derrick Dockery. He's a Bill anyway.

but Jason Campbell, I'd spit in his face twice. He's a pussy.
Jason Campbell is a beast

C-Gold, you try too hard my man

Whats up with the thread though JP? LOL...anyways, I was watchin the 'Skins yesterday and I can honestly say they're probably in my top 5...realizing they have guys like Portis, Campbell, 'Tana, Sean T. and Landry has made me somewhat of a fan
Jason Campbell is a beast

C-Gold, you try too hard my man

Whats up with the thread though JP? LOL...anyways, I was watchin the 'Skins yesterday and I can honestly say they're probably in my top 5...realizing they have guys like Portis, Campbell, 'Tana, Sean T. and Landry has made me somewhat of a fan

The Skins showed a lot more potential than an OT win against Miami, thats for sure. D was stout (Landry and London are helping the run D a lot, along with the speed of McIntosh). Campbell threw one dumb INT and one that was a jump ball that Brandon Lloyd quit on (what a surprise-they should just cut this bum). Other than that, Camp and the O looked good. Jansens injury actually made the line look better, but hes given us too many good years for me to shit on him now...
Whats up with the thread though JP?

The thread was honestly designed only to tell people about the number that was available out there. I was trying to be helpful.

That it turned into who would spit (or "spat" if you will) on whom, that's quite obviously beyond my control.
I would love to spat on "The Danny's" face.

But onto the redskins....their D will carry them all season. I still dont have a good read on their front 7, we'll see how they play on the road.
Whats up with the thread though JP?

The thread was honestly designed only to tell people about the number that was available out there. I was trying to be helpful.

That it turned into who would spit (or "spat" if you will) on whom, that's quite obviously beyond my control.

Ahh OK I thought it was maybe a subliminal message or something :pillow:
Holy guacamole, it's a spatting epidemic. Everybody's doing it.

Do you guys have a preference in spats?

For example, do you like a full-length spat or do you go with the lower profile spat?

And, I'm assuming you do sort of a dueling slap with these things, meaning, you take them off your shoes and slap someone across the face with them as opposed to throwing them at someone.

But I don't know, maybe you have your own style.

Its going to be cheaper for me to buy a ticket to see the cowboys play @ Texas Stadium and FLY out there, rather then buying a ridiculously overpriced ticket @ Fed Ex field and pay to park.

Just exactly WHY are the FOREskin tickets so damn expensive compared to other teams? Are they putting out a top of the line product better than everyone elses? Are they bringing in championships??? Or still reminiscing about 91.

I'd love to do a full length hacking loogie spat on syders big ass beak.
My friend went to the game and got into a fight with some trashy rednecks.

I'd take a full length hacking loogie spat on Jason Campbell, and Fred smoot.

Joe- Why would you think that I couldn't beat the shit out of that yapper Fred Smoot?

Sebass- Why do I hate Campbell?
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Why would you think that I couldn't beat the shit out of that yapper Fred Smoot?

Well, mostly because since I know neither of you, I'm going to go with the professional athlete. Now, as pretty much every NBA player not named Kermit Washington has shown us, just being a pro athlete doesn't mean you know how to throw a punch.

And maybe when you're not authoring screeds about the evils of black quarterbacks you're a semi-pro MMA fighter or something and could kick Fred Smoot's *ss from here to next week. To which I would say, good for you, that's a tough sport and that's pretty impressive.

Although, my question would be, why would you really want to.

I mean, I'm pretty pissed at the Browns right now, and there have been certain players I've really disliked in the past, but do you really want to be the sports version of the "What's the frequency, Kenneth?" guy?
It is irrationale to automatically assume that say Smoot would win.

You know nothing about me. What if I were Hulk Hogan ( I am not), but just because I post on this board does not mean I am your average 5'10, 180 pound guy.

I played college football, and I am a lot stronger than Fred Smoot.

If he had any hands at all, he would have picked the ball off, scored and covered, but he has no hands, no brain etc.

I'd spat in his face
I cant stand Smoot.

The play where chambers had him spinning in circles, but chambers dropped the pass that hit him in the hands.

Of course Smoot acted like he was the playmaker and the rediculous washington faithful chanted smoot.
Smoot wants to be deion sanders so bad, but he's sooooo far from deion.

That is the worst thing in pro sports. A receivers beats a DB and drops the pass and then the dip shit hill billy from Miss'ippi starts celebrating like he dropped it because of him.

Smoot needs to hit the weight room, there are many kickers that can kick his ass.
The Skins showed a lot more potential than an OT win against Miami, thats for sure. D was stout (Landry and London are helping the run D a lot, along with the speed of McIntosh). Campbell threw one dumb INT and one that was a jump ball that Brandon Lloyd quit on (what a surprise-they should just cut this bum). Other than that, Camp and the O looked good. Jansens injury actually made the line look better, but hes given us too many good years for me to shit on him now...
C-GOLD wat up my brother i like you bro u have good insight on sports related things and joe public is like one of my favorite people to read what he has to say , so please stop talking about spitting in some pro athletes face because if anyone does that that is one of the lowest things to do to another person.
i would fight anyone who did it to me and i mean anyone

what did jason cambell do to u to deserve your wrath ?

peace out bro :smiley_acbe:
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