If you don't have 25 sportsbook accounts as I do, you're doing it wrong...


CTG Moderator
Staff member
...yeah, you heard me. I have 25 sportsbook accounts. Some old, some new, none borrowed, some blue...and quite honestly...you should too.

In the world of sports betting, the guys who do this for a living or who are consider "sharps" will always tell you that everything is based on value. Great bettors bet numbers, not teams.

Closing line value is a real thing, and while it may not be the entire Mona Lisa, it is at the very least, her grin.

So I will ask you a question...if you're going to buy a car...do you test just have one you pick automatically without considering any of the the other options? Are you set on that SUV that gets 12 gallons to the mile? Or the one that has a double muffler that sounds like you're inside the Ford Factory in Motown?

If so, then you and your one local (who may be your only out) and is probably shading your bets to the side he detects you will go, are probably going to have (another) losing football season.

And since I don't give a rat's ass about how cool the car may be, or about how loud the muffler is...I want options. LOTS of options.

And that is how your ol' pal, Scarf came upon his 25 different sports wagering accounts.

Line shopping in the sports wagering world is not only an item on the list of important topics, it may be the one that is capitalized and bolded at the top of your list of rules for what are truly good practices for long-term success.

This is my passion...something that drives me to be better each and every day. I may make mistakes...hell, I've made TONS of mistakes...but there is no greater challenge than to know there is someone out there hanging a number on a game and saying (in his Clint Eastwood Dirty Harry voice)..."you don't have the balls or the smarts to beat my number.

Ever since I was 8 and betting my 3rd grade buddy, $1 a pop on spreads we took from the USA Today for ESPN SEC Super Tuesday Kentucky/Tennessee battles...all I've ever wanted was to do 2 things...1. GET AN EDGE and 2. JUST FUCKING WIN

So maybe some of you can relate to the feeling of wanting nothing more than to destroy the number...if so, why are you limiting your possibilities with only one book? Sports books come in all shapes and sizes...pluses and minuses and advantages and disadvantages. I would never have been able to do this (fund 25 books), if it weren't for the magical savior to the sports bettor...


Ah yes, the forbidden fruit that the government doesn't even truly understand (or know how to regulate) and the thing that can allow me to send 500k to China in 30 seconds if I wanted to. Bitcoin and understanding how to use bitcoin is insanely important if you take this hobby seriously. I spent 6 months just reading about bitcoin before I ever even made a transaction...I wanted to be cautious but optimistic and watched others, read everything I could find, and then 6 months late took the dive into the pool.

And today, I am Michael Fucking Phelps.

Bitcoin and its utilization allows me to move money from book to book within completely reasonable timeframes. Some books process transactions in 48 hours, some do same day transactions...and the newest bitcoin only sportsbooks process transactions INSTANTLY. I am constantly moving funds here there and everywhere as I scour the spreads and props and futures and all of the options I have available.

I have a good friend who I can talk about sports betting with who "gets it". Truly understands the markets, lines, line movements, and everything in between. I continually tell him the following as we are very similary in nature when it comes to sports betting.

If you hit 60%, you're going to the Hall of Fame. If you get your crotch kicked in on 2 out of every 5 wagers, you are Jerry Friggin' Rice. This hobby is HARD. And lessons come just that way, painfully and usually full of emotional entanglement at first....you either learn ways to get better at handling the rules of the (sports betting) game...or you retire...or even worse, get retired because you've run out of options, money or both.

So when I make and post wagers I make on this site, it may look like I am almost always getting a great number...and the reason for that is because I usually am.

I put the work in to find the best numbers because with the same passion I had at 8, I still want that edge...I still want to win. Just. As. Badly.

If you don't know how bitcoin works, you're not alone. I've tutored many people on the topic and am always glad to lend a hand to anyone that wants to learn...it doesn't take a Master's Degree to figure it out and once you learn it you will never go back.

So the next time you lose a game by the hook on a last-second touchdown...on a bad number that you didn't have to settle for but left yourself no other options but to take...look me up and we can talk...I'll probably be going lot-to-lot as I look at 25 different cars before I choose the best value.
...yeah, you heard me. I have 25 sportsbook accounts. Some old, some new, none borrowed, some blue...and quite honestly...you should too.

In the world of sports betting, the guys who do this for a living or who are consider "sharps" will always tell you that everything is based on value. Great bettors bet numbers, not teams.

Closing line value is a real thing, and while it may not be the entire Mona Lisa, it is at the very least, her grin.

So I will ask you a question...if you're going to buy a car...do you test just have one you pick automatically without considering any of the the other options? Are you set on that SUV that gets 12 gallons to the mile? Or the one that has a double muffler that sounds like you're inside the Ford Factory in Motown?

If so, then you and your one local (who may be your only out) and is probably shading your bets to the side he detects you will go, are probably going to have (another) losing football season.

And since I don't give a rat's ass about how cool the car may be, or about how loud the muffler is...I want options. LOTS of options.

And that is how your ol' pal, Scarf came upon his 25 different sports wagering accounts.

Line shopping in the sports wagering world is not only an item on the list of important topics, it may be the one that is capitalized and bolded at the top of your list of rules for what are truly good practices for long-term success.

This is my passion...something that drives me to be better each and every day. I may make mistakes...hell, I've made TONS of mistakes...but there is no greater challenge than to know there is someone out there hanging a number on a game and saying (in his Clint Eastwood Dirty Harry voice)..."you don't have the balls or the smarts to beat my number.

Ever since I was 8 and betting my 3rd grade buddy, $1 a pop on spreads we took from the USA Today for ESPN SEC Super Tuesday Kentucky/Tennessee battles...all I've ever wanted was to do 2 things...1. GET AN EDGE and 2. JUST FUCKING WIN

So maybe some of you can relate to the feeling of wanting nothing more than to destroy the number...if so, why are you limiting your possibilities with only one book? Sports books come in all shapes and sizes...pluses and minuses and advantages and disadvantages. I would never have been able to do this (fund 25 books), if it weren't for the magical savior to the sports bettor...


Ah yes, the forbidden fruit that the government doesn't even truly understand (or know how to regulate) and the thing that can allow me to send 500k to China in 30 seconds if I wanted to. Bitcoin and understanding how to use bitcoin is insanely important if you take this hobby seriously. I spent 6 months just reading about bitcoin before I ever even made a transaction...I wanted to be cautious but optimistic and watched others, read everything I could find, and then 6 months late took the dive into the pool.

And today, I am Michael Fucking Phelps.

Bitcoin and its utilization allows me to move money from book to book within completely reasonable timeframes. Some books process transactions in 48 hours, some do same day transactions...and the newest bitcoin only sportsbooks process transactions INSTANTLY. I am constantly moving funds here there and everywhere as I scour the spreads and props and futures and all of the options I have available.

I have a good friend who I can talk about sports betting with who "gets it". Truly understands the markets, lines, line movements, and everything in between. I continually tell him the following as we are very similary in nature when it comes to sports betting.

If you hit 60%, you're going to the Hall of Fame. If you get your crotch kicked in on 2 out of every 5 wagers, you are Jerry Friggin' Rice. This hobby is HARD. And lessons come just that way, painfully and usually full of emotional entanglement at first....you either learn ways to get better at handling the rules of the (sports betting) game...or you retire...or even worse, get retired because you've run out of options, money or both.

So when I make and post wagers I make on this site, it may look like I am almost always getting a great number...and the reason for that is because I usually am.

I put the work in to find the best numbers because with the same passion I had at 8, I still want that edge...I still want to win. Just. As. Badly.

If you don't know how bitcoin works, you're not alone. I've tutored many people on the topic and am always glad to lend a hand to anyone that wants to learn...it doesn't take a Master's Degree to figure it out and once you learn it you will never go back.

So the next time you lose a game by the hook on a last-second touchdown...on a bad number that you didn't have to settle for but left yourself no other options but to take...look me up and we can talk...I'll probably be going lot-to-lot as I look at 25 different cars before I choose the best value.

I still need to learn btc. I'm such a Bitch with that.

Good shit bro.
I admit to not understanding the BTC ...

So quick question on it ..

Are you somehow instantly going from $0 BTC to however much BTC you need to wager to back to $0 BTC as soon as bet is made?

Not quite, Kyle. The BTC gets purchased at an exchange like Coinbase and then gets sent to the sportsbook...it's a process I've walked many through before but I'm trying to simplify for the example.

So I buy $100 of BTC, That gets sent to sportsbook where I buy in (deposit) with the BTC for $100. They fund my account and then I can wager. Money can be withdrawn in the same way.

Lots of times I'll purchase $100 of BTC and if book A has a line I want i send $25 there, if book B has a different game's line that's best, I send $25 there. It allows me to continually be able to select when and where I want to send the bitcoin in exchange for making a bet at the shop with the best line.

And when you get to things like exotics and team totals and props...there is HUGE differences in some books as compared to others. It also allows arbitrage opportunities if you beat CLV and want to get off your original position or maybe get a halftime line somewhere at a better number and/or price (or both sometimes).

It is a process, but one that I've taught and guided many on. Always glad to help the good folk of CTG with any inquires, so don't hold back or PM with any questions if they ever arise.
There is massive currency risk in BTC. I use it, but I don't care for it - I think of it as a necessary evil. Beginning of the year, BTC was about $3,500 - now it is at $11,500 so obviously that would be great
But, beginning of 2018 it was at $16,000 - end of the year, $3,500 so that would have been poor.

The currency is so volatile that you may make a $2,000 withdrawal on Monday, but by the time it hits your back account, you only have $1,600 on a down swing or of course $2,200 on an upswing. That is gambling ON TOP of gambling, and something well out of anyone's control.

There are books that let you wager in BTC, but most have the funds in USD (or at least have an online tool/calculator for quick conversions).

I used to be the guy with 20 accounts, 5 poker accounts, etc... back in Neteller days. Those were the days.
Now, I'm not going to be that serious about it because a) I don't have the time or want to track all of these accounts and b) I don't feel BTC is a viable enough currency to have thousands of dollars in float. But, I'm older now, married, children, mortgage, etc...

And one other thing to consider is you need to report ALL of your BTC transactions to the IRS. Gains will be taxed. And if you're audited, well, good luck explaining all these transactions. I'm just playing devils advovate here of course, and Scarf31 is a good guy and of course makes a great point with outs.
There is massive currency risk in BTC. I use it, but I don't care for it - I think of it as a necessary evil. Beginning of the year, BTC was about $3,500 - now it is at $11,500 so obviously that would be great
But, beginning of 2018 it was at $16,000 - end of the year, $3,500 so that would have been poor.

The currency is so volatile that you may make a $2,000 withdrawal on Monday, but by the time it hits your back account, you only have $1,600 on a down swing or of course $2,200 on an upswing. That is gambling ON TOP of gambling, and something well out of anyone's control.

There are books that let you wager in BTC, but most have the funds in USD (or at least have an online tool/calculator for quick conversions).

I used to be the guy with 20 accounts, 5 poker accounts, etc... back in Neteller days. Those were the days.
Now, I'm not going to be that serious about it because a) I don't have the time or want to track all of these accounts and b) I don't feel BTC is a viable enough currency to have thousands of dollars in float. But, I'm older now, married, children, mortgage, etc...

And one other thing to consider is you need to report ALL of your BTC transactions to the IRS. Gains will be taxed. And if you're audited, well, good luck explaining all these transactions. I'm just playing devils advovate here of course, and Scarf31 is a good guy and of course makes a great point with outs.

Ah, fair point on the BTC fluctuations, Dylan, but there is a very simple way around that. Instead of withdrawing the BTC to your bank, convert it to your currency USD or Euros or whatever. Once that occurs which is generally instantaneously, then you get that immediate value to your bank or debit card or wherever. The conversion can be done through the exchanges and is a way to eliminate fluctuation and potentially reduce fees if you’re doing it the right way.

Regarding BTC as a reportable item on your taxes, you are correct. It is consider an asset (at least according to US govt) and treated like a stock. However, these exchanges aren’t turning your information unless they are forced to...

And we all know every reports all of their gambling winnings to the government, right? But I see your point and it is more than fair.
Surpisingly I have thoughts

Price shopping is a no brainer, but its becomeing less and and less important. It's not because price isn't important (it's the most important) but because price feeds are killing the game. Most places don't price up a market, it is all automated. Every book will have a feed of some kind, no matter how big they are. You can take a feed from Sporting Solutions or BetGenius, set your parameters and away you go. When one book moves, all others will move automatically. You can set your book up to copy Pinnacle at 106% (Pinnacle is another story for another day). Or you can outsource to a B2B like Kambi

This is how books have hundreds of markets, it's all automated. Bookmakers don't exist anymore, they are all traders.

So if you get top price you get cut.

I don't know if you guys have access to bet brokers. One of my outs is Sportmarket Pro. One login gives me access to Pinnacle. Matchbook, Betfair, SBO, Singet. All up about 11 books. No Cris at the moment, but I am harrasing them to do so. It tells me the price at each book and the limits. All though one funded account. I also use AsianConnect. There are youtube videos that show how Sportmarket Pro works. Using a BetBroker gives you access to the best prices, no need to shuffle around between books, and you are anonymous - the books see you as the broker, not an individual customer.

I suspect software will pop up soon in the States with something similar. If you are in NJ one website will give you access to all the books there, and you just take the price on offer you want. They won't last though because these books want to profile. Hopefully someone creates a broker for the offshore books
Closing line value is a real thing, and while it may not be the entire Mona Lisa, it is at the very least, her grin.

One of the most misunderstood concepts. It is only relevent depending on the sport, the league and the market.
There is massive currency risk in BTC. I use it, but I don't care for it - I think of it as a necessary evil. Beginning of the year, BTC was about $3,500 - now it is at $11,500 so obviously that would be great
But, beginning of 2018 it was at $16,000 - end of the year, $3,500 so that would have been poor.

The currency is so volatile that you may make a $2,000 withdrawal on Monday, but by the time it hits your back account, you only have $1,600 on a down swing or of course $2,200 on an upswing. That is gambling ON TOP of gambling, and something well out of anyone's control.

There are books that let you wager in BTC, but most have the funds in USD (or at least have an online tool/calculator for quick conversions).

I used to be the guy with 20 accounts, 5 poker accounts, etc... back in Neteller days. Those were the days.
Now, I'm not going to be that serious about it because a) I don't have the time or want to track all of these accounts and b) I don't feel BTC is a viable enough currency to have thousands of dollars in float. But, I'm older now, married, children, mortgage, etc...

And one other thing to consider is you need to report ALL of your BTC transactions to the IRS. Gains will be taxed. And if you're audited, well, good luck explaining all these transactions. I'm just playing devils advovate here of course, and Scarf31 is a good guy and of course makes a great point with outs.

With no Neteller there are alternatives. I'm surpised POLI hasn't poppoed up yet. We had it, every book had to have it. It is an instant deposit using online banking. So the book has a POLI link on the site, you select you bank, and it redeirects you to your banks online account. It immediately fills out all the fields for a funds transfer to the book, all you need to do is select which account it is coming from, and how much. Once completed your funds will be instantly credited to your betting account. We would get it in our account a couple of days later.

For funds outside the country, and/or in different currencies, Transferwise is the go. If gives you virtual bank accounts - you get the account name, BSB, Account Number, etc. You get a local account when you open up. You fund your local account in your currency. So you may want to deposit in a book in Sweden that is EUR. Create a EUR account in Transferwise. Move money from your "home" account to your EUR account. Exchange rates are very, very cheap and competitive. You can use the one EUR for every EUR transaction at every book. You don't get charged exorbitant bank fees for credit card fees or exchange fees or wire fees.
Spek, exactly right on this. It’s ABSOLUTELY NOT as intimidating as it appears.

No doubt I can 100% say I know over the years just from value on getting the best lines at my plethora of books, I’ve saved easily 150 units, probably closer to 200, when you factor in getting BOTH the best of the numbers AND vig by shopping around.

Anyone ever has any questions...shoot me a PM...some of the books even work in BTC and for futures that is amazing as you get better true odds if you believe BTC will continue to grow in value like I do
What's the best BTC sportsbook out there now that let's you bet BTC. Nitrogen?

@JohnnyGambler Definitely, Nitrogen, Johnny.

I’ve used them only a few months but the ability to move your entire balance in and out within 20 minutes from their book is unreal. I’ve moved BTC from/to them at least 50-75 times and never had an issue...helps me with my goal of line shopping the best number.

If you give them a try, hit the link below (or the banner at the top of the page) as they are a CTG sponsor. Basically that means when we have members sign up with them through our links they’re often willing to sponsor free contests where we giveaway free cash. :cheers3:

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Geez scarf, 25 books? At my height I had 13 outs but I've pared them down as line shopping has become less important over time as @Alan Tongue said. Now so many books move in almost unison its pointless to have funds tied up in them. There are outs that still hold a number a bit long when everyone else is moving and those are gold.

Also, books seem to be getting less tolerant of winners overall. I've been limited by several over the past few years. Now I've got 7 funded books and 3 that see 95% of my action.
Well @scarf31 looks like I'll be adding. I just realized this morning that I have almost no NFL teaser options left as multiple books have either taken the option away from me entirely or won't give me the full 6 points on wong-able lines.

I thought as this industry started becoming more mainstream it would improve but instead its only gotten more slimy and outright fraudulent over the past couple of years.

CRIS is probably the most disappointing in that respect. They used to be a very solid book but now are run like a recreational book at best, a borderline fraud at worst.
Let me know if you need any recommendations, bud...some places way better than others for teaser players / options
You can really move BTC in and out of Nitrogen that easily? I'll have to check that out.

The best experience I have had is with Bookmaker where I can get a BTC withdrawal request processed within 4-6 hours and have money same day.

Like having multiple shops, but so far only offshores. Would love to find a reliable local or two. Or maybe my state can figure it out.
You can really move BTC in and out of Nitrogen that easily? I'll have to check that out.

The best experience I have had is with Bookmaker where I can get a BTC withdrawal request processed within 4-6 hours and have money same day.

Like having multiple shops, but so far only offshores. Would love to find a reliable local or two. Or maybe my state can figure it out.

I haven’t had a Nitrogen withdrawal take longer than 60 minutes and that was because the BTC network was super busy. That’s part of the beauty of a book like them, instant anonymous and no rollover requirements
Let me know if you need any recommendations, bud...some places way better than others for teaser players / options

Yeah for sure...I mostly bet football these days so I'm always looking for a book that will let me get at least a dime down early in the week, lets me tease across key numbers and, most importantly, won't start playing bullshit games if I win some money.

I really should look a 5dimes again. They were decent except for Tony's habit of giving himself a mulligan whenever he feels like it and calling it a 'bad line'. Other than cancelling a winning bet because it was a mere 1.5pts off the market, it was a decent book and had a lot of options.

Why can't there be more pinnacles? They're sharp but when you win, they always pay with a smile.

Mybookie has teasers......
13 point teasers has -130 juice
They won’t let you tease early in the week
They also have IF Bets....limit to 4 games only
They have live bets too.....you can also play live TT
They don’t have 1st half TT, but you can bet them live once game starts
They won’t let you parlay TT but you can parlay quarters and half’s on same game ( I hit 7 6teamer this past week in CFB 1 quarters plays. Their RR options is annoying cause you’ll have to reselect the teams if you want to do like 5 teamer , etc. that’s why I didn’t hit the 7 teamer.
They also have Live casino games. Blackjack and Baccarat and Roulette. They quick though....like every 30-40 seconds they’ll deal the cards...
They have very nice bonus too.....but high rollover....
If you choose casino bonus.....you can’t use the bonus on Live Casino Games.....
They also have points where u can accumulate over time for free plays. They used the amount of wagers you put in. bonus money plays don’t count.
Haven’t withdrawal yet....still down after the big weekend, reload a few times, so have to rollover first.
If you reload, the rollover resets.
They also have survivor contest and squares on football games.
You can deposit with credit cards, it’ll be charged as international purchase

I put it to the test and looked around. The other day I was looking at Hockey Odds for The San Jose Sharks. 3 Different Sites had 3 different odds...
Sharks -130
Sharks -125
Sharks -120

A Couple different sites for football 2 Team 6 Point teaser...
Site One: 2 Team-6 Point Teaser -110
Site Two: 2 Team-6 Point Teaser -120...

Listen To Scarf31... He KNOWS What He's Talking About...
...yeah, you heard me. I have 25 sportsbook accounts. Some old, some new, none borrowed, some blue...and quite honestly...you should too.

In the world of sports betting, the guys who do this for a living or who are consider "sharps" will always tell you that everything is based on value. Great bettors bet numbers, not teams.

Closing line value is a real thing, and while it may not be the entire Mona Lisa, it is at the very least, her grin.

So I will ask you a question...if you're going to buy a car...do you test just have one you pick automatically without considering any of the the other options? Are you set on that SUV that gets 12 gallons to the mile? Or the one that has a double muffler that sounds like you're inside the Ford Factory in Motown?

If so, then you and your one local (who may be your only out) and is probably shading your bets to the side he detects you will go, are probably going to have (another) losing football season.

And since I don't give a rat's ass about how cool the car may be, or about how loud the muffler is...I want options. LOTS of options.

And that is how your ol' pal, Scarf came upon his 25 different sports wagering accounts.

Line shopping in the sports wagering world is not only an item on the list of important topics, it may be the one that is capitalized and bolded at the top of your list of rules for what are truly good practices for long-term success.

This is my passion...something that drives me to be better each and every day. I may make mistakes...hell, I've made TONS of mistakes...but there is no greater challenge than to know there is someone out there hanging a number on a game and saying (in his Clint Eastwood Dirty Harry voice)..."you don't have the balls or the smarts to beat my number.

Ever since I was 8 and betting my 3rd grade buddy, $1 a pop on spreads we took from the USA Today for ESPN SEC Super Tuesday Kentucky/Tennessee battles...all I've ever wanted was to do 2 things...1. GET AN EDGE and 2. JUST FUCKING WIN

So maybe some of you can relate to the feeling of wanting nothing more than to destroy the number...if so, why are you limiting your possibilities with only one book? Sports books come in all shapes and sizes...pluses and minuses and advantages and disadvantages. I would never have been able to do this (fund 25 books), if it weren't for the magical savior to the sports bettor...


Ah yes, the forbidden fruit that the government doesn't even truly understand (or know how to regulate) and the thing that can allow me to send 500k to China in 30 seconds if I wanted to. Bitcoin and understanding how to use bitcoin is insanely important if you take this hobby seriously. I spent 6 months just reading about bitcoin before I ever even made a transaction...I wanted to be cautious but optimistic and watched others, read everything I could find, and then 6 months late took the dive into the pool.

And today, I am Michael Fucking Phelps.

Bitcoin and its utilization allows me to move money from book to book within completely reasonable timeframes. Some books process transactions in 48 hours, some do same day transactions...and the newest bitcoin only sportsbooks process transactions INSTANTLY. I am constantly moving funds here there and everywhere as I scour the spreads and props and futures and all of the options I have available.

I have a good friend who I can talk about sports betting with who "gets it". Truly understands the markets, lines, line movements, and everything in between. I continually tell him the following as we are very similary in nature when it comes to sports betting.

If you hit 60%, you're going to the Hall of Fame. If you get your crotch kicked in on 2 out of every 5 wagers, you are Jerry Friggin' Rice. This hobby is HARD. And lessons come just that way, painfully and usually full of emotional entanglement at first....you either learn ways to get better at handling the rules of the (sports betting) game...or you retire...or even worse, get retired because you've run out of options, money or both.

So when I make and post wagers I make on this site, it may look like I am almost always getting a great number...and the reason for that is because I usually am.

I put the work in to find the best numbers because with the same passion I had at 8, I still want that edge...I still want to win. Just. As. Badly.

If you don't know how bitcoin works, you're not alone. I've tutored many people on the topic and am always glad to lend a hand to anyone that wants to learn...it doesn't take a Master's Degree to figure it out and once you learn it you will never go back.

So the next time you lose a game by the hook on a last-second touchdown...on a bad number that you didn't have to settle for but left yourself no other options but to take...look me up and we can talk...I'll probably be going lot-to-lot as I look at 25 different cars before I choose the best value.

Bro the 60% winning stuff was from the baby boomer generation. That thinning is extinct.

Try a 3000% return routinely on deposits. That’s what live betting can deliver when you are dialed into the universe.

People double and triple their accounts. I feel that 30000 to 5000% return is impressive. This is how the new school betting goes
And one other thing to consider is you need to report ALL of your BTC transactions to the IRS. Gains will be taxed. And if you're audited, well, good luck explaining all these transactions. I'm just playing devils advovate here of course, and Scarf31 is a good guy and of course makes a great point with outs.

I'm certainly not here to tell anyone what to do however I will share a conversation I had recently with a tax lawyer who just happens to work for, you guessed it, the IRS. Basically, in a nutshell, the IRS is currently swamped and cannot handle it all so they have decided to work "top-down." I asked just exactly what "top-down" meant and the answer was "Bitcoin millionaires." This lawyer also told me "no one" is reporting any bitcoin gains. So unless you are moving and gaining btc in the 10s and 100s of thousands of $$$, then I think your fine for a while.....
I'm certainly not here to tell anyone what to do however I will share a conversation I had recently with a tax lawyer who just happens to work for, you guessed it, the IRS. Basically, in a nutshell, the IRS is currently swamped and cannot handle it all so they have decided to work "top-down." I asked just exactly what "top-down" meant and the answer was "Bitcoin millionaires." This lawyer also told me "no one" is reporting any bitcoin gains. So unless you are moving and gaining btc in the 10s and 100s of thousands of $$$, then I think your fine for a while.....

Bingo. The IRS is so fucking swamped it’s ridiculous. My company works routinely with the IRS and they are handling the biggest and most egregious cases. There are THOUSANDS of people that are bitcoin millionaires. They aren’t losing their shit over you buying 1k of bitcoin, unless you’re doing it every single day and letting it sit on an exchange like Coinbase. I’d be shocked if there was ever a follow up to anyone’s bitcoin transactions. The government works ass backward and 100% inefficiently. That’s from my personal experience working 20 years dealing with IRS agents in my line of work.
Are you guys all giving out your ss # when using bitcoin exchanges? I have yet to find one that does not ask for it, and giving that info out is a dealbreaker for me. If anyome knows exchanges that do not require ss#, please list them0
Shocked that Im the only one out there that is uncomfortable with this.

credit card companies get hacked all the time...they have your social too. You’re way more likely to get your cc company hacked quite honestly. But I understand your point.
how exactly does Nitrogen work? BTC in for each bet or do you deposit with BTC and keep it there until you withdraw
Surpisingly I have thoughts

Price shopping is a no brainer, but its becomeing less and and less important. It's not because price isn't important (it's the most important) but because price feeds are killing the game. Most places don't price up a market, it is all automated. Every book will have a feed of some kind, no matter how big they are. You can take a feed from Sporting Solutions or BetGenius, set your parameters and away you go. When one book moves, all others will move automatically. You can set your book up to copy Pinnacle at 106% (Pinnacle is another story for another day). Or you can outsource to a B2B like Kambi

This is how books have hundreds of markets, it's all automated. Bookmakers don't exist anymore, they are all traders.

So if you get top price you get cut.

I don't know if you guys have access to bet brokers. One of my outs is Sportmarket Pro. One login gives me access to Pinnacle. Matchbook, Betfair, SBO, Singet. All up about 11 books. No Cris at the moment, but I am harrasing them to do so. It tells me the price at each book and the limits. All though one funded account. I also use AsianConnect. There are youtube videos that show how Sportmarket Pro works. Using a BetBroker gives you access to the best prices, no need to shuffle around between books, and you are anonymous - the books see you as the broker, not an individual customer.

I suspect software will pop up soon in the States with something similar. If you are in NJ one website will give you access to all the books there, and you just take the price on offer you want. They won't last though because these books want to profile. Hopefully someone creates a broker for the offshore books
Quoting this because it's a great post.

Also, a good thread for those who have yet to read it from 2.5 years ago.
Well suck me sideways @scarf31 hit me up and explain it to me. Only ever used CoinBase. Though it's likely too late now (still can't believe I bought in at 400 and lost it)
Well suck me sideways @scarf31 hit me up and explain it to me. Only ever used CoinBase. Though it's likely too late now (still can't believe I bought in at 400 and lost it)

all I use is Coinbase and it’s a ripoff. Why I basically only use US books now outside of the bookie
all I use is Coinbase and it’s a ripoff. Why I basically only use US books now outside of the bookie

You pay taxes either way.

You won't be limited to ridiculous amounts at good offshores.

I absolutely love crypto for moving money around books.

Some new offerings too I'll post in a bit that helps with fees and the varying price.

You pay taxes either way.

You won't be limited to ridiculous amounts at good offshores.

I absolutely love crypto for moving money around books.

Some new offerings too I'll post in a bit that helps with fees and the varying price.

I just don’t like Coinbase fees on the deposit but you’re exactly right about the taxes.
And rollovers piss me off for promotions offshore.
Are you saying your NY books don't have rollovers?

Every promo I've seen in the world has rollovers.

As far as promos, I personally am very selective with them. You need to read the fine print for sure.

On the Coinbase front, understand the fees issue. That just is what it is, unless you don't mind getting a paper check.
Are you saying your NY books don't have rollovers?

Every promo I've seen in the world has rollovers.

As far as promos, I personally am very selective with them. You need to read the fine print for sure.

On the Coinbase front, understand the fees issue. That just is what it is, unless you don't mind getting a paper check.

I don’t know why I’m making a big deal about the Coinbase fees, either. If you load a decent roll it’s essentially nothing in the grand scheme of things. And the promotions for US books end rather quickly after signing up if you’re not consistently losing. US books typically have a 1 time rollover, though, vs say a 14 time one I’ve recently seen on BOL. US books obviously easier to load but the idea of being taxed hasn’t hit me yet until I see it a year from now.
@REGGIE can confirm I signed up for every single sportsbook CTG has listed up top in the banners (don't worry I always said CappingTheGame as my referral) but couldn't figure out how to deposit into any. So I'm stuck with the absolutely shitty RI Twin River one still
@REGGIE can confirm I signed up for every single sportsbook CTG has listed up top in the banners (don't worry I always said CappingTheGame as my referral) but couldn't figure out how to deposit into any. So I'm stuck with the absolutely shitty RI Twin River one still

I thought you deposited into BAS?
@REGGIE can confirm I signed up for every single sportsbook CTG has listed up top in the banners (don't worry I always said CappingTheGame as my referral) but couldn't figure out how to deposit into any. So I'm stuck with the absolutely shitty RI Twin River one still
Credit card
Debit card

All instant.