If the season ended today


Power Boat Enthusiast
If the season ended today here is what the playoff's would look like:

1. New England Patriots
2. Indianapolis Colts
3. Tennessee Titans
4. Pittsburgh Steelers
5. Jacksonville Jaguars
6. Cleveland Browns (yessssss)

1. Dallas Cowboys
2. Green Bay Packers
3. Detroit Lions
4. New York Giants
5. Washington Redskins
6. Tampa Bay Buccaneers

1st Round:

Cleveland at Tennessee

Jacksonville at Pittsburgh

Tampa Bay at Detroit

Washington at New York Giants
It doesn't seem right, but you're going to be forced to take a team from the NFC West and AFC West.

New projections Gotti

Seeds 1-3 are division winners too

Detroit would be 4th
<!-- / icon and title --> <!-- message --> I hope to god Detroit stays far away from the skins.

In Detroit you win that game. By 10.
You think so JP?

I jsut think Washington's secondary is too good for Detroit.
I do think so.

This would be your second time seeing Campbell and it would be in your house. Big difference.

Their secondary is good, but that last game was a really bad spot for you.

You'd be fine.

But Washington is a house of horrors for you guys, you don't want to be going back there. You want a first round home playoff game. You get that and against almost anybody I'll probably play the Lions.
That all said, bad spot for the Lions this week.

Not good. But I want to see how healthy AZ is and I'd hate to turn on a team that's been so good to me so quickly.
You guys, the Skins secondary took a gigantic hit when they lost Carlos Rodgers. The Skins were ranked #1 I think (at least top 3) against team's #2 receiver. Now, Smoot is starting and he's always injured, and not that good, and David Macklin (old) and Leigh Torrence (who?) are the primary backups. The reason the Skins defense sucked last year was because of injuries to the corners, and the same shit is happening again. If Springs goes down, which he will, the Skins are done. With that said, I think the Lions might be mentally scarred from their last encounter with the Skins def, so their is no telling how they'll play. That was a pretty fun game to watch.
You got it wrong for the AFC

somebody is going to come out of the AFC west.....Chargers or Chiefs
I know someone has to, i just didn't fill a team in yet. Kind of like does there really have to be a heisman trophy winner this year?