If I started and NFL thread , weak one

Mods, change that fukin 'AND' to AN. I ain't the sharpest tack, but I'm smarter than autocorrect. I just hit enter too soon.

Damn alcohol
Mods, change that fukin 'AND' to AN. I ain't the sharpest tack, but I'm smarter than autocorrect. I just hit enter too soon.

Damn alcohol

You can edit your own thread nowadays

And the whole title needs editing not just the one word lmao
Iggles got the win , how 'bout that.

Norsemen -6
Bengal Tigers +105 OTR!!!
Jungle Cats -3 OTR!!!
Swashbucklers/Holy ones O49
Great State/ Defenders of freedom O50
Seabirds +3
Ursa Major/Laborers O46.5
Gang Green/Leos O45
