If Doc Halladay gets shelled again today, by the Marlins, is he done?


Live. Breathe. Blue.
I say yes...unfortunately, I got Doc in an auto-pick draft on a fantasy team. On my bench now, but, he gets shelled again I think I'm cutting him loose.

Can he get it going again?
his spring ball was abysmal, and it hasn't exactly changed since opening day. if the marlins put it on him, i'd drop him as well.
his spring ball was abysmal, and it hasn't exactly changed since opening day. if the marlins put it on him, i'd drop him as well.

Ya I truly think he is done, Butre...but you know how it is, never wanna cut a guy like this too soon and then they turn it around into their old studly form. Nothing more frustrating in fantasy than that. I kinda hope he gets shelled again today so then I'll feel ok about dumping him lol.
Looking at this sparse crowd at the Heat game...I guess everybody in Miami decided to head out to the Marlins game instead today to check out Doc.
As far as fantasy goes Doc is never going to be the dominant guy he used to be. In real life he will be given every chance possible to be a starter so my answer is no, he is not done. Fantasy wise he can be dropped IMO. He may learn how to pitch around his issues enough to be a decent pitcher but his dominant days are probably behind him.
As far as fantasy goes Doc is never going to be the dominant guy he used to be. In real life he will be given every chance possible to be a starter so my answer is no, he is not done. Fantasy wise he can be dropped IMO. He may learn how to pitch around his issues enough to be a decent pitcher but his dominant days are probably behind him.

Agreed...and when I say "done" I guess I should be more specific. Not saying the Phils are gonna give up on him, I mean will never be a dominant/top level pitcher again.
Now I'm really torn...I wanna drop him, but, don't think I can after today. Was hoping he would just get lit up lol.