I'd rather have Asik then Howard


Pretty much a regular
st8 up...Howard is drama, he's too much money, he's gonna get hurt again and when he does, that'll be it for him.
Depends. Howard sells tickets.

Straight up basketball wise i totally agree. Hate Howard's personality and lack of drive to be great
People said the same thing about Lebron tho. Even after is 1st year in Miami. You're kidding yourself if you think you actually know what's in these guys heads
You're comparing Lebron to Dwight Howard? Are you for real? Nobody was questioning how much Lebron wanted to win. Not that I remember anyway. And Lebron certainly didn't waiver on the decision based on the money.

could you imagine if he actually chose the lakers because he didn't want to leave 30 million on the table?

That would sure show how much he actually wants to be there alright.
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I never questioned Lebron lol...

And I bet all the smart GMs wouldn't touch Howard and his antics with a stick. I love Asik's game. He's great defensively. He's a strong presence inside and he has an incredible work ethic. He's the kinda unflashy player that helps win championships. Howard is all flash, no substance. He should've kept the cape off.
Dwight is the best centet in the league. Who wouldn't want best player in his position? If he is healthy, he can be a monster, despite many flaws that he has...
So because he is the "best center" in the league that means he can act however the hell he wants? Ok.
No. That just means that many gm's will takw a gamble on him and you can't blame them...
this year a big factor

if he's not a force on D like he was pre-back injury, and with a full offseason he should have no excuses, than I would tend to agree
You're comparing Lebron to Dwight Howard? Are you for real? Nobody was questioning how much Lebron wanted to win. Not that I remember anyway. And Lebron certainly didn't waiver on the decision based on the money.

could you imagine if he actually chose the lakers because he didn't want to leave 30 million on the table?

That would sure show how much he actually wants to be there alright.

No I'm not comparing them as players. Yes people were questioning him maybe not you but yes they were. My point was just dont give up on him yet.
he's not the best center in the league anymore....his back has rendered him much less effective, especially on Defense.

it's not about his performance on the court as much as it is the return on investment. He's a max contract with a lot of baggage that he brings into your locker room.

On the flip side Asik is a no-nonsense kinda guy who just plays hard every night.