Iceman's NFLX Thread - Playing against the public money percentage


Pretty much a regular
Guys goining to run this thread throught the preseason. I'm going to just track this using 1 unit so no real money tied up in in for me. We will be going against the public money percentage not the public bet percentage. Sometimes you have a high public bet % but more money is going the other way and it could be a little miss leading. Now all this plays are noting going to hit but maybe it will help someone chhoose a good game. I will post yesterday's results and then move forward to tonight. Sometimes the data doesn't come in so we will go with what I have just to see what happens.
Yesterday's numbers. Remember this is the money percentage not the number of bets percentage.

Baltimore - $41,827 = 40% Play on Balt.
Tampa Bay - $60, 723 = 59%

Cincinnati - $50,874 = 28% Play on Cinny
Atlanta - $128,636 = 71%

St. Louis - $72,930 = 72%
Cleveland - $27,315 = 27% Play on Cleveland

Washington - $16,280 = 50%
Tennessee - $16,031 = 49% Close game

Seattle - $75,072 = 42% Play on Seattle
San Diego = $100,772 = 57%

I had no data on the S.F., Denver game
Here's how the 7:30 games look now. I don't know how this is going to work guys but we will see.

Miami - $40,374 = 74%
Jack. - $13,794 = 25%

Jets - $32,274 = 39%
Det. - $49,749 = 60%

NE - $24,108 - 37%
Phil - $41,032 - 62%

Of course money is still coming in so things can change.
Here's how the 7:30 games look now. I don't know how this is going to work guys but we will see.

Miami - $40,374 = 74%
Jack. - $13,794 = 25%

Jets - $32,274 = 39%
Det. - $49,749 = 60%

NE - $24,108 - 37%
Phil - $41,032 - 62%

Of course money is still coming in so things can change.

May Jacksoville is the strongest play
7:30 posible plays

Remember a big bet before game time could swing the percentage a great deal.

Miami - $64,609 = 78%
Jack. - $17,301 = 21% Play on Jacksonville

Jets - $37,536 = 38% Play on Jets
Det. - $60,398 = 61%

NE - $31,409 = 37% Play on N.E.
Phil - $53,289 = 62%
8:00 plays

Arizona - $25,680 = 46%
G.B. - $29,262 = 53% Stay awy from this game.

Chicago - $17,979 = 29% Play on Chicago
Carolina - $42,320 = 70%

No data on the other games