I would like to start a friendly discussion "Friendly"

Paulie The Vig

Pretty much a regular
This is just my opinion. There was a time I used Umpires the way most here use them I don't use them anymore unless I know of an umpire who doesn't like a particular manager, Player or team. Please don't get this wrong I'm not talking Fix games or any such foolishness but we are human and sometimes like to extract a little revenge.

I have a close friend who passed away about 5 years ago and he knew every umpire and they would sent him the umpire's schedule which they have for the year so he knew who to call when we needed tickets. Those were the days you got real tickets not the nose bleeds you get today. Not to get off track but a friend when to a San Dieg game this year and sat next to one of the players good friends I forget (Old Age) his name you couldn't believe where he was sitting. we laughed. Anyway back to the umps. at the party's they would talk about certain players, managers etc: that they didn't like and I'll tell you one thing for sure they hate extra inninngs and if there's a shot to get out early they take it. Instant replay has taken that away or else I wouldn't have mentioned it.

But today's ump for the past IDK 10 years has been closely graded so tell me what do you make of this. Now remember long term winning needs data the more the better.
One thing to study with Umps is how they set up and what does the pitcher throw, will the ump be able to really get a good look at the outside corner if he sets up inside. You can chart that before the season because that's a consistence thing where the ump likes to stand and what a pitcher likes to throw a high % of the time.

[TABLE="width: 700"]
[TD="width: 700, colspan: 3"]Umpires[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 3"]HPEd Hickox

Hickox is behide the plate in the Giant/Dodger game

2013 16 0vers 9 Unders Games between 8/8.5 6 Over 2 Unders
2014 8 Overs 19 Unders Games between 8/8.5 2 Overs 6 Unders
2015 15 Overs 10 Unders Games between 8/8.5 9 Overs 1 Under

Did they talk to him after 2013 about his Overs and to try and get it back in line you don't know and then 2015 comes back with more Overs then Unders Total 39 -38 how can you really take that into consideration. Now if Joe West and Laz Diaz who are the worst Umpires ever and must have really strong juice if West does a Bumgarner game I want no part of the Giants. My friend used to know all the inside crap and once again please don't think I'm talking fixing or anything like that. But they get there shots in on occasion.

What do you think and can you make a case why the Umps behide the plate are so important.
Just my opinon and we all have one so please don't take this thread the wrong way.

[TD="colspan: 3"][/TD]
I used to be a professional umpire. I taught at umpire school. Umpires are human. But with replays you can't "screw" guys like they could before you had cameras everywhere. Umpires set up the same spot every pitch, if catcher sets up inside the umpire just raises his body up more so he can see the plate. It's important to set up the same every pitch, and that is what is taught. Until you have been behind a catcher and called pitches with pitchers throwing 93mph + you can't possibly understand what it's like. The catcher makes a huge difference as far as receiving pitches and giving umpires a good look
Umpires know there are stats on them. They pay zero attention to any of it.umpires are judged after every game behind the plate, and they must have a certain percentage correct based on computer judging what's a strike and what's a ball. Trust me no umpire wants long games or lots of bb's , but they call what they see.
I personally went to umpire school and worked games with 7 current mlb umpires, and instructed at umpire school, 4 current mlb umpires. These guys want to call things perfectly, overs and unders, who is the home team and away team, who the managers are does not affect any calls they make on the field.
Bettors look for trends and things that point to a certain outcome. Umpires are not brought into a room and told their games are going over the total too much, if things change with how someone calls a game it is because their evaluations are showing they are missing too many pitches that they should be calling whether strikes or balls.
I don't talk about my sports betting with my mlb umpire family, and I have a story relating to gambling about their decision whether to select me in my evaluation process while I was trying to become a professional umpire. That if anyone wants to hear I would be happy to share. These guys are professional baseball umpires, they are not gamblers.
Paulie, I love talking about umpires, because its such a small group of people that do it, and everyone else has opinions on umpires/officials but few have lived the life. These posts were just my thoughts, not meant to seem like I was arguing, or disagreeing with your opinion.
I believe Nova is starting at Baltimore in the day. First thought was take NY as the best road day team. I am reading he will have Murphy as catcher. That is not a good idea. 7.11 ERA 25.1 innings so I am leaning over.
Nova 5-10 under
Chen 10-18 under Might not be a good idea. Still thinking.
I believe Pitt, Cubs and Cards have no reason to care about today's games.
[TABLE="width: 700"]
[TD="width: 700, colspan: 3"]Umpires[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 3"]HPEd Hickox

Hickox is behide the plate in the Giant/Dodger game

2013 16 0vers 9 Unders Games between 8/8.5 6 Over 2 Unders
2014 8 Overs 19 Unders Games between 8/8.5 2 Overs 6 Unders
2015 15 Overs 10 Unders Games between 8/8.5 9 Overs 1 Under

[TD="colspan: 3"][/TD]

I look at this and it just reaffirms my belief that umpires are not a factor when handicapping a game. Their records to me are just small sample size variance. I don't think I could name 5 of them if my life depended on it, never mind know who's working where. But, different strokes for different folks, we all see things differently, that's why there are betting lines on the games. If someone can use umpire info to profit they shouldn't change their tactics.
This is actually funny. Did either of you notice what happened yesterday in Pitt and Texas. I guess not.
I believe Pitt, Cubs and Cards have no reason to care about today's games.

I think if Cincinnati is going to win another game this season it will be today. Finnegan has talent and is looking to make a case for next year, I don't mind backing him vs Burnett. The big question is does anyone else on the Reds care?