I will go on a limb......


Power Boat Enthusiast
and say with the first selection in the 2008 NFL draft the Atlanta Falcons select Brian Brohm from Louisville
I like it alot. Brohm and the boys up in Louisville are going to absolutely tear it up this year....I hope. always a big Louisville fan for some reason.... in every sport. But yes I would really enjoy a good season from them.
haha.... did not see the Atlanta part.... interesting... I dont see them being the worst team, but hey..
i don't think they nessecarily have to be the worst team but i think they'll have to be a top 5 worst team which i think they will be.
I will clarify that, to say that I completely agree.

With 'their' first pick in the 2008 NFL Draft, the Atlanta Falcons select: QB, from Louisville, Brian Brohm.
Yeah, Atlanta lost a lot defensively in the off-season, not to mention Schaub.

Vick will have a hideous season this year, if he gets away with his latest rounds of off the field foolishness and somehow manages to play this year.

And a college coach trying to lead this mess???? Looks like a disaster in the making, no matter how you try to spin it.

Atlanta may win 5-6 games, tops.
Atlanta's best bet is to cut their Vick hopes immediately and get Harrington ready to be the QB. 'Cause even if Vick plays this season, he will get stomped.
They also have a very real problem on their offensive line. They're switching from zone blocking this year to a more power blocking scheme.

That's all well and good, but they don't have the bodies for that. They spent years getting lighter on the offensive line, bringing in Alex Gibbs to coach 'em and turning them into a very good running team that way.

Now they're throwing that away and starting over. I think you're going to see more than a couple of really bad games from this O-line this year as they transition.

Basically, in going to Patrino, Atlanta sort of gave up on this year he's going to change so much.

They still could find lightening ina bottle and be good, but the odds are very heavily stacked against that.
i think falcons are playing with fire because they basically have no one else at QB behind vick, ok you can say harrington, but there is a reason this is his 3rd team in three years.
Bobby Petrino may about to be taught one stern, harsh this season about the difference between being a "college" coach and an NFL coach.

Welcome to the NFL, Coach Petrino.
Yep, Gotti, the stern and harsh lesson is soon to begin, and it won't end until very late in December.

Petrino will miss Lousiville, surely.

The NFL can and will be ruthless on a college coach stepping in to a total and chaotic mess.
harrington > vick

well almost.. gotta love vicks 1:1 td to turnover ratio though thats impressive
i am not sure, but atlanta officials have been quoted by the local paper there in saying "our options are not limited to our roster" so take it for what it's worth but i think culpepper would be a nice fit. Plus he would workk nicely with their runnign back tandem they have there.