I should not be betting the NFL right now - Week 2

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
A few years ago I found myself with a gambling problem--sure good that didn't last, eh? Anyhoo, the problem at the time was that I was almost addicted to betting the Bengals.

I can't really say why, I just kept thinking, 'no, this team's really not that bad' and those f**kers would just take my money like a $10 whore and go hit the glass d*ck in the parking lot. C*cksuckers.

I bring that up only because if the Lions shove their entire head up their *ss again this week just like they did last week, I could well be on the way to having that same problem this year. Either that or I'll be smart and refuse to bet them for six weeks as punishment for betting on a bad team.

Either way:

Detroit ML
Denver ML
(I like this one quite a bit)
Cleveland +6 & ML.

I also want to bet the Rams, may tail it if some smart person here makes a good enough case.

And when the Browns win tomorrow, thank the Football Gods first because it well could be a miracle. Then, go directly to the window and cash that ticket, baby.

Go Browns.

Good luck everybody.
Good luck joe, considering taking the brownies with the points as well.

I cant go back to that lions well after last week. Actually, i may piss in it. good health though man.... im really liking my jets tomorrow
GL Joe. Definitely an interesting line on the Lions game. It almost makes you think they have a chance to win SU. Denver is the only side I'm confident enough to bet on. I hope we get some money from them.:cheers:
you crack me up bro:36_11_6:

Looks like a winning card.. Denver good or real bad opponent last week? Can't make up my mind on that.. Plan to keep track of the Oakland game early which should answer a couple of those questions..:cheers:
Dang Joe, I hope I dont jinx you but I'm on the Brownies as well. Good luck today my good sir. No politics allowed here :shake::cheers:
Hahaha. I remember those bengals threads from Covers...

"HI everyone, My name's Joe and I have a gambling problem. I love to bet the bengals."

I was thinking I was going to start a thread like that about the Skins until Santana Moss came throught in a fashion not so unlike one of my favorite Monday nighters against the team we all love to hate a few years ago. ...

Anyhow this probably just prolongs the miserable existance of Jason Campbell at QB, so I'm not sure if I should be excited or not, but for now I'll celebrate the extra few hundred dollars.

As for the Browns, I like em too. I hope Ben doesn't have the time that Romo had last week, but then again Pitts O line isn't Dallas's...

But on the road...>Sunday night divisional game. I'll take the home dog.

Really like the Over too - number seems unreasonably low. Shouldn't this be a 47 at minimum???

ANyhow Browns ML and OVER for me. Good luck tonight buddy.
Good luck in the second half, folks. All I know is I'm about done with Derek Anderson.

And I am most certainly done with the motherf**king Lions.

I did put some more down on the Broncos, so thank the Gambling Gods for that. But the Lions and that over in Minny ate that up. So now the Browns can either make my night or leave me down on the day.

Let's see if they can get 'er done.
didnt mean to hate on you for taking detroit if it looked that way.... only said i couldnt go back to that well was becuase they burned me last week too... wasnt hating on you for backing em. did look like a good spot for them

glad you had denver ML and not -1/-1.5... you deserved it!

will root for your brownies here. BOL
Complete and total push on the day. Honestly, my P/L for the day at Matchbook: $1.

I swear it.

Fair enough. Stupid me, betting the Lions. I tailed that Minny over, I still liked the call, just didn't get the points. But Denver found a way, thankfully, and the Brownies covered, but didn't win. I'll live, especially for someone who shouldn't even be betting the NFL right now.

Thank you, Gambling Gods. F**k you, Detroit.