I shot the shit with Dell Demps tonight.

reNew Orleans

Clubbin' with Rasual Butler
im a little fucking school girl who cant hold in her excitement.

him and his wife are great.

just told him I appreciated his work, then he later asked me who I thought he needed to draft. just chatted with them for a while after that. fun unexpected experience.
He is a cool dude...

I "shot the shit" with him over 20 yrs ago when he was a nobody playing for Pacific here against NMSU when I was a ballboy as a kid. Both teams in the Big West (right after it changed names from PCAA) back then (with Tark's UNLV squad). Some really great games and players in the conference back in those days (all the UNLV guys, Bruce Bowen/Ced Ceballos at Fullerton, Brian Shaw and Lucius Davis at UCSB, Bryon Russell and Luscious Harris at Long Beach, Randy Brown and Reggie Jordan here at NMSU). I remember rebounding shots for him in pregame warmups, was a cool guy. Back then I had a feeling he had some potential. Not many dudes from Pacific were catching the eyes of scouts back then.

Sorry, didn't mean to turn this into "the good ole days of Big West basketball...but, he was a part of it. Kinda started reminiscing there lol... Truly great hoops back then in the Big West. I was lucky enough to be courtside for many of those games watching all of the conferences great players.
lol. no need to apologize. thats awesome karl, glad you shared that with me. i really dont know much about him outside he grew up in a military family and was with the spurs prior to coming to us. must have been fun to see him practice. i wouldve loved something like that as a kid. hell i had fun practicing with the Northwestern St. mens and womens team as a high schooler. They would drain shots like nothing and I could only imagine how good other teams were if these guys hit shots like it was nothing.

I told him that I wanted to draft Saric as a project and that I wasnt a huge fan of the potential picks this year. He then told me he actually flew to see him last week and then asked me again who I thought we should draft because they have a decision to make next week lol. Told him that I guess we could go Alex Len, but wasn't entirely sure about him and he shared a story about Len apparently having to be snuck out of Ukraine to come to the states.

I work for a start up that does pop up dinners all over NO, were about a year old but growing fast. His wife is a member and I recognized her from past events. this was the first time she brought him though. She told me she got her friend in Austin to join who loves it (we just opened up operations in Austin a couple months back and its going pretty strong).

he later told me he knew of someone whod be great for our organization as a guest chef. I of course was like "your wife?". The person he told me was either their personal chef or the teams chef but his wife gave me the chefs number.

They were great. really down to earth and approachable. Even after the fact it was established I knew who he was he still asked for my name and still said "Nice to meet you Henry, I'm Dell"
I wasn't sure who Saric is and just Googled him...this was just yesterday I guess. Crazy you were just talking about him tonight.


That's awesome, man. Great stuff... Always nice when you meet somebody like that and they turn out to be so cool like that (even referring a guest chef your way).

Maybe I'm outta the loop, I have a general idea, but, what exactly is a "pop up dinner"? I guess I could Google that too but I'd rather have your version. And best of luck with the company, definitely sounds interesting.
ill just show you a video.


its kind of like a pop up, not quite. similar model. definitely going places, getting way more volume than anticipated. got some big plans in place and Im just glad to be part of it. lots of fun.
In all seriousness though, that video reminds me of one of those bad pot luck sports banquets we had in school to give out awards after the season....uncomfortable and around people you don't like or want to be around lol..

But I'm an antisocial prick so maybe it's just me
yeah. thats probably just you lol. theres definitely a demand.

not just warehouses, although people like them as a location. yesterday night we did it in what is a popular wedding venue over looking the city and the river so...

people buy memberships knowing theyre going to be eating with people they dont know. but it takes a certain personality to enjoy that, its always awkward for people who are antisocial though. sucks for them im sure.
Looks pretty cool...checked out the website, definitely something different. Could a member request a dinner at a specific location as a private event for a large group of their friends/family?

no. membership allows you access to buy tickets (set of 2) upon event release. always minimum of 5 courses + unlimited drinks.
Gotcha...looks like something I'd like to try if it was available here. GL with the venture.

So... Who are the Hornets gonna draft now?
I didnt see any maryland ball last year so I have no idea. Rumors have him flying up the draft board all of the sudden.

Let davis help from the weak side, use his athleticism. it would help. our needs are another Big and another SF.

Also want to be able to play ryan anderson at the 3 so drafting Len could work. I really don't get drafting trey burke, but it seems like he's a favorite to go to us.

my friend texted me to tell dell we should trade EG haha. he probably wouldnt have appreciated that comment.