I Really Don't Mean to "Pile On" tOSU

RJ Esq

Prick Since 1974
But sometimes it's too easy.

Ohio State Players Decided to Return to College While Showering Together

Posted Jul 21st 2008 1:37PM by Brian Grummell (author feed)
Filed under: LSU, Ohio State, BCS, Big 10, General CFB Insanity, Bowl Games

It's not how it sounds, but still -- funny. Senior-to-be Ohio State linebacker Marcus Freeman recounts the moment a bunch of men made a very important decision to stay together, while in the shower.
ESPN: I hate to make you describe a shower scene, but take me back to after the LSU loss when you and the other juniors talked about coming back for this season.

MF: Just a lot of emotion. Sitting on that bench and thinking, 'Hey, I don't think I'm going to come back and have this feeling again.' But we got in the shower, everybody's disappointed. I forget who was the first person to say something, but it was weird that all of us that had major decisions about coming back were all in the shower at the same time. (Alex) Boone or Malcolm Jenkins or someone said, 'Hey, I'm coming back. I'm not leaving college football like this.' And then James Laurinaitis said, 'I'm coming back, too,' and I said, 'I'm coming back, too.' We all knew we really had to go home and think about it, but that was the first feeling of, 'Hey, let's come back and do it one more time. Let's go out with a bang our senior year.'
We tease, but the shower is high on the list of unusual places to collectively arrive at such an important decision.

Oh, shit. I didn't mean "pile on". I meant "rub it in." Wait, that's worse. Shit.
If I'm not mistaken the unedited quote was actually:

I forget who was pitching and who was catching, but it was weird that all of us that had major decisions about coming back were all in the shower at the same time.
You need to visit a daily blog that's NOT one of the two following:

1. Daily satire piling on Barack "Hussein" Obama
2. Daily satire piling on the Ohio State University

See if you can go a day. I dare ya.

But those targets are soooooooooooo easy.

Honestly, this one just popped up in my RSS Reader.

Also, why the quotes around "Hussein"? That's his real middle name, not his nickname. Can't run from reality.

Hookers, son. Hookers.
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