I know what happened last saturday! Kimbo FIX-

Sammy Meatballs

Sammy Meatballs? Never Heard of Her
I believe I know what happened with this KIMBO debacle.

There are 2 scenarios that I believe one of them happened for sure--

-Elite Officials approached KEN and told him to stand up with KIMBO and he would be given a special bonus to do that. KEN refused and said he would not go along with this. ELITE said Ok we will still pay you but you are not fighting and have to keep this quiet. KEN is not talking about this because he got paid and probably needs the money so he is not talking about it or he wont get paid-

-ELITE's plan was to hype up the KIMBO vs SHAMROCK fight, with interest peeking and everyone expecting this fight, ELITE to protect KIMBO already knew that KEN would never fight KIMBo, it was just done to attract interest- THey fake the eye injury and he is out of the fight--

They already knew that SETH would accept the fight. They approached him and told him that they would give him 6 figures salary if he stands with KIMBO and doesent take the fight to the ground. This is all over the press now--- SETH agrees and when he fights he basically knocks out KIMBO so fast and he never took him to the ground.

ELITE XC is pissed and refuses to pay SETH the extra money they promised him. SETH is pissed and goes to the MEDIA which he has done now and said they told him to keep the fight standing.

The reaction from the ELITE officials was so out of character for an owner, almost like he was shocked, would we ever see DANA WHITE jumping around yelling like an animal at the refs.

This was ELITE's last chance and they blew it big and now this comes out-

Also I think the ELITE officials were trying to convince KEN to stand with KIMBO, because of the following reasons--

-Ken was ruled out, and then was apparently going to fight-
-This suggests to me that some sort of bargaining was going on behind the scenes-
-KEN will no longer make any money fighting so he keeps quiet with what he knows and took the 100 g's ELITE probably paid him to keep quiet--

KEN was either never going to fight KIMBO or refused to go along with ELITE's bullshit--

If he was truly injured then, even at this rate ELITE officials tried to pay SETH double to bang with KIMBO, but ELITE officials did not take into accuont that KIMBO sucks on his feet also--

I bet you most of KIMBOS internet fights were staged, he fought guys 50 to 75 pounds lighter who were jokes and were sacrifical lambs. Also the one guy he fought was that Boston Cop who kicked KIMBO's ass, as the fight was stopped by KIMBOS goons when he was losing--

We could probably market anyone on this site as a tough guy if we have a camcorder, some cash, a couple of thugs who intimidate the other fighter, I am also sure those fighters were throwing the fights vs KIMBO, actually when you are fighting CHICO GRANDE and a guy named Adrian who knows if they even needed to fix those fights.
As i stated before I am truly 100% convinced that many MMA matches are fixed-----

The UFC has the most to lose, so I am not sure that they would risk a blatant fix, but they do want certain fighters to win---- Ex- FORREST was given that decision because it was in the best interest of the UFC to have Forrest the CHAMP because it means his TUF show has good fighters--

UFC is all about marketing fighters so it is no secret that exciting fighters get fast title shots like BROCK LESNAR- It is also known that these popular fighters will also get the benefit from the judges scorecard-

MMA is a one on one sport, with a company like CBS and other organizations there is no way CORRUPTION would not enter in this industry-----

-Casinos- Is there corruption and shady activity?
-COPS- Is there corruption in police stations?
-judges- Are judges on the take?
-doctors- are doctors legit or filling out prescriptions to make $ for other docs

For anyone to think that MMA officials like ZUFFA brothers and people running CBS are church boys are just not getting it. They are out to make money, if they knew they could make millions if they treat fighters like shit and in WWE case fighters died all the time, they could care less--

Perhaps people should realize that the fighters in MMA are overpaid athletes. Do you think the owners give a shit about a fighter? All they care about is which fighters make them rich. It is what it is, KIMBO is just a BUM who can make CBS rich, he failed miserably--

Think about the connection between CBS officials and a BUM like KIMBO, these guys would never even talk to each other or have any business together, except for the fact that CBS thinks they can make million off KIMBO.

fighters get 5 or 10 thousand, but to the owners they are overpaying them, because these fighters are not making them any money--

a good ex is Vince Mcmahon when OWEN hart died they still had a show that night as there is no way VINCE would lose the ticket gate on an event, even if 10 wrestlers died, he would just get 10 new wrestlers.

MMA IMO once it is exposed as a fraud on a higher scale will be ruined-
I can't believe i'm saying this, but i actaully agree with your theory about Ken, with Seth's revelation about EXC offering to pay him to keep it standing.

I'd love to hear what Dana thinks about this circus. Dana loves him some Chuck, but he would never never never offer to pay somebody to keep standing with Chuck or be in the front row with his face pressed against the cage crying to the ref.
DANA is loving this as this is not only damaging to CBS, but to any organizations affiliated with CBS also. DANA did not need to do anything to CBS as they got rid of themselves on their own--
I posted this in the other "Kimbo" thread in the General section earlier today....

Petruzelli: EliteXC 'didn't want me to take [Kimbo] down'

By Steve Cofield


Kimbo killer Seth Petruzelli did his first radio interview with The Monsters in Orlando and dropped a bombshell when he said that EliteXC bumped his pay to six figures but that the increase came with a stipulation:
"The promoters kinda hinted to me and they gave me the money to stand and throw with him, they didn't want me to take him down. Let's just put it that way. It was worth my while to try and stand up punch him."
If this is true, it's terrible news for EliteXC as promoters have no business telling a fighter how to fight. It would mean that EliteXC was doing all it could to protect Kimbo against his big weakness: the ground game. In the end, it didn't matter because Kimbo is terrible on his feet as well. But imagine the reaction if Petruzelli never tried to take Kimbo down, lost the fight via KO and then let loose with this claim. The last thing the fight game needs is actual proof backing the daily fight-fixing claims that come from uninformed fans and media.
Yahoo! Sports spoke with Jared Shaw this afternoon, and the EliteXC VP said he didn't tell Petruzelli that he had to stand against Kimbo. But does that mean EliteXC Head of Operations Jeremy Lappen did?

This was a good interview aside from the borderline racist references to the "big black guy." You could accept the Kimbo "jokes" on any other show, but, with the Monster's history of racially insensitive remarks, they were walking a fine line.

Petruzelli said he knew that the fight was won when he saw Kimbo's pre-fight interview with CBS' Karyn Bryant. The former UFC fighter said Kimbo looked nervous. Petruzelli told Kimbo in the ring that he would do a rematch to which Kimbo basically said no thanks. He also said that he toned down his victory celebration because he thought "he might get shot" moments after the win in the area. Petruzelli mentioned that his manager was getting death threats in the aftermath.


You know what is so fucked up about this??

If it is true, it will give all of MMA a bad name. But like most sports, as sad as it is, money and corruption will always intervene....
What's also funny is the Nevada Gaming Commission has reviewed the situation and of course they find no improprieties.

No shit...Vegas made millions on that fight! Of course they're not going to find anything.
Here's fighter payouts accordng to Elite


– Seth Petruzelli ($50,000/win bonus was $15,000) def. Kevin “Kimbo Slice” Ferguson ($500,000/win bonus would have been $100,000)


– Jake Shields ($50,000/win bonus was $10,000) def. Paul Daley ($12,000)

– Andre Arlovski ($500,000) def. Roy Nelson ($80,000)

– Gina Carano ($25,000/win bonus was $10,000) def. Kelly Kobald-Gavin ($6,000)

– Benji Radach ($30,000/win bonus was $15,000) def. Murilo Rua ($35,000)


– Cristiane Santos ($8,000/win bonus was $4,000) def. Yoko Takahashi ($2,000)

– Conor Heun ($5,000/win bonus was $2,500) def. Edson Berto ($5,000)

– Mikey Gomez ($4,000/win bonus was $2,000) def. Lorenzo Borgomeo ($1,500)

– Nicolae Curry ($1,500/win bonus was $750) def. Jorge Boechat ($1,000)

– Bryan Hamade ($1,000/win bonus was $500) def. David Gomez ($1,000)

I think it sets up a possible Arlovski Vs. Petrezulli fight and then the winner fights Tito.

I think with Elite losing their cash cow now they will have to join up with Affliction.

This will be the down fall of Elite XC
Elite should fold------ it belongs with WWE----

DANA is laughing his ass off, no one can touch UFC he will knock everyone else out, no one else cares about any other leagues, its UFC or nothing----- unless its in japan or foergn countries
Here's fighter payouts accordng to Elite


– Seth Petruzelli ($50,000/win bonus was $15,000) def. Kevin “Kimbo Slice” Ferguson ($500,000/win bonus would have been $100,000)


– Jake Shields ($50,000/win bonus was $10,000) def. Paul Daley ($12,000)

– Andre Arlovski ($500,000) def. Roy Nelson ($80,000)

– Gina Carano ($25,000/win bonus was $10,000) def. Kelly Kobald-Gavin ($6,000)

– Benji Radach ($30,000/win bonus was $15,000) def. Murilo Rua ($35,000)


– Cristiane Santos ($8,000/win bonus was $4,000) def. Yoko Takahashi ($2,000)

– Conor Heun ($5,000/win bonus was $2,500) def. Edson Berto ($5,000)

– Mikey Gomez ($4,000/win bonus was $2,000) def. Lorenzo Borgomeo ($1,500)

– Nicolae Curry ($1,500/win bonus was $750) def. Jorge Boechat ($1,000)

– Bryan Hamade ($1,000/win bonus was $500) def. David Gomez ($1,000)


Wow what a fucked up payrole. No wonder KJ Noons was complaining. How does their champ, Shields, make less than Arlovski and Kimbo. I mean Nelson lost his fight and made more than Shields WITH HIS BONUS. Damn 1/2 millie a fight for Kimbo. And he fought 4 matches? A millionaire all built on hype and no substance.. .Only in America.
In his last title defense in Stockton, CA Shields made a comment about unifying the Elite XC and UFC belt...I then proceeded to laugh.

After watching his performance this past weekend, even though he won by submission, his stand-up is very suspect. If he ever chose to go bang with the other top WW, he needs to improve on his striking. And after his fight with Paul Daley, he made a comment about moving up to MW. Are you kidding me? Rob Lawler would pick him apart. Just my $0.02!!
Now at least my claim to which I was ripped apart that MMA is fixed has been substantiated----

It wont be long until slimeballs and more corrupt bastards get involved in the fight game.

That will be DANA's biggest challenge to keep the corruption out and pay the fighters more or they will start throwing fights for gambling purposes--

MMA is an easy sport to fix because you only need to convince one fighter or one REferee or a few judges, it is way too hard to fix a football game where so many players are involved.

That first ELITE was a joke so many fights stopped in favor of the favorites, I have never seen that happen in UFC---

Also I knew it was fixed when they let THMPSON fight KIMBO with that ear, I mean if that was not an insurance policy or what I was laughing my ass off, all KIMBO had to do was punch him once in the ear and the fight was over, the ear was not drained to make sure KIMBO could end the fight with one punch. Also while on the ground Kimbo was getting pounded the fight could have been stopped and they made them stand up many times----

UFC though to its credit did have Cro Cop Lose and GSP and LIDDELL, so they do have a vested interest in certain fighters winning, but they let the fights happen fair and square---

The Quinton fight IMO the judges gave Forrest the benefit of the doubt there, but I think they honestly did not want QUINTON as the CHAMP anymore, because MMA mainstream is mostly white fighters and they wanted a white 205 lb champion. They got this and then there plan was to have LIDDELL vs FORREST, because when LIDDELL was champ UFC was at its peak popularity level. DANA knew a fight between LIDDELL and FORREST would be the biggest fight in history of MMA without a doubt-

Right when QUINTON lost I knew and posted that there is no way he is getting a rematch with Forrest, and then all this crazy driving BS happens with quinton. Something was wrong QUINTON has lost before lol, why did he take this loss so bad, perhaps cause he knew he would not get a title shot, he knew he deserved to keep the belt, but he played the COMPANY MAN and just went along and then I guess got pissed and went nuts while driving---

This dream match failed miserably as Liddell got Ko'd by EVANS. A FOrrest vs Evans match IMO will not attract much hype at all, as EVANS is a very boring fighter and is not as popular as LIDDELL--

Even myself would have probably ordered the PPV for the first time ever to see that fight between LIDDELL vs FORREST as I think it would be the best fight ever in MMA-

This fight almost happened by a little manipulation by the judges giving FORREST the belt, then all of a sudden a LIDDELL who had lost 2 of his 3 previous fights is in line for a title shot if he wins vs a guy from the TUF show who was picked because they thought CHUCK could beat him--
This IMO if fixing right there because there is better guys who deserve a shot at the belt, how about MACHIDA how about Anderson SILVA coming up and fighting for the 205 belt?

MMA is a Money Printing machine---

Having said that I bet on SETH, but was smart as I knew it was risky because I thoght the FIX would be in and they would not let KIMBO lose. The thing is though KIMBO sucks shit as DANA said so it didnt matter he could not be protected.

THere is no doubt that his street fights were rigged also, and he fought a Boston Cop and got his ass handed to him, and that cop was basically just a regular tough guy cop, so its not surprising when he gets his ass handed to him by a regular COP with no martial arts training, how could be beat trained fighters. ALso does anyone even know if this Bas RUTTEN guy is really training him or that was all bullshit, if so how much do they train? Is that just publicity, because it looks to me that KIMBO does not train at all.
Wow....Sammy sometimes I don't get why things have to become a racial issue with you, but that's your opinion.

I don't or would not like to think that all MMA fights are fixed. But I do believe that Elite XC does favor Kimbo and Carano since they have so much invested in the two. And I'm sure they've probably made some type of comments to a ref of how the fights should play out.

But to say that UFC fights are fixed is a bold statement. Look, these fighters bust there asses in the gym training and I'm sure they're not the type to lay down. I really dont think that any MMA mainstream events/promoters are targeting their champs to be of white descent....that's ludicrous. The fight between Rampage/Griffin could've gone either way...Griffin just had the better game plan. If you look at all of Griffin's fights, he executes his game plan accordingly. He took Tito to a decision, submitted Rua (who is bar far one the dangerous LHW), and beat the LHW champ. The only blemish on his record is getting KO'ed by Jardine. I think Rampage took Griffin lightly and paid for it...that's all. I surely dont think the judges and UFC didn't wanted Rampage to lose because he's black.

Lidell is the poster boy for UFC and there's no denying it. But I dont think Dana White has put all of the companies stock in him. Lidell has been in the UFC long enough and helped build it. He was the champ for a long time when MMA was still "green". A fight between Lidell and Griffin would've been great, but he lost to Evans. So to be fair, besides Machida...Evans gets a title shot.

I would like to see Wanderlie make a run for the title...and if he does beat Rampage, hopefully he can fight the winner between Evans/Griffin.

Please dont make this a racial issue...I respect your opinions, stories, and capping abilities, but MMA is far fetch from being racial.

Interesting the Florida commission is investigating now...

Boo-ya...not looking good..

Report: State of Florida launches investigation of ProElite and EliteXC

October 10, 2008 by Sam Caplan

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A preliminary investigation surrounding questionable circumstances involving this past weekend’s main event between Kevin “Kimbo Slice” Ferguson and Seth Petruzelli during EliteXC and CBS’ Saturday Night Fights in South Florida has been launched by the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation.
The news is according to Franklin McNeil of ESPN.com and the Newark Star-Ledger.
Questions about Petruzelli’s 14-second first round TKO over Slice initially surfaced on Monday following an interview with 104.1 FM in Orlando.
“The promoters kind of hinted to me and they gave me the money to stand and trade with him,” Petruzelli told the hosts of the “The Monsters in Orlando” morning radio show. “They didn’t want me to take him down, let’s just put it that way. It was worth my while to try to stand up and punch with him.”
The FDBPR initially told FiveOuncesOfPain.com earlier this week that it had no immediate plans to launch an investigation. While the state of Florida is now switching gears, it does not appear they believe any foul play was involved.
“While the Department of Business and Professional Regulation doesn’t have any reason to believe there was a problem with the Slice-Petruzelli fight, given the interest in it, the Department has begun a preliminary investigation to thoroughly review the circumstances of the fight,” Jennifer Meale, Communications Director for the DBPR, is quoted as saying in ESPN.com’s report.
While it does not appear that ProElite and EliteXC officials tried to fix the outcome of the fight in a traditional sense, questions as to whether it played an unethical role in dictating the nature in which the fight was contested still remain.
During an exclusive interview with FiveOuncesOfPain.com conducted on Tuesday, Petruzelli said that while he did receive a knockout bonus, ProElite and EliteXC officials also offered a submission bonus of equal value as well.
“Yes,” Petruzelli told us when asked if the promotion also offered a submission bonus. “There were submission bonuses, knockout bonuses, and a “Fight of the Night” bonus — just like the UFC does it. They just want an exciting fight no matter where it goes.”
However, EliteXC Head of Fight Operations Jeremy Lappen publicly contradicted Petruzelli after being quoted by Josh Gross in an article for SI.com.
“We don’t give submission bonuses,” SI quoted Lappen. “(But Petruzelli) knew a knockout bonus was possible before the fight.”
Now it appears Lappen could be contradicting himself, unless Gross, a veteran MMA journalist, mis-quoted him because Lappen is quoted in ESPN.com’s report as saying that EliteXC indeed offered Petruzelli a submission bonus.
“We offered Seth Petruzelli a knockout bonus, a submission bonus and “fight of the night” bonus,” Lappen told ESPN.com. “If we were trying to influence the fight, why would we do that?”