I keep thinking about this SB matchup

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
And I can make all these arguments for the Giants.

Though he hasn't seen them with Randy Moss, Giants' DC Steve Spagnuolo
has seen this Pats team in the SB before, two years ago with the Eagles. This is in addition to seeing them four weeks ago in NY.

That bodes very well for NY. As does their front four.

The fact that they have so much skill and speed along the D-line is perhaps the Giants' biggest plus in this game. I know the Pats have a great O-line, a tremendous O-line, but that the Giants can generate pressure with this front by itself is absolutely huge and it allows Spagnuolo to move his LBs around constantly and mix things up.

This obviously helps because that secondary's not very good, but I look at this matchup and I don't think so much about what the Giants did to the Pats defensively a few weeks ago, but what the Eagles could have done to the Pats a couple of years ago had, as we all know now, the Pats not been cheating at the time. I think they can mix it up---I think it will cost them once or twice, but I also think they can get to Brady in this game a couple of times and probably turn him over as well.

On the other side of the ball, being as much of a slave to preparation as he is, I have trouble seeing Peyton Manning not volunteering to feed Eli as much info on how the Pats play as possible. It took a while, but Manning has started to play the Pats better in recent years, and I understand someone saying, 'I want to do it on my own,' (not that I've heard Eli say this), but it would just be stupid not to pick Peyton's brain here.

Besides, is there any other team Peyton would like to see his brother beat in the SB more than NE? I doubt it.

But beyond all that there's how NE has actually played in SBs to this point. Everybody lauds this team for their wins, and rightly so, but they are still 1-2 ATS. They also didn't play all that well in either of the first halves of the Philly game or the Carolina game if memory serves me right.

So as I look at this game, everything rational lines me up behind the Giants for both the spread and the ML.

Except this.

As soon as that GB/NYG game went into OT I thought about the last team to get to the SB via OT from the NFC.

It was Atlanta, winning on the road in Minny. They were a team with a good running game, a shaky QB who could be really good at times, and an OK defense.

In the SB, that Falcon team was absolutely pasted by a Denver Bronco team that was at the height of its run.

They were just crushed.

And I have this horrible feeling that, as much as I want the Pats to lose, that exact same thing might happen this weekend.
some people might think that this is just another day at the office for
NEW ENGLAND, but i believe that this is their statement game of the year. i think they want to go out with a big bang to eliminate any question
about who the (best team ever) was. i can see NEW ENGLAND running the
score up big time in this game. a prediction of (41-17) is very realistic IMO
the (running up the score) complaints won't bother them in this one at all.
they won't be concerned about complaints when they're holding the gold.
N ENG isn't happy just getting here, now they want to prove something.
ELI will be so nervous & shaky for this game that i expect 2 or 3 INT's from him. at least one of them will get ran back for a TD. he's played pretty damn good in his last few games but this one is way to much pressure for him i think. one thing that you can count on for sure is,
COACH BILL will have NEW ENG well prepared for this game, he's the best.

good luck on the game, but i think NEW ENG embarrasses the GIANTS.
Like this:

NE either covers big
Gmen win a close game

The longer this game stays close, the more the Patriots will finally crack.
It's like...thinking about the game will have you pick the Giants. They have played great defense, and recently tamed Brady, Romo and Favre. Pats won three superbowls with just a field gold despite the extra preparation week for coach Belichick. The spread is very high considering the neutal venue.

Overthinking about the game will have you pick the Patriots. I mean you really can't pin it on anything, maybe they "underperformed" against the Jags and Chargers, maybe the Giants "overperformed", but you have no numbers to back it up.
I have flip flopped on this game so many times in the last week its ridiculous.

First of all I cant decide who I want to root for because I cant decide which team I hate less. Do I root against the team that cheated the Birds out of their rightful Super Bowl title with the arrogant, annoying fans or do I root against the hated rival from the division with the arrogant, annoying fans? Im trying to look at this as a positive (i.e. one group of arrogant, annoying fans will lose) as opposed to a negative (one group of arrogant, annoying fans will win and they will become more arrogant and annoying).

That being said, the more I think about it, the more I think if this game had been played last week that the Giants would've won. With the bye, I just cant see any way the Pats lose.

The Giants were on a great momentum streak and were clicking so well that I think the bye is gonna hurt them alot. Also, I dont think the Pats had been playing their best (if LT and Gates and Rivers were healthy, I think the Chargers win that game). Basically just think the bye week kills the Giants' mo and gives the Pats a chance to regroup.

Not to mention the fact that it gave Brady time to be healthy and Belicheater time to perfect his cheating against Coughlin.

Of course all bets are off if Brady's ankle is worse than expected or if some scumbag Giant gets in there and gives that cheater's ankle a little extra twist at the end of a tackle. Matt Cassell???? HA!
You know why I'm still tempted to say the Giants win? Because the Pats have been begging to lose for six weeks now. Just begging for someone to take a game from them.

And I still contend that outside of that first SB against St. Louis, they haven't played exceptionally well for entire games in the SB.

Now, they've played well when they needed to in the second halves of those games, but not for the whole game and that's why they can't seem to cover the number.

But look at their last few games. They gave SD every chance to put points on the board and they just wouldn't take them. They were giving them points, asking them to take the game and they wouldn't do it. The Jags game was closer than the score and Brady was damn near perfect--and they still didn't cover.

Two weeks before that they easily could have lost in NY.

Fine, they played great in the first half against Miami (which ain't hard to do, particularly in NE), but they sleptwalked through a good part of that Jets game in which a defensive TD is what basically gave them the 10 point win--and they didn't cover there either.

The Pittsburgh game was a well-played game. And I think that's the one you need to look at if you're on the Pats because that came the week after they, again, tried to lose. This time to Baltimore. Baltimore should have won that game, that's beyond question. But the next week, NE came out and handed it to Pittsburgh.

Yet, that Baltimore game itself came immediately off a game they could have, maybe should have lost, to Philly.

I swear, my head says NY. It says this Patriots team is trying to give one away, and these Giants do something that can take it from them.

But damn it all if there isn't a little voice inside me that doesn't say, 'yeah, right, 45-14 Pats.'
the more I think about it, the more I cant shake the feeling that I think Eli Manning is gonna remember that hes Eli Manning and throw 2 or 3 picks
I don't think the Jags game was closer than the score. Brady did not throw interceptions, but he missed several big opportunities to put points on the board.

But yes, the Pats have looked strange, mainly Brady, he looks like it's no fun. Manning on the other hand looks great, he can get respect if he wins this one, and I don't think he lacks confidence right now.
the more I think about it, the more I cant shake the feeling that I think Eli Manning is gonna remember that hes Eli Manning and throw 2 or 3 picks

Yeah, that same feeling has cost me for three straight weeks.

The f**ker.
the more I think about it, the more I cant shake the feeling that I think Eli Manning is gonna remember that hes Eli Manning and throw 2 or 3 picks

Yeah, that same feeling has cost me for three straight weeks.

The f**ker.
Same here. :hang:
I'd love to see th f**ker lose for that reason alone.:cheers:
I think claycourtlesson is right, either NE blows them out or the NYG hangs around all game and wins on a late FG, the way the Pats won their first SB. But which is it -- I have no idea.
I think claycourtlesson is right, either NE blows them out or the NYG hangs around all game and wins on a late FG, the way the Pats won their first SB. But which is it -- I have no idea.

Hard, really hard. I'd say you take NYG ML, cause it yields more bang for the buck, but take it with low risk, cause quite frankly, I'm too much of a little, gdmf chicken shit to bet a huge sum against NE on the ML......just terrified of what they can do at a moment's notice.

Risking a ton on a ML against NE is probably an instant rage, then a heart attack, or both.

Let's face it, this Super Bowl sucks balls from a betting standpoint. Vegas is licking their chops, too, cause when a game's many angles just flat out suck, the public gets their asses cleaned.

Here is my suggestion:

NYG ML +420, risking $1.00 to make 4 dollars and 20 cents.
I will start by saying I will not have a dollar on this game.
I feel I have an unbiased view since I really cant stand the Pats.
They have alot of LSU flavor on the team but the attitude they exude got old about 4 or 5 years ago.

Anyway, you can look at this whatever angle you want.
The PATS are gonna destroy the Giants.

FINALLY, everyone is going to give the Giants credit and they are at a neutral site which throws the road streak off. The Pats having been there before will treat as much like a normal game as possible. The Giants will come in pumped up and overpersue and force things early and the hole will be so deep by the end of the 1st quarter that it just becomes a question of how ugly will Eli's first Super Bowl loss be.

The ONLY way the Giants cover the large spread is if the Pats are up 10 late and run the clock out versus attempting to continue to score.
If you dont think Bail-a-chick wants to post a nasty score to cap off his response to SpyGate you dont understand this dudes mentality.

The last game of the regular season was just that the last game of the regular season. The Pats are loaded with players with recent Super Bowl experience and the Giants are lacking for experience across the board.

If Paul Revere were still alive he would be headed through the village shouting the following.......... "The WoodShed is coming The WoodShed is coming"
And I have this horrible feeling that, as much as I want the Pats to lose, that exact same thing might happen this weekend.

It will so please don't waste your money, Joe. You have been far too kind to me this season for me to allow you to throw away money on NYG with at least trying to dissuade you first.

I may be wrong, Im certainly no football expert but it seems after the Giants went public a lot of people are now thinking the Patriots will destroy the Giants. I think the giants will cover and if they can have a good start and get the Patriots thinking, they can win this thing. All in all I think the Giants players' desire to win the super bowl is going to be greater than the Patriots' desire to immortalize their 'mastermind' coach.
and if they can have a good start and get the Patriots thinking, they can win this thing.

I don't get it, catfood, Belichick is one of the all-time greats at adjustments (in-game and preparation). So if NYG gets NE thinking, then they are still at a disadvantage, right?

Also, I think NE jumps out to a early 14-0 lead, so no good start for NYG. This statement is my opinion, but the statement above I wanted you to elaborate on.

And I still contend that outside of that first SB against St. Louis, they haven't played exceptionally well for entire games in the SB.

I think all the NE past gets thrown out the window here mainly because it's NOT the same team and not the same caliber receivers that they have now... and definitely not the same situation for them with more than one motivation factor (being undefeated and winning the bowl)...

this team has been about blowing teams out this season and has been given rediculous lines for most of this season (which they covered many of them)... lately (playoffs), however, things have been a bit different... but still hard to compare to previous seasons as I don't think any of it matters to this year...

with all that said, I think the G-Men cover anyway... and like you said.. even have the chance to win... not because of how New England plays, but because of how the Giants play here.
I won't be expecting a blowout... The Giants are a pretty smart team and they know how to keep plugging away with the run (even when it's not working) until it gets going... Jacobs and Bradshaw could average 3 yards per carry and that still won't stop the Giants from running all game long.. it takes time off the clock and keeps the Patriots off the field... the key will be the effectiveness of the third down plays... if they can keep those chains moving, it should stay close all game long...

The passing game has been effective for the Giants and going against New Englands' 9th ranked defense, they should be okay here... I also think it is going to be crucial to get the background players involved.. like Steve Smith, Kevin Boss, and Toomer...

Defensively, if the Giants can mix it up to a point where Brady won't know if they are coming or not, then they have a chance to keep em' to 3 tds or less for the game.. otherwise, they are going to have to put up alot of points offensively to keep up with them... they need to get pressure as much as possible.
I'm sorry guys but the Giants will NOT cover this game. New England has covered the games they wanted to cover. Just look at the San Diego game. They did not care about covering that game although they had the chance and just sat on the ball to kill the clock. This is THE SUPER BOWL guys. Not your playoffs anymore. Anything and everything the Patriots want to show the world will be shown Sunday. Bilichick run up the score? :smiley_acbe: Eli show up Brady? :eyes:NOT HAPPENING
Anything and everything the Patriots want to show the world will be shown Sunday.

Bilichick run up the score?

funny you mention that... did you see what Tom Brady said after he heard Plaxico predicts a 23-17 win??

he laughed and said "I wish he would have predicted 45-42 or something like that.. and given us more credit to put up more points than that"..

I think they want to definitely score alot of points now.. lol..

should be a good one though... I agree with your point shark... it makes sense they just want to blow them away and finish up the season with a perfect mark, but that also adds alot of pressure to win when the Giants are going into this one as 14 pt dogs... pretty much nothing to lose (well, except a SuperBowl.. lol ), but considering a loss is expected...

if the Giants keep it close or find a way to be ahead by mid 3rd quarter, then you can scratch the blowout... I figure at that point the Patriots will just want the win and will do whatever to get that...

I would not be shocked to see a blowout... in fact, not to many people would be shocked, but the whole world (or at least most of it) would be shocked to see the Giants win... it would probably be a bigger upset than the Namath (Jets) win... lol.

The Patriots would have to pull away early, or it stays close all game.
Blitz...you dont know how much I really want to root for the Giants. Personally I dont like the Patriots. And seeing the Giants knock off a perfect season would be the icing on the cake to a Dolphin's fan like myself. If NE should lose then they would certainly have an asterik next to the win column since they were unable to win the big one like Miami did in their undefeated season. I'm just making a semi educated bet that NE covers this thing. Now, I think the Giants stay close all the way to the third quarter. I believe New England plays off the adjustments the opposing team makes at half time. Its an interesting thing to watch. All these teams that keep it close but still trailing at the half come out after the half with adjustments for the Pats and then just get hammered by Bilichick and Brady. My money will be with NE but my heart will be with the Giants if you can understand that. Will it make my loss if NE loses any less? Only in my gambling account my friend, only in my account. :shake:
I believe it will come down to giants defense..
im pretty sure here that eli manning fucks up dont kno if its INT, fumbles but he will collapse a bit cause of the pressure.

now if NE plays a perfect game on O..their usual im thinking blow out

gonna be on 1Half and NE game
please step away from that pipe sir ! LOL

if you like the G-girls, at least take the points !

if you ever need good tickets, let me know.

LOL...got points..and small ML...

looks like be there tomorrow..but always in need of GOOD tix..preferably when I got automotion giving lap-dances:tiphat:
LOL...got points..and small ML...

looks like be there tomorrow..but always in need of GOOD tix..preferably when I got automotion giving lap-dances:tiphat:

Bar if you want lap dances you have to come to my neck of the woods.

10$ crazy contact allowed- Everything comes off, full contact, sometimes you have to be sly and smooth to get to the promise land though.

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but always in need of GOOD tix..preferably when I got automotion giving lap-dances:tiphat:
one of my best friends sells tix for all concerts & sporting events !
another very good friend of mine is an agent for about 600 girls.
if you ever want to hit the 8 mile strip, let me know in advance.
many others but these are the nicer ones.
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