I just won with detroit. I feel sick


Not all those who wander are lost
Anyone else have the feeling that the Spurs and Detroit need about 2 years off from basketball. The spurs even more than detroit just need to be broken up. When scoring over 25 in a period gets too hard why are they still playing. Not believing either team wins in the post season. Cleveland, Washington, I suppose Boston but not Detroit. Not the Spurs. The word is toast.
I don't know. Love Pistons young guys and they should be ready come post season if Flip will use them in the final games. With their energy coming from the bench, only Boston can stop this team from going to the Finals.
Not what I have seen. Early in the year the Detroit bench looked very good. More recently they seem to score when the starters are doing well but when the starters are having trouble the bench does not seem to help. Usually the Boston bench scores regardless of the starters. They seem much more consistent to me.
And I am quite serious about Cleveland and Washington. See both teams as very live.
Not what I have seen. Early in the year the Detroit bench looked very good. More recently they seem to score when the starters are doing well but when the starters are having trouble the bench does not seem to help

I think that is because Flip usually uses them wrong. The best way for the subs to get going is to leave your starting PG with 3 -4 subs. That way you got a game manager that will control the tempo and feed those guys to easy baskets and they gain confidence thrpugh that. Flip usually brings Stacky as a second - third sub and rarely, unless it garbage time, uses 4 subs together.
That is way it seems that when the starters are good, the bench is good. It is because than it is garbage time and Flip can give his starters rest.
Now look at Boston or Lakers. I have seen Celtics in a tight game going thrugh 4 munites in second quarter with Pierce and four subs many times. That allows you to see, who from the bench is hot and gives them confidence.
Lakers the same. Kobe + 4 subs isn't rare sight at all in Staples Center and even more so, this is the time that Kobe does Jordan's thing and just rests on the floor and barely touches the ball.
I dislike Flip as a coach and wouldn't give him a job in NBDL, not to mention NBA and that is also one of the reasons.
By the way, does anyone remember him using a bench in Minni? Does anyone remember him building any player over the years (Garnett doesn't count)?
Divol..when DET subs play best is when Flip puts 4 of them out there with Sheed...

Spurs are done, they are too old and really cannot do it anymore as Duncan is easy to cover and slowing down. Ginobli is not allowed starting and they are weak against power forwards that can drive.

Pistons might have a better shot but they too will not beat a team that can score more like Lebron did last year to them. Their O could be a problem.

About 2 months ago I was positive that either Dallas or Phoenix wins it all this year. I am still sticking with this pick, I think either of these teams can get hot and steal the championship this year. I look at it like when Miami won it with WADE.

Phoenix if they start scoring with Diaw and Hill and Barbosa watch out, Stodamire is the most dominant low post player and if Oneal can contribute they may win it all.

Dallas also has the ability to be very good on O with Kidd, Howard, Dirk, Terry, I think they can do well also.

I am 100% sure that it will be a team other than Spurs Detroit or Boston winning it all this year. IT will be Phoenix or Dallas , possibly Utah also cause they have what it takes in my opinion.
Divol..when DET subs play best is when Flip puts 4 of them out there with Sheed...


Ok, that only proves my point. I don't know why I wrote PG and gave examples of Pierce and Kobe who are anything but...
I meant one starter and four subs, but still, haven't seen it for a while now. I think that the last time I saw that was when Billups got hurt about a month ago, but I haven't seen all Pistons games of course...

B.A.R. - as Pistons expert, do you think that Flip uses his bench right?
I think that is because Flip usually uses them wrong. The best way for the subs to get going is to leave your starting PG with 3 -4 subs. That way you got a game manager that will control the tempo and feed those guys to easy baskets and they gain confidence thrpugh that. Flip usually brings Stacky as a second - third sub and rarely, unless it garbage time, uses 4 subs together.
That is way it seems that when the starters are good, the bench is good. It is because than it is garbage time and Flip can give his starters rest.
Now look at Boston or Lakers. I have seen Celtics in a tight game going thrugh 4 munites in second quarter with Pierce and four subs many times. That allows you to see, who from the bench is hot and gives them confidence.
Lakers the same. Kobe + 4 subs isn't rare sight at all in Staples Center and even more so, this is the time that Kobe does Jordan's thing and just rests on the floor and barely touches the ball.
I dislike Flip as a coach and wouldn't give him a job in NBDL, not to mention NBA and that is also one of the reasons.
By the way, does anyone remember him using a bench in Minni? Does anyone remember him building any player over the years (Garnett doesn't count)?

I agree with flip using the bench wrong. Last season, for example, carlos delfino was real solid off the bench in the regular season. But when playoff time came around, flip stopped using him. I know playoff bball is a different game, but obviously what they were doing wasn't working