I Just Threw 8 Units Down On Thursday

Gorgolon Lives

The Reverend of CTG
Dallas -7.5 (8 Units)

My book failed to update the line, so I took it big for value. Now the question will remain, do I middle when it gets to 12.5? Or does Dallas just crush this team? Thoughts? This is my biggest full game play of the season.

Right now I'm thinking of keeping 4 units on it, and middle 4 units off...
A 5 point middle in NBA is nice. I see this game right around 10 point mark so I would
i agree with bar, i think i would wait till a couple hours before game time and take it then to get a nice middle.
I disagree, simply because I dont see Miami getting this within 3 possessions. You might get the middle, but I dont think your 7.5 will ever be troubled down the stretch. So why destroy the value you already have?
miami is +13 at bodog. personally i would play the middle. but i like to middle the books whenever possible. like sa -5.5 Atl +8 last night. feels twice as good.
The problem is I dont feel comfortable playing this game at 8 units. This would be my biggest play of the year. I only like the play because of the value at 7.5; I don't necessarily like the game much. I'm most likely going to try middling 4 units and leaving 4 units (roughly) ride. Or I will try to middle it entirely.
Thanks. The line dropped on me late, and I wasnt home to catch it so I was forced to buy up to 13.

Risking 8.8 Units to win 7.4 Units on Miami +13

Risking 8.8 Units to win 8 Units on Dallas -7.5

So, I lose a little less if Dallas blows them out than if Miami covers the 7.5...I can collect 15.4 units if Dallas wins by 8,9,10,11, or 12. If Dallas wins by 13, I collect 8 units.

This is definately going to be fun! I'm glad it's on TV.
This is truly unreal. The most I ever won on a game! 15.4 units. And what's funny is I missed the whole last minute b/c my cable and internet went out. I had no idea if I won until now!!
O and did you here Alridge say they won by a 12pt margin. And they all laughed and looked at Chuck, who looked PISSED. He had Dallas -12.5 or 13 for sure!
It wasn't shady..

He was driving for an uncontested layup and Dirk just kinda layed his arm around him..no moose...the lead was 10 until Harris hit a 22 footer with about 45 secs left..then Dirk hit 2 FT's