I just got Mooshed in the St Louis game


Well-Known Member
I had that thing covered........... My wife and Great Dane walked in 1st and goal.........and just shredded all of my MoJo.:moose::moose::moose::moose::moose::moose:
My Great Dane is the most selfish existence on the planet. He walked in 1st and goal and gave me three Giant licks to the face.

I wanted to bust out in tears as sonn as he did it......worst moosh job ever.:moose::moose::moose::moose:
That's simply FAMILY BL - Family Bad Luck. It never fails that when a family member walks in during the dying moments of a close game, it will go the other way.

This is why I watch games in isolation ..in my capping headquarters.
That's simply FAMILY BL - Family Bad Luck. It never fails that when a family member walks in during the dying moments of a close game, it will go the other way.

This is why I watch games in isolation ..in my capping headquarters.

I made her put him in the master bedroom for late games. When I move to Florida I am going to make one room capping central. I can not take to many more of those bad beats.
Tell me about it. I lost the side AND the total. Dropped ball at the 1/2 yard line. Geesh. When it rains it pours. :hang:
I love my Great Dane as well, great dog. But of my three house dogs there is only one that could of dropped that kiss of death on me.:moose: Exactly the Dane minus the antlers.
I am glad i am not the only one who has family bad luck during games. My girl thinks i am crazy and wont come around during games anymore. Well, ever since she walked in on the 4th and a mile hook and latter play last year in the fiesta bowl!
I have a female friend, No not that kind. I am 6-0 at her house in the last two weeks. Her Husband does not like football......anyway I told my wife that I was 6-0 over there and she needs to get her Moosh straight or I will watch the games there.:36_11_6:

I have Denver they are up 7 and Chi has it 4th and goal. She let him out and he did it again:eyes:
There's also BL FRIEND - Bad Luck Friends

There was this guy NANDA the PANDA, he was so bad luck that when the Senators were playing the New Jersey Devils in game 7 , SEns were leading 1-0 in the third period and NANDA walked into the bar, and all my friends started swearing almost started a brawl. sure enough the Curse of NANDA came through and SENS lost 2-1 that game. Jersey scored 2 goals within minutes of NANDA showing up at the BAR.

Also BAd LUCK BARS too,
Yep.....I have those stories too. The guy who everyone in town finds out what he is playing so they can fade him every game.:18_1_104v: Frucking Wife and DOG. Here comes the field goal.

I am going to just lose it here. Kiss of Death twice in one fucking day. On the goaline.