I hereby call for a moratorium on Kobe Bryant Trade talks...

Is there talk he might be traded?

On another note, has anyone heard anything about the Yankees?
Didn't know Kobe was un happy.. Isnt there a big game on sunday?
Kobe, Magic Johnson and a supplemntal draft pick to the Yanks for A-Rod, Torre and Donnie baseball

But Mr. Met is staying in NY, right? 'Cause that would f**k me all up.
Kobe, Magic Johnson and a supplemntal draft pick to the Yanks for A-Rod, Torre and Donnie baseball

But Mr. Met is staying in NY, right? 'Cause that would f**k me all up.
Still ealy in the FA period to confirm that Joe.
Still ealy in the FA period to confirm that Joe.

Damn it all straight to hell.

The next thing you know they'll find Youppi out on the corner spinning one of those signs pointing you toward the nearest Subway restaurant.
Please dont use big words like moratorium in front of degenerate gamblers.
I completely agree with you redbearde. Nothing suggested to date makes any sense at all. And how can the likes of ESPN's Ric Bucher have any credibility left at all? He's always popping up acting like something is about to happen only to have it shot down hours later.