I hate being "that guy" who starts this thread but...

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Old Man Dan
anyone heard from Grind? The dude was money in bases last year, but after NCAA he kinda disappeared. Unless he said his goodbyes without me seeing. Just wondering what happened to one of our better cappers.
He was killing it in cbb, up over 100 units...had a rough couple days in the conference tourneys, lost I think about 30 units or so in those couple days. Then I guess decided to take a break. Wish he'd start posting again.
I'm trying to remember who I used to follow on this site, it's been a while. I remember i followed Hile. Is he still around?
He was killing it in cbb, up over 100 units...had a rough couple days in the conference tourneys, lost I think about 30 units or so in those couple days. Then I guess decided to take a break. Wish he'd start posting again.
that actually has nothing to do with it. He has other things going on right now... he's busy.
thats cool. obviously, real life is much more important than ctg. there have been some good dudes who stopped posting bc of real life. i was just wondering. hope hes back, and more importantly, hope all is well in his life.
that actually has nothing to do with it. He has other things going on right now... he's busy.

I dunno, p2w...I was reading his threads daily, tailing most his plays. He's a great capper and made me a lot the previous March when he was on absolute fire. All I know is after those 2 really bad days that he stopped posting. I'm sure I'm not the only one that was looking for his threads, sure there were many people searching for em. Just stating the facts from my observation. Like I said, hope he starts posting again, amazing capper.
I'm trying to remember who I used to follow on this site, it's been a while. I remember i followed Hile. Is he still around?

dont think ive seen that name in awhile, he was good tho. would love to see him come back. but, like this thread, life happens. hope alls good for him.
I dunno, p2w...I was reading his threads daily, tailing most his plays. He's a great capper and made me a lot the previous March when he was on absolute fire. All I know is after those 2 really bad days that he stopped posting. I'm sure I'm not the only one that was looking for his threads, sure there were many people searching for em. Just stating the facts from my observation. Like I said, hope he starts posting again, amazing capper.

yeah, we dont knwo anything because we dont talk to him. on one hand, it was a rough stretch, so yeah, possibly he just wanted a break. On the other, hes won so much more than that in the past, so maybe that was just a blip on his radar, and his reasons for not posting are deeper than that.

whichever it is, i hope hes doing well, and we would all love to have him back for bases. but if not, hope alls great with him
I remember I think it was steed who said he (Grind) was real busy. My guess is he'll eventually be back posting whenever he finishes whatever he's doing.
I never heard of CTG until Grind told me to join here. He's the best capper in cbb and mlb on any site. Guys just need to let him be for a minute. Wins and losses during a period of a week or so have nothing to do with anything, he's crushed everything for years.
[TABLE="class: simpletable, width: 639"]
<tbody id="yui_3_8_1_10_1365737081167_28">[TR="class: row2 transaction-1 double-transaction"]
[TR="class: row1 transaction-1 double-transaction"]
[TD="class: date"]Apr 11 10:10am[/TD]
[TD="class: player"]
[TD]Free Agents[/TD]
[TD="class: team-name"]Grind[/TD]
[TR="class: row2 transaction-1 double-transaction"]
[TD="class: date"][/TD]
[TD="class: player"]
[TD="class: team-name"]Grind[/TD]

exactly re. still involved w/ ctg fantasy mlb. peeps just need to give him space. chill err body.
no, the fact that err body at ctg seen youre wives titties...or sis in laws titties is whats cray...

huh? never a naked pic so not sure what you mean. If you're talking about my avatar, ummmm okay.

How does a guy need space?...he doesn't come on here anymore so he has no idea he's being "sweated" in this thread. I'm not even sure he's being sweated for his picks, sounds like guys just want to know if all is well since he just kinda vanished mid tourney. How much more space can you have than not even knowing what's happening on the site?

For the record, I couldn't care less where he is (as long as he is okay health wise) because I wasn't following his plays. I just find this thread hilarious at this point and commented on it.

I also said weird, not "cray."
i typically feel like this whole thread once march madness has ended and i have to refocus on actual work
Give him space? Was this a breakup?

Whole thing is getting weird now.

Thursday boozeday?


Thread turned shitty so those posts are cleaned up and everyone can just move on. Not blaming anyone in particular...
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