I am going to see OJ Mayo tomorrow night..

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What will the line be.. and how many points will the self promoter score?? Also who do you compare his game too?

Im guessing 22 and 30 .. Gilbert Arenas

Its Southern Cal @ The Citadel :36_7_2:

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OJ Mayo is overrated, he's already at the apex of his game, and he has no sportsmanship. have fun tonight though, should be a bloodbath.
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Telfair could be bout right, but he has better size I think...

OJ is a baller but man is the kid a headcase....game reminds of Jason terry.
Dude i dont think is a headcase, hes just overconfident. He knows what he wants.. my question is the dude a team player
Dude i dont think is a headcase, hes just overconfident. He knows what he wants.. my question is the dude a team player

I wouldn't say it's overconfidence, the majority of the league is over confident, the majority of top level collegiate players are over confident, but they don't pull the stupid stunts Mayo has, as a HS player he had himself in more muck and negative spotlight than Pro/College players. Goodluck with anyone who decides to take a chance on him.
Kid is pretty solid. Citadel played zone all game so he couldnt get off. I would say best case scenario Gilbert Arenas.. Worst case scenario Flip Murray or Antonio Daniels
oj mayo is not antonio daniels. antonio daniels is the best backup pg in nba. lol. hes a tweener of flip and gilbert.
It's clear now. I am just saying its no lock he is gonna be a good nba player. Most guards who have gone pro have sucked i.e. telfair ( well livingston was getting better).. we'll see.