Hypothetical Notre Dame-Oklahoma

Wow I'm happy you posted this. I just looked at my PR and I would have

Oklahoma -2

I think I may be off here and I do have ND up-adjusted about 4 points from end of last year but if I saw that line I think I would be inclined to bet Notre Dame
yeah I'm apparently off and I think it's b/c I'm low on ND by a couple of points and maybe high on OU by a point
Here's mine based on pre-season numbers

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[TD="width: 94"] Neutral
[TD="width: 94"]
[TD="width: 94"] Notre Dame
[TD="width: 94"]
[TD="width: 94"]
[TD="width: 94"] Oklahoma
[TD="width: 94"]
[TD="width: 94"]

N Dame -3.

I'd lay the 3.

Stoops fired or changed assignments of almost every coach on the team in order to keep from having to fire his half-wit brother. He banished his brother from the sidelines to the pressbox, but he is still listed as defensive coordinator, something he has proved he cannot do on his own. At least Bob has taken responsibility for the D-backs--a disaster last year--away from Mike and made him a linebacker coach.

They are learning a new offense, with a new coordinator, and don't have a proven QB. When they settle on a QB he will be playing behind a rebuilt line with three guys who have never started a game before. Loaded at RB, but only one proven WR.

There is still talent on the roster, but their recruiting has taken a hit the last couple of years with the emergence of aTm as an SEC team and the rise of TCU and Baylor. It appears they will have to start a minimum of four JC transfers this year and it may be more.

Stoops was embarrassed last year with fans booing at home, something that had never happened since he had been there, so he is determined to improve things, but that is no sure thing with the roster they have.
Just now starting to feel like it's football time, Schrute, so I haven't done much handicapping work so far. I still don't have a good fix on most teams, so I'm counting on the board to bring me up to speed.