
Wreck it Ralph....
6-0 ATS betting on Uconn games.

Let me get this out before I start- The call vs Louisville was unfair, and I can see many being upset by the non-action of the referees. However, I was at that game and They blew TWO calls. that punt that taylor ran back, and they blew the call when Uconn recovered a fumble on the Loui 1 yd line and they didnt even review it, said that it hit a uconn player, which was absolutely false.

Two bad calls- Now if you'll respect that, I dont want to hear anything about either in the replies. thank you.

I've looked at this play very long and hard. It's probably the toughest play I've made on Uconn all year. Tyler Lorenzen has been playing good enough to keep his team in the games all year, and the same will be true tommororw. He wont wow you, but what people don't notice about him is that he gets first downs. He runs hard and takes big hits. He's a winner. and whats funny is he has overall better passing stats than Grothe.

A lot of what people don't realize when they bet on Uconn games is the coaching mindframe of Randy Edsall. He is a very undderrated coach, hes had a few losing seasons and it sucks because a lot has to do with recruiting and the big name schools in our region. Anyways, he knows why USF lost to Rutgers and hes going to exploit that to the fullest tommorrow. Remember this name: ANDRE DIXON. He's lights out, and a very hard runner. Hes averaging 5+ yards a carry and they are defenitely going to give it to him 20+ times. Donald Brown will see less and less of the ball if he continues to play poorly and turn the ball over.

I like what USF's offense does, but its based on Grothe. Rutgers got pressure on him and he had a difficult game. I kind of think he'll be wearing tommorrow, and the husky defense is going to not give up an inch and make him work hard. They have a great defense which I've been preaching since day 1 (all you haters you know who you are), but when it comes down to it, we are a great takeaway team. Our LB's are very athletic (freshman Scott Lutrus will be all-big east- 18 tackles and a pick vs louiville) and Our secondary is a great one.

I've debated this pick very much, but I feel USF is in a big letdown position and I dont care how we won, we won last week and Husky Nation is stoked about it. Give in the rain factor and I LOVE our chances.

I know many of CTG is on USF, so good health and i figured I'd try to give my insight!

Uconn +5
I havent made up my mind yet. Looking at this game hard. Thanks for the input. Rice did run well against USF but alot of it was bad play calling. I think USF's coach learned something and will make it a little more difficult for UConn to run on them. :cheers:
I am a UCONN Alum and have been a UCONN season ticket holder since Rentschler field opened in 2003 and I will be the first to say UCONN loses this game by double digits.

If there was ever a chance to make some of your money back, it is now.

USF 34 - UCONN 10
I am a UCONN Alum and have been a UCONN season ticket holder since Rentschler field opened in 2003 and I will be the first to say UCONN loses this game by double digits.

If there was ever a chance to make some of your money back, it is now.

USF 34 - UCONN 10

i bet i know your name
CLASS ? I say no

I had no bet and no feeling toward either school last week...Now I hate Uconn and the no class shown by the Uconn leadership..To compare both plays from last week is silly..On the punt return the Big East officals were very vocal on the terrible call..They have also punished the backjudge for missing the only thing he is suppose to see..One of the worst calls in the history of the Big East..The Big East also ruled the other punt play was the correct call..For you to compare the two is past the point of being loyal to your team....I know bad calls happen everyweek and will always happen..Last week another really bad missed call happen in the LSU game...Those of us who played the game also know that many chop blocks are not called week after week.. Coach Tubby was vocal the next day and also said a flag should have thrown against his team...He also went public saying that block was not coached at Auburn University..The LSU fans were not happy with what happen but most took him for his word..NOW lets to turn to a coach with no class and see how it was done at Uconn. Coach Edsall was asked about the punt return after the game..He said he saw nothing wrong and will not say anything more untill watching the film...After watching the film he said "All I saw was him catch a punt, run up the sidelines and score a TD".So that is your leader of men ..the Uconn way..Maybe you can respect that statement.. Everyone of the Uconn players and anyone who has seen the play know that is a LIE ..Nothing but a Lie. A local radio station played his statement over and over this week..Then everyone would laugh..No Class ..No Class..No Class...I will not be pulling for your team this season.Have a good day.
I said please keep this out of my thread. I know your opinion, i heard it a lot last week. Please don't post that If i asked nicely not to.

Your a Louisville homer and rightfully mad. Please don't bash my team. No reply is needed. Thank you
I havent made up my mind yet. Looking at this game hard. Thanks for the input. Rice did run well against USF but alot of it was bad play calling. I think USF's coach learned something and will make it a little more difficult for UConn to run on them. :cheers:

It had nothing to do with bad play calling IMO. USF is small and fast and can't stop power running games. It is as simple as that. If Uconn has the ability to pound the ball between the tackles then USF will have another long day on defense
Hell yeah. What a game! Time for all the doubters to give UConn props-

They are very much for real.
I was on UConn again this week and this team is definitely for real @ home...I would still like to see them go on the road and win a big game(Pitt does not count)...Go into Cincy or WV and knock one of them off and that would really show me something...I really do like this team though especially on the defensive side of the ball...Another great call on your boys Husky...Keep it up Bud:cheers:
Oh Man... What a great game. We all got fucking stoked when it started raining though it didnt last long. This defense is incredible. Stopped USF twice at the 3 yard line then sacked them to set up 4th and 13. Incredible. We all rushed the feild and it was honestly a better feeling than last years Pitt OT win.

As 15,000 were on the field, the chants went as this "BCS- BCS- BCS".. and "bring on rutgers, bring on rutgers"

I cant wait for next week.. I see the line being around 3.. but were going to BRING it to them

sorry to those who hate me ;)