How should the last two games impact Lamar Jackson's Heisman hopes?


Goodbye to Romance College Football
I've never necessarily thought that a QB had to lead a perfect record or couldn't have a loss to win the Heisman, I do however think that errors and mistakes directly leading to the team's loss need to be held against said candidate. Such as RGIII, 3 losses, in atleast 2 of those games if I remember right, his turnovers/poor play directly negatively impacted Baylor's chances of winning.

So today Jackson threw 3 INTs and fumbled away on 1st down from the UK 10 what could've been the final possession of the game should LV had got a TD or FG in a tie game under 2 minutes left.

Some say being sacked 11 times last week vs Houston, makes him look even better since we got to see what he is working with in front of him?

I recall Virginia sacking him 5x, one on 4th down when Jackson appeared to not know what he was doing.

The good outweighs the bad overall, but how much might his warts hurt him?

Also wondering if the nation may have Jackson fatigue since we've been hearing he is the Heisman winner since September there may be some backlash and surge for another candidate just because?

Not sure on any of that myself, what are your thoughts?
Lamar Jackson should be the Heisman winner this year. Who else could really even be in the conversation?
The guy's a loser. No heart. Nowhere close to getting on my ballot if I had one.
I'd vote for Watson since he got shafted last year when he was 100 times more deserving than Henry. Then maybe Dalvin Cook and Pumphrey to round out the ballot.
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Probably be down to Jackson and Mayfield but doubt he lost it today. Probably should have with those boneheaded mistakes that cost me some coin.
Mayfield has zero chance.

According to the most recent poll of Heisman voters, no one really has a chance outside of Jackson.

I guess it's likely that Barrett picked up some votes today, but hard to see Jackson not win it.
I guess it's likely that Barrett picked up some votes today, but hard to see Jackson not win it.

Sure he may have picked up some votes, but you're right it's really hard to see Jackson not winning it. Barrett would have had to pick up a shit ton of votes today to even make it close based on that poll. I mean, that's blowout city right there.
I hate Peppers' candidacy. It's another tricked-up bullshit campaign like Woodson's. Just a powerful school manipulating the system. The Heisman is for QB's and tailbacks, and the best tailback is Cook, and the best QB -- by far -- is Watson.
I hate Peppers' candidacy. It's another tricked-up bullshit campaign like Woodson's. Just a powerful school manipulating the system. The Heisman is for QB's and tailbacks, and the best tailback is Cook, and the best QB -- by far -- is Watson.

Well Watson's a junior and Jackson's a he should be the better QB...and it seems the Heisman voters don't see it that way anyway. Either way, Watson will simply be the next over-hyped QB to be drafted WAAAAY too early and will be a bust at the next level. It's pretty predictable at this point...yet someone will draft him 1st (or 2nd, or 3rd) overall and then wonder why he isn't what they thought he was.
Barrett not having a Heisman season, neither is Mayfield. Can't forget the Houston and Ohio State games and he wasn't asked to do much vs West Virginia.

Guess, you are right really, question is who else gets invited...on balance not many can hold a candle to Jackson. Adore Jackson would be a more worthy candidate than Jabrill Peppers though.

Cook and Foreman should be invited. Running for 2000y used to be an automatic Heisman until the Davis brothers started doing it at ISU.

Zay Jones at ECU just has a stupid 158 catches, just wow.
I hate Peppers' candidacy. It's another tricked-up bullshit campaign like Woodson's. Just a powerful school manipulating the system. The Heisman is for QB's and tailbacks, and the best tailback is Cook, and the best QB -- by far -- is Watson.

I think if you can dominate games on D, like Ndamukong Suh maybe. Or if you can return punts/kicks, get turnovers and spend some meaningful time on O, that can get you enough recognition if it is real. With Peppers, Michigan O would work down the field, then they put him in to run wildcat QB in the RZ when any number of Michigan players could've scored the TD. It's a non-factor. Woodson had a bigger impact on games I feel than Peppers does.
With Peppers, Michigan O would work down the field, then they put him in to run wildcat QB in the RZ when any number of Michigan players could've scored the TD. It's a non-factor.

That's my point.
That's my point.

Sure, you're right about Peppers...but comparing him to Woodson is kinda silly imo. Woodson was a completely different player who impacted games on a different level than Peppers.
Well Watson's a junior and Jackson's a he should be the better QB...and it seems the Heisman voters don't see it that way anyway. Either way, Watson will simply be the next over-hyped QB to be drafted WAAAAY too early and will be a bust at the next level. It's pretty predictable at this point...yet someone will draft him 1st (or 2nd, or 3rd) overall and then wonder why he isn't what they thought he was.

No disrespect to him, but that is the great thing about college football...talented players like that just come around all the time. Maybe not all at one school, but difference making impact players that do things to make you pick your jaw up off the floor...there is a new guy every year doing the same thing, or better.
No disrespect to him, but that is the great thing about college football...talented players like that just come around all the time. Maybe not all at one school, but difference making impact players that do things to make you pick your jaw up off the floor...there is a new guy every year doing the same thing, or better.

Sure, who would disagree with that? The fact is that Jackson the guy who has been that impact player this season. And those impact players deserve to win the Heisman. And this isn't even my opinion, it seems to be what the Heisman voters are saying as well.
Sure, you're right about Peppers...but comparing him to Woodson is kinda silly imo. Woodson was a completely different player who impacted games on a different level than Peppers.

That was a long time ago. Without the Internet and a million satellite channels, we all had less information.

So, you may be right about Woodson.
What if you can dominate games on offense? What if Nick Saban says his team can't stop you? Who would that be?

Is that what he said about Watson?

I agree, I think last year would've been the year for Watson. He just isn't as impressive with his legs, maybe he isn't being asked to, or told not to, or whatever. I hate this word, but more "dynamic" last season. I'm sure he is still capable of it, just aren't seeing it much these days. Maybe he will get some late run and make an invite again.
That was a long time ago. Without the Internet and a million satellite channels, we all had less information.

So, you may be right about Woodson.

Agreed, it's a different world these days. Woodson was a stud and he impacted games each and every week it seemed. I'm just saying Woodson isn't a fair comparison to Peppers....Woodson did a lot more to "impact" football games.
don't think watson played worth a shit for the first half of the season. mayfield...nope, not in that conf. plus he sucked major cock vs houston and ohio st. jt...he's not accurate at all on anything more than about 15 yds. good player, but not anywhere close to the best in the country. pump...sdsu plays no one and it's not supposed to be a lifetime achievement award. i love the kid, but nah. peppers...c'mon, no f'n way. other guy i heard recently was brain hurts even considering that after watching today's game.

lamar isn't a perfect candidate, but he's still had far and away the best season this year and will rightfully win the trophy.
I hate Peppers' candidacy. It's another tricked-up bullshit campaign like Woodson's. Just a powerful school manipulating the system. The Heisman is for QB's and tailbacks, and the best tailback is Cook, and the best QB -- by far -- is Watson.
Also, no Lamar. As good as he was at times.

Worst year I can recall....on many fronts.
and yes, last year was a total joke. mccaff or watson would have been fine. henry was a complete joke. ingram winning over suh and suh not even finishing 2nd or 3rd is still the worst voting I've ever seen. suh was so far and away the best player I wanted to cry at how stupid the voting was.
I hate Peppers' candidacy. It's another tricked-up bullshit campaign like Woodson's. Just a powerful school manipulating the system. The Heisman is for QB's and tailbacks, and the best tailback is Cook, and the best QB -- by far -- is Watson.
Award became meaningless the year Reggie Bush won. So laughably funny.

Don't see anyone beating Jackson. Wonder what they transition Jackson into when it is nfl time.... he won't be playing QB
cook is a monster. if someone wanted to argue he's the best player, I wouldn't complain much about it. lamar did brutally buttrape cook's team though, not that it was cook's fault.
Jackson is likely gonna win in one of the more lopsided votes in recent history and the only people that will complain will be those that think "their guy" should have won. Don't know about everyone else but I used to watch the whole hour of the show in anticipation, now it's a matter of if it's on a tv somewhere that I'm at or have nothing to do.
and yes, last year was a total joke. mccaff or watson would have been fine. henry was a complete joke. ingram winning over suh and suh not even finishing 2nd or 3rd is still the worst voting I've ever seen. suh was so far and away the best player I wanted to cry at how stupid the voting was.

Navy kid last year IMO
keenan was a fine player and i wish he had been sent to NY but again, not a lifetime award. if you think lamar can't throw, I can't imagine what you'd say about reynolds.
just looking for the best player and by best player, i mean the player who played the best over the course of the season. who impacted the game the most? who elevated his team? who, if you put him on another team, would have made that other team worlds better?
Probably athlete.

Right, that was my guess as well. But ATH is not something that is widely used. He could have simply used 4 more letters and written out athlete. I've misplaced my decoder ring, so I wasn't 100% certain what he was saying.
How has mcaffrey done this year? Haven't watched Stanford play.

hurt some, OL not near as good as last year. QB play pretty bad also, so teams have geared up to stop him. i heard on the radio a couple weeks ago he was still like 8th in the country in all purpose yardage, so he's still doing something right.
Right, that was my guess as well. But ATH is not something that is widely used. He could have simply used 4 more letters and written out athlete. I've misplaced my decoder ring, so I wasn't 100% certain what he was saying.
It is commonly used. Not here maybe.
just looking for the best player and by best player, i mean the player who played the best over the course of the season. who impacted the game the most? who elevated his team? who, if you put him on another team, would have made that other team worlds better?

That's a great way to put it. As a Clemson fan, I would take Watson over Jordan 10 times out of 9. He would not make Clemson "worlds better" or better at all. And if there's any team that he wouldn't make better, he's not the best player in the country.

Now, Clemson has an excellent and underrated tailback, but Dalvin Cook would make Clemson better. There's no denying that.
Biggest snub ever was Orlando Pace not winning it back in 1996, even worse than Reggie over Vince.

If y'all want to argue for Orlando Pace and Suh, I'm all ears and entirely sympathetic. However, we all know that most of the voters don't have the time and/or expertise to judge players who don't handle the ball and rack up stats. The good news for those players, and players like them, is that they did or will make a lot of money in the NFL.
You could still get the field yesterday morning at 30/1. If they even invite anyone other than Jackson it's just to enjoy a fun trip to NYC. He could have gone 0-5 passing yesterday with 5 pick 6s and still won this thing. It's such a dumb award but there really isn't any chance at all any of these other guys get any votes
That's a great way to put it. As a Clemson fan, I would take Watson over Jordan 10 times out of 9. He would not make Clemson "worlds better" or better at all. And if there's any team that he wouldn't make better, he's not the best player in the country.

Now, Clemson has an excellent and underrated tailback, but Dalvin Cook would make Clemson better. There's no denying that.

I think anyone would have a hard time rewatching the clem/ville game and trying to make the case that watson was the better player. if you had flipped rosters for that game, I think lamar would have won by about 30. at least that's what I remember thinking at the time. maybe I'm wrong.