How shady are the clock operators in Hawaii?

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
It's as if just because their games are on in the middle of the night they figure they can pretty much do whatever they want.

I'm glad I just sort of bet this thing for fun.
i was getting drunk, didn't watch a minute of this game, but had cinci-7.5, wut happened
i was getting drunk, didn't watch a minute of this game, but had cinci-7.5, wut happened

Hawaii decided to come to play and Cincy was just happy to be on the island. That's the short version.
The most blatant was the end of the 1st half with little time left on the clock. Hawaii had the ball driving but the clock was not moving. There was like:23 left. The refs had to stop play 3 times to ask the clock operator to remove time from the clock. The operator was slow throughout the 1st half. Just amazing how much crap goes on in that stadium. Really shady.
The most blatant was the end of the 1st half with little time left on the clock. Hawaii had the ball driving but the clock was not moving. There was like:23 left. The refs had to stop play 3 times to ask the clock operator to remove time from the clock. The operator was slow throughout the 1st half. Just amazing how much crap goes on in that stadium. Really shady.

I agree the clock operators were fucked up......

But the thing is.......

They were Big East Officials.....
That's actually exactly when I posted this, Books. The ref was visibly upset. It was ridiculous. Not only what you posted, but then after all that, right before the end of the half, they let time run off the clock to keep Cincy from getting another play.
Here is the problem i had with the time keeper at the end of the half. Some of you will appreciate this idea.

First, we all agree that, whether we bet for this reason or not, it is an investment. You invest money in hopes of a profit. We are speculating that team A will outperform team B based on research and analysis. Much like an investor in commodities. Now we have to be able to assume that the terms of the investment are fair.

Similar to insider information in stock trading. If the clock operator is manipulating the outcome that is a serious problem. Just as it would be a problem if a major stock holder dumps 100,000 shares of your stock because he knows the 3rd quarter reports will show a 3 billion dollar loss.

Maybe this sounds a little kooky, but think about it. I have lost games because of 10 seconds. just 10. If that operator fudges just a little each time you could kill a minute off of a game.

Get RJ on the case.
Just like you say LJC, with the way the clock was run. The field goal before half may or may not have been able to be attempted. This may throw momentum in a whole different direction. We will never know.

I will give props to the HA team speed. Those guys are a hell allot faster than I remembered when I watched them against SJST.
You're absolutely right, LJC.

The problem is, I am certain that we both have bet on games that have not been on a level playing field if you know what I mean. Sometimes we've probably even benefited from it without knowing it.

Hell, there have been games where I've said out loud that I'm glad I'm on the right side with the refs.

But I do think Hawaii offers potentially more opportunity than other places because those games are played during the dead of night for most of the rest of the country and they usually involve teams nobody's paying too much attention to.
You have to take this into account when you make your numbers on hawaii games. I've heard that at halftime of a Nebraska/Hawaii game 25 years ago or so that Osborne told the refs they better start calling it fairly or he would make sure they never work another game.