How is Nebraska favored?


Used to be "Fun Cub"
This team is in complete meltdown mode. The defense has given up. The offense is terrible. The rumor is that the athletic director is going to be fired today or tomorrow. Asst. coaches may also be gone this week. The big money boosters apparently met today and pledged all of the money to buy out Callahan, the AD, and the entire football staff. This team was down 38-0 at halftime at home to Okie St. A&M beat Okie St. 8 days ago. I just don't get it.
Because Aggy is in meltdown too, just not to the extent Nebraska is.

Aggy still supports the coach, even if the fans and alums don't.

I'm leaning Aggy in a road revenge spot especially if I can get +3.
I took the Ags at 2.5. Went down to 2 after I hit it. I don't see how NU wins another game this year, though you never know if you'll get a spark after a few coaches get canned. What a nightmare.
I will tell you what a former spread maker told me, in Vegas when they make lines, they fear setting "easy" lines with well know powerhouses. For example, he could never make a team like Nebraska a huge dog because too many people who are fans of Nebraska would bet them and he loses his 50-50.
This will be the last game we (A&M) win this year. Fran and Callahan know that they are lame ducks. The only difference is that Fran still has his team behind him.
Fran may have the team behind him but they appear unprepared like Fran is busy getting ready for his exit instead of coaching!!!
I don't know how behind Fran the aggie team is. Looked like they gave up in Lubbock when Tech went up 21-7.
NU can stop the run and that is all A&M can do.....I like Huskers laying less than 3 at home......beleive it or not, A&M is in just as bad shape.
Word is that Fran has already been bought out. Hes on his way out and the only question is whether his exit is effective immediately or at the end of the year. Aggy wants to get a jump on Nebraska to interview the top candidates!
NU can stop the run and that is all A&M can do.....I like Huskers laying less than 3 at home......beleive it or not, A&M is in just as bad shape.

No, Nebraska can not stop the run. Didn't stop Wake, didn't stop USC, didn't stop Ball ST., didn't stop Okie St. Defense can't stop the run or the pass. They're terrible and probably the worst defense I have ever seen play D1 Football.
NU can stop the run and that is all A&M can do.....I like Huskers laying less than 3 at home......beleive it or not, A&M is in just as bad shape.

Both teams played Okie St. at home the last two weeks. One won by a pt. The other was down 38-0 at halftime. One is certainly in worse shape than the other.
aggy was down 17-0 at halftime and got much more homecoming than the huskers did. the 17 could have easily been 28.

very little difference in the two squads imo. huskers get homefield and the better qb if that's saying anything. line makes sense to me.
I'm betting NU to cover.

Believe it or not, atm's moral is just as bad or worse than NU's. Gotta go with NU at home.

As a sidenote, how far have these two programs fallen. NO teevee for this pillow fight!

Also, atm lost their best cover corner this week for the year Danny Gorrer - ACL. The spares that replace him, most likely, Peterson, should be exploited.
hard to imagine the best aggy can fire out at lb are two really slow ones.

that lb rookie lewis will play on sunday's though, he's friggin fast and fierce.