How has Philly clinched #1 seed?


Big Dick and Average Size Boat
If they lose next Sunday & Vikes win which is a very likely scenario; they will have same record overall, division & conference. Vikes losses to Pitt, Det & Car, none of whom Philly played so that tie breaker is out. SOS & SOV both go to Minn. So WTF am I missing here?
Shit, Philly beat Carolina, guess that game is the deal breaker. Sucks cause it gives Vikes a tougher road playing the better team in the first game whereas Philly will likely lose to whomever comes into town.
Yeah common games tiebreaker. Philly is 5-0 vs Car, Wash, Chi and LAR. Minny is 3-1 and will be at best 4-1.

Common games is way too high on the tiebreak ladder. Strength of victory and strength of schedule should rate higher. Why should 4 randomly common opponents trump entire season results?
I agree. Looks like Philly has the lowest SOS & SOV of all the likely playoff teams.